This repo builds a GitHub Pages site to run the examples from the trading-strategy pypi module.
Build by running
This creates a docker container with the required packages for the build, then calls cmake.
This builds three things: 1) Pyodide (WASM based CPython), along with various custom modules which are dependencies of trading-strategy. This is a stock build of pyodide v20.0, with the exception of added packages
2) Packages for pyodide Pyodide packages have to be built inside a pyodide build, which is what we do here. Most of the dependencies included are pure python so just work in pyodide, or simple C extensions which build easily using the pyodide automatic build system.. Exceptions are:
3) jupyterlite Jupyter-lite is a jupyter notebook environment which uses the pyodide kernel to allow you to run iPython notebooks entirely in the browser. We use a stock build here, currently version 0.1.0b7.
Versions of pyodide and jupyterlite are set in Versions of the subpackages installed into pyodide (pyarrow, requests etc.) are set in CMakeLists.txt near the top.
To run the example site, you can either serve it using jupyterlite serve
cd jupyter-src
jupyterlite serve
or just serve the docs folder with python
cd docs
python -m http.server
Then connect to that site in a browser.
Then make sure you nuke out all Docker containers and images:
# Delete containers and their volumes
docker rm -vf $(docker ps -aq)
# Delete images (should not needed - images are immutable)
docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
If you commit this repo to github, and set github pages settings to point to the docs folder, it should serve nicely on there.