A portable Fortran module for the Perl compatible regular expressions (in Unix).
Notes for "pcreposix":
1) Requires. Make sure that the libs of pcre and pcreposix (i.e. libpcre.a and libpcreposix.a) were installed in our system. For instance, in Debian 8 (Jessie), we can install it quickly using the apt-get command:
and we should have
Further ref. for Debian,
and for Centos,
2) Provides. Files:
and some other cases from
The fortran_pcre package is excelent but this mod_pcreposix goes without the iso_c_binding module. It's just simple.
3) Compiles.
4) Tests. Run all the tests (30+ cases, or you can add more by yourself) by the command
Make sure all the Bash scripts had the executable permission, or add it using the command
5) Run all. To run all after this command
1. call pcre_regcomp ( preg, pattern, istat )
2. call pcre_regexec ( preg, str, pmatch, nmatch, nfound )
3. call pcre_regfree ( preg )
preg integer(kind=8)
pattern character(len=*)
istat integer(kind=4)
str character(len=*)
pmatch integer(kind=4), dimension(2,nmatch)
nmatch integer(kind=4)
nfound integer(kind=4)
The package was well tested in Debian 9 (4.9.0-12-amd64) with gcc version 6.3.0.
Report on any bug of this code at viet204@mail.com.
exe_param.c: C code generating parameters for mod_pcreposix.f90 in-situ.
make.sh has been changed. At the very first time, run
./make.sh config
to revise mod_pcreposix.f90 accordingly to your local system, because the C code exe_param.c will be compiled so as it can generate values of the parameters within the region marked by
in the Fortran file. Just do it only one time. In addition, run
./make.sh clean
to clean out.