= aerospike-operator aerospike-operator manages Aerospike clusters atop Kubernetes, automating their creation and administration. :icons: font :toc:
ifdef::env-github[] :tip-caption: :bulb: :note-caption: :information_source: :important-caption: :heavy_exclamation_mark: :caution-caption: :fire: :warning-caption: :warning: endif::[]
image:https://img.shields.io/badge/status-development-blue.svg["Status"] image:https://quay.io/repository/travelaudience/aerospike-operator/status["Docker Repository on Quay", link="https://quay.io/repository/travelaudience/aerospike-operator"]
WARNING: aerospike-operator
is currently alpha, and is under active development. One should expect breaking changes to the API and behavior to be introduced at any moment.
== Prerequisites
== Supported versions
currently supports launching Aerospike clusters running the following Aerospike Server CE versions:
== Documentation
One can find comprehensive usage documentation in the link:./docs/usage[docs/usage/
] directory of this repository. Existing usage documentation covers the following topics:
>> describes how to upgrade the version of aerospike-operator
.In addition to these documents, and in order to understand the design and architecture of aerospike-operator
, one should have a look at the link:./docs/design/[docs/design/
] directory of this repository. Existing design documentation covers the following topics:
and the interactions between the custom resource definitions it introduces, its internal components and Kubernetes.aerospike-operator
performs garbage collection on unused and outdated resources.