pimpd - Perl Interface for the Music Player Daemon
NOTE: pimpd is deprecated - use https://github.com/trapd00r/pimpd2
pimpd [OPTIONS...] (ARG)
pimpd is an MPD client written in Perl that aims to implement what the excellent mpc client is lacking (for good reasons), as well as all the regular functionality one would expect.
If defined in the configuration file, an external player can be used for playback of music running on another box (the MPD server). This is fully transparent; when MPD is stopped, so is the external player.
When the --play flag is given, pimpd will connect to MPD and start playback if neccessary, and at the same time connect to the stream with the specified external player.
Issues with unreliable network connections/slow disks causing the external player to exit is eliminated, as well as scenarios where the MPD playlist might be temporary empty (no playback - external player exits).
You can search the database and playlist using regular expressions. There are several other (faster) ways to search as well - by artist, album or title.
Additionally, it's possible to search through all favlists at the same time, adding the matches to the current playlist. Since pimpd internally keeps an csv-style database up to date with the favorized tracks, it's enough to search for artist, album, title, genre and/or file, in any combination.
-r will create a new playlist with
-rt will play a random track from the current playlist.
Favorites are handled in several ways. When the -f flag is used, pimpd will check for the genre tag of the song and, if existing, save it in the playlist directory with a year-month_genre-notation. If there's no genre tag, the $fallback_playlist, specified in the configuration file, is used.
pimpd will also keep a CSV-style database updated with more additional data on the song. This have several purposes:
other applications might expect regular m3u-style playlists with only a defined "file"-field,
the database holds additional information on the favorites, which allows for more powerful search capabilities, and
we can generate nifty stats for loved songs
There are several ways of transfering music.
This is especially useful if the MPD server is running elsewhere and you want to listen to the music locally, or if you want to transfer some music to your portable music player.
The $ssh_host, $ssh_port and $ssh_user variables in the configuration file must be defined in the configuration file, and you must be using SSH keys for this to work over networks.
-cp simply copies the currently playing track to the specifed location.
-cpa copies the full album where the currently playing track is featured.
-cpl copies all tracks in the specified playlist to the specified location.
From the interactive shell one can access almost all functionality that's available through regular option flags.
There are two ways to monitor song changes:
-m simply print song changes to stdout.
-md monitor in daemon mode. This is useful for things like OSD notifications, integration in dzen2 and so on. Most window managers uses their own sort of notification functionality which can also be used.
There are three options that will yeild some info on the current track:
-i print all information available.
-np print information on the currently playing track only, on a single line.
-nprt print information on the currently playing track in realtime mode.
pimpd does support colorschemes, which are defined and loaded from the configuration file. 256 colors is supported, as well as no colors at all.
All of this works on local MPD servers as well as remote ones.
-i, --info show all info for the currently playing song
-np, --current print basic song info on a single line
--np-rt print updating song info on a single line
-r, --random randomize a new playlist with <num> tracks
-rt, --random-track play a random track from the playlist
-cp, --copy copy the current track to specified location
-cpa, --cp-album copy the current album to specified location
-cpl, --cp-list copy playlist <str> to specified location
-f, --fav add the current track to the favorites
-fs, --favstats generate statistics based on previous favorizations
-l, --listalbums list all albums featuring artist
-lsa, --listsongs list all songs on the current album
-lsp, --list-pl list all available playlists
-pls --playlist show the current playlist
-t, --track play track <num> from playlist
-a, --add add playlist <str>. If <str> eq "all", add all
-aa, --add-album add the current album to the playlist
-m, --monitor monitor MPD for song changes (output on STDOUT)
-md, --monitor-d monitor MPD for song changes in daemon mode
-k, --kill kill pimpd when running in daemon mode
-q, --queue queue <num> tracks
-e, --external list all tracks in external playlist
-sh, --shell spawn the interactive pimpd shell
-spl, --search-pl search the playlist for [<pattern>]
-sdb, --search-db search the database for [<pattern>]
-sar, --search-artist search the database for [<artist>]
-sal, --search-album search the database for [<album>]
-set, --search-title search the database for [<title>]
-sap, --favsearch search the favlists for artist, album, title, file
-c, --clear clear the playlist before performing any action that
generates a new playlist
--play start remote/local playback
--stop stop remote/local playback
-no, --no-color turn colors off
--mpd-kill shut down the MPD server
--host remote MPD host
--port remote MPD port
--pass remote MPD password
--ssh-host remote SSH server host
--ssh-port remote SSH server port
--ssh-user remote SSH server user
-h, --help show the help and exit
--man show the manpage and exit
The configuration file should be placed in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pimpd/pimpd.conf OR /etc/pimpd.conf
Written by Magnus Woldrich
Report bugs and feature requests at the issue tracker http://github.com/trapd00r/pimpd/issues
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Magnus Woldrich