trampoline / rews

a Ruby client for Exchange Web Services
MIT License
6 stars 1 forks source link

rews Build Status

Rews has bitrotted and needs work to bring it up to date : This work will need an Exchange server to test against (ideally all of 2007, 2010 and 2013). I no longer have Exchange servers to test against, so someone else will have to take over the project, or users will have to migrate to another project.

Rews is a simple Ruby client for Exchange Web Services


gem install rews


Method names generally follow the Exchange Web Services API

It has been tested against


# create a client
c ="", :ntlm, 'EXCHDOM\foo', 'password')

# find a distinguished folder from one of the mailboxes the user has permissions for
inbox=c.distinguished_folder_id('inbox', '')

# find some message_ids,
mids = inbox.find_item_id(:restriction=>[:<=, "item:DateTimeReceived",],
                          :sort_order=>[["item:DateTimeReceived", "Ascending"]],
                          :indexed_page_item_view=>{:max_entries_returned=>10, :offset=>0})

# get some properties for a bunch of messages in one hit
messages = c.get_item(mids, :item_shape=>{
                                [:field_uri, "item:Subject"],
                                [:field_uri, "item:DateTimeReceived"],
                                [:field_uri, "message:InternetMessageId"],
                                [:field_uri, "message:IsRead"],
                                [:field_uri, "message:IsReadReceiptRequested"]]})

# suppress read receipts on any messages which have requested them

# delete the items to the DeletedItems folder
c.delete_item(mids, :delete_type=>:MoveToDeletedItems)

Note on Patches/Pull Requests


Copyright (c) 2011 Trampoline Systems Ltd. See LICENSE for details.