transistorsoft / capacitor-background-geolocation

The most sophisticated background location-tracking & geofencing module with battery-conscious motion-detection intelligence for iOS and Android.
MIT License
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"export 'registerPlugin' was not found in '@capacitor/core' #12

Closed luisurruela closed 2 weeks ago

luisurruela commented 2 years ago

Your Environment

Expected Behavior

Successful build

Actual Behavior

Error: ./node_modules/@transistorsoft/capacitor-background-geolocation/dist/index.js 38:19-33 "export 'registerPlugin' was not found in '@capacitor/core'


I think the problem is that I'm using Capacitor Core 2.4. I think this plugin needs capacitor 3. But, what version should I use to make it work with capacitor 2.4?

christocracy commented 2 years ago

Only Capacitor 3 is supported.

ronfak commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, Christocracy's philosophy is to refuse to write version compatibility requirements. I, for one, unfortunately discovered this after I had paid.

If you are using Capacitor 2 and for some reason can't or won't upgrade to Capacitor 3, you can try the Cordova version instead. It should work fine.

I was misled because it says that the plugin exists and has been tested for many years. But the truth is that the Capacitor version has only been around for 2 months or more. However I'm pretty confident that the code behind it is strong, because the native part has been around for years and is the same for all available variants...

christocracy commented 2 years ago

Christocracy's philosophy is to refuse to write version compatibility requirement

It's not a policy. A sentence in the README, such as "Capacitor 3 required" will be pushed soon.

christocracy commented 2 years ago

Capacitor 3+ required

github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This issue was closed because it has been inactive for 14 days since being marked as stale.