transloadit / node-sdk

Transloadit's official Node.js SDK
MIT License
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encoding file-api javascript sdk transloadit uploading

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This is the official Node.js SDK for Transloadit's file uploading and encoding service.


Transloadit is a service that helps you handle file uploads, resize, crop and watermark your images, make GIFs, transcode your videos, extract thumbnails, generate audio waveforms, and so much more. In short, Transloadit is the Swiss Army Knife for your files.

This is a Node.js SDK to make it easy to talk to the Transloadit REST API.



Note: This documentation is for the current version (v3). Looking for v2 docs? Looking for breaking changes from v2 to v3?

Inside your project, type:

yarn add transloadit


npm install --save transloadit


The following code will upload an image and resize it to a thumbnail:

const Transloadit = require('transloadit')

const transloadit = new Transloadit({

;(async () => {
  try {
    const options = {
      files: {
        file1: '/PATH/TO/FILE.jpg',
      params: {
        steps: {
          // You can have many Steps. In this case we will just resize any inputs (:original)
          resize: {
            use: ':original',
            robot: '/image/resize',
            result: true,
            width: 75,
            height: 75,
        // OR if you already created a template, you can use it instead of "steps":
        // template_id: 'YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID',
      waitForCompletion: true, // Wait for the Assembly (job) to finish executing before returning

    const status = await transloadit.createAssembly(options)

    if (status.results.resize) {
      console.log('✅ Success - Your resized image:', status.results.resize[0].ssl_url)
    } else {
        "❌ The Assembly didn't produce any output. Make sure you used a valid image file"
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('❌ Unable to process Assembly.', err)
    if (err.assemblyId) {
      console.error(`💡 More info:${err.assemblyId}`)

You can find details about your executed Assemblies here.


For more fully working examples take a look at examples/.

For more example use cases and information about the available robots and their parameters, check out the Transloadit website.


These are the public methods on the Transloadit object and their descriptions. The methods are based on the Transloadit API. See also TypeScript definitions.

Table of contents:



Returns a new instance of the client.

The options object can contain the following keys:


async createAssembly(options)

Creates a new Assembly on Transloadit and optionally upload the specified files and uploads.

You can provide the following keys inside the options object:

NOTE: Make sure the key in files and uploads is not one of signature, params or max_size.

Example code showing all options:

await transloadit.createAssembly({
  files: {
    file1: '/path/to/file.jpg'
    // ...
  uploads: {
    'file2.bin': Buffer.from([0, 0, 7]), // A buffer
    'file3.txt': 'file contents', // A string
    'file4.jpg': process.stdin // A stream
    // ...
  params: {
    steps: { ... },
    template_id: 'MY_TEMPLATE_ID',
    fields: {
      field1: 'Field value',
      // ...
    notify_url: '',
  waitForCompletion: true,
  timeout: 60000,

Example onUploadProgress and onAssemblyProgress handlers:

function onUploadProgress({ uploadedBytes, totalBytes }) {
  // NOTE: totalBytes may be undefined
  console.log(`♻️ Upload progress polled: ${uploadedBytes} of ${totalBytes} bytes uploaded.`)
function onAssemblyProgress(assembly) {
    `♻️ Assembly progress polled: ${assembly.error ? assembly.error : assembly.ok} ${
    } ... `

Tip: createAssembly returns a Promise with an extra property assemblyId. This can be used to retrieve the Assembly ID before the Assembly has even been created. Useful for debugging by logging this ID when the request starts, for example:

const promise = transloadit.createAssembly(options)
console.log('Creating', promise.assemblyId)
const status = await promise

See also:

async listAssemblies(params)

Retrieve Assemblies according to the given params.

Valid params can be page, pagesize, type, fromdate, todate and keywords. Please consult the API documentation for details.

The method returns an object containing these properties:


Creates an objectMode Readable stream that automates handling of listAssemblies pagination. It accepts the same params as listAssemblies.

This can be used to iterate through Assemblies:

const assemblyStream = transloadit.streamAssemblies({ fromdate: '2016-08-19 01:15:00 UTC' })

assemblyStream.on('readable', function () {
  const assembly =
  if (assembly == null) console.log('end of stream')


Results can also be piped. Here's an example using through2:

const assemblyStream = transloadit.streamAssemblies({ fromdate: '2016-08-19 01:15:00 UTC' })

    through.obj(function (chunk, enc, callback) {
      this.push( + '\n')

async getAssembly(assemblyId)

Retrieves the JSON status of the Assembly identified by the given assemblyId. See API documentation.

async cancelAssembly(assemblyId)

Removes the Assembly identified by the given assemblyId from the memory of the Transloadit machines, ultimately cancelling it. This does not delete the Assembly from the database - you can still access it on{assembly_id} in your Transloadit account. This also does not delete any files associated with the Assembly from the Transloadit servers. See API documentation.

async replayAssembly(assemblyId, params)

Replays the Assembly identified by the given assemblyId (required argument). Optionally you can also provide a notify_url key inside params if you want to change the notification target. See API documentation for more info about params.

The response from the replayAssembly is minimal and does not contain much information about the replayed assembly. Please call getAssembly or awaitAssemblyCompletion after replay to get more information:

const replayAssemblyResponse = await transloadit.replayAssembly(failedAssemblyId)

const assembly = await transloadit.getAssembly(replayAssemblyResponse.assembly_id)
// Or
const completedAssembly = await transloadit.awaitAssemblyCompletion(

async awaitAssemblyCompletion(assemblyId, opts)

This function will continously poll the specified Assembly assemblyId and resolve when it is done uploading and executing (until result.ok is no longer ASSEMBLY_UPLOADING, ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING or ASSEMBLY_REPLAYING). It resolves with the same value as getAssembly.

opts is an object with the keys:


Returns the internal url that was used for the last call to createAssembly. This is meant to be used for debugging purposes.

Assembly notifications

async replayAssemblyNotification(assemblyId, params)

Replays the notification for the Assembly identified by the given assemblyId (required argument). Optionally you can also provide a notify_url key inside params if you want to change the notification target. See API documentation for more info about params.


Templates are Steps that can be reused. See example template code.

async createTemplate(params)

Creates a template the provided params. The required params keys are:

See also API documentation.

const template = {
  steps: {
    encode: {
      use: ':original',
      robot: '/video/encode',
      preset: 'ipad-high',
    thumbnail: {
      use: 'encode',
      robot: '/video/thumbnails',

const result = await transloadit.createTemplate({ name: 'my-template-name', template })
console.log('✅ Template created with template_id',

async editTemplate(templateId, params)

Updates the template represented by the given templateId with the new value. The params works just like the one from the createTemplate call. See API documentation.

async getTemplate(templateId)

Retrieves the name and the template JSON for the template represented by the given templateId. See API documentation.

async deleteTemplate(templateId)

Deletes the template represented by the given templateId. See API documentation.

async listTemplates(params)

Retrieve all your templates. See API documentation for more info about params.

The method returns an object containing these properties:


Creates an objectMode Readable stream that automates handling of listTemplates pagination. Similar to streamAssemblies.



Same as constructor timeout option: Set the default timeout (in milliseconds) for all requests (except createAssembly)

async getBill(date)

Retrieves the billing data for a given date string with format YYYY-MM. See API documentation.


Calculates a signature for the given params JSON object. If the params object does not include an authKey or expires keys (and their values) in the auth sub-key, then they are set automatically.

This function returns an object with the key signature (containing the calculated signature string) and a key params, which contains the stringified version of the passed params object (including the set expires and authKey keys).


Errors from Node.js will be passed on and we use GOT for HTTP requests and errors from there will also be passed on. When the HTTP response code is not 200, the error will be a Transloadit.HTTPError, which is a got.HTTPError) with some additional properties:

To identify errors you can either check its props or use instanceof, e.g.:

catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof Transloadit.TimeoutError) {
    return console.error('The request timed out', err)
  if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
    return console.error('Cannot open file', err)
  if (err.transloaditErrorCode === 'ASSEMBLY_INVALID_STEPS') {
    return console.error('Invalid Assembly Steps', err)

Note: Assemblies that have an error status (assembly.error) will only result in an error thrown from createAssembly and replayAssembly. For other Assembly methods, no errors will be thrown, but any error can be found in the response's error property

Rate limiting & auto retry

There are three kinds of retries:

Retry on rate limiting (maxRetries, default 5)

All functions of the client automatically obey all rate limiting imposed by Transloadit (e.g. RATE_LIMIT_REACHED), so there is no need to write your own wrapper scripts to handle rate limits. The SDK will by default retry requests 5 times with auto back-off (See maxRetries constructor option).

GOT HTTP retries (gotRetry, default 0)

Because we use got under the hood, you can pass a gotRetry constructor option which is passed on to got. This offers great flexibility for handling retries on network errors and HTTP status codes with auto back-off. See got retry object documentation.

Note that the above maxRetries option does not affect the gotRetry logic.

Custom retry logic

If you want to retry on other errors, please see the retry example code.


This project uses debug so you can run node with the DEBUG=transloadit evironment variable to enable verbose logging. Example:

DEBUG=transloadit* node examples/template_api.js



We'd be happy to accept pull requests. If you plan on working on something big, please first drop us a line!


Check your sources for linting errors via npm run lint, and unit tests, and run them via npm test


  1. Install np: npm i -g np
  2. Wait for tests to succeed.
  3. Run np and follow instructions.
  4. When successful add release notes.

Change log

See Releases


If you come from a unix background and fancy faster auto-complete, you'll be delighted to know that all npm scripts are also accessible under make, via fakefile.



Thanks to Ian Hansen for donating the transloadit npm name. You can still access his code under v0.0.0.