traveltime-dev / traveltime-sdk-java

TravelTime SDK for JAVA programming language
MIT License
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TravelTime JAVA SDK

Artifact publish Maven Central

This open-source library allows you to access TravelTime API endpoints. TravelTime SDK is published for Java 8.

Maven, Java package

All annotations are in Java package com.traveltime.sdk. To use annotations, you need to use Maven dependency:


SDK usage

All requests return TravelTime response body. On invalid request functions will return API error response. Check indvidual function documentation or API documention for information on how to construct it.


In order to authenticate with Travel Time API, you will have to supply the Credentials.

TravelTimeCredentials credentials = new TravelTimeCredentials("YOUR_APP_ID", "YOUR_APP_KEY");
TravelTimeSDK sdk = new TravelTimeSDK(credentials);

Isochrones (Time Map)

Given origin coordinates, find shapes of zones reachable within corresponding travel time. Find unions/intersections between different searches

Body attributes:

DepartureSearch departureSearch1 = DepartureSearch
    .id("Public transport from Trafalgar Square")
    .coords(new Coordinates(51.507609, -0.128315))

DepartureSearch departureSearch2 = DepartureSearch
    .id("Driving from Trafalgar Square")
    .coords(new Coordinates(51.507609, -0.128315))

ArrivalSearch arrivalSearch = ArrivalSearch
    .id("Public transport to Trafalgar Square")
    .coords(new Coordinates(51.507609, -0.128315))

Union union = Union
    .id("Union of driving and public transport")
    .searchId("Public transport from Trafalgar Square")
    .searchId("Driving from Trafalgar Square")

Intersection intersection = Intersection
    .id("Intersection of driving and public transport")
    .searchIds(Arrays.asList("Public transport from Trafalgar Square", "Driving from Trafalgar Square"))

TimeMapRequest request = TimeMapRequest
    .departureSearches(Arrays.asList(departureSearch1, departureSearch2))

Either<TravelTimeError, TimeMapResponse> response = sdk.send(request);

if(response.isRight()) {
} else {

Isochrones (Time Map) Fast

A very fast version of Isochrone API. However, the request parameters are much more limited.

OneToMany oneToMany = OneToMany
    .id("public transport to Trafalgar Square")
    .transportation(new PublicTransport())
    .coords(new Coordinates(51.507609, -0.128315))

ArrivalSearches arrivalSearches = ArrivalSearches

TimeMapFastRequest request = TimeMapFastRequest

Either<TravelTimeError, TimeMapFastResponse> response = sdk.send(request);

if(response.isRight()) {
} else {

Distance Matrix (Time Filter)

Given origin and destination points filter out points that cannot be reached within specified time limit. Find out travel times, distances and costs between an origin and up to 2,000 destination points.

Body attributes:

List<Location> locations = Arrays.asList(
    new Location("London center", new Coordinates(51.508930,-0.131387)),
    new Location("Hyde Park", new Coordinates(51.508824,-0.167093)),
    new Location("ZSL London Zoo", new Coordinates(51.536067,-0.153596))

DepartureSearch departureSearch = DepartureSearch
    .id("Forward search example")
    .departureLocationId("London center")
    .arrivalLocationIds(Arrays.asList("Hyde Park", "ZSL London Zoo"))
    .properties(Arrays.asList(Property.TRAVEL_TIME, Property.DISTANCE, Property.ROUTE))

ArrivalSearch arrivalSearch = ArrivalSearch
    .id("Backward search example")
    .departureLocationIds(Arrays.asList("Hyde Park", "ZSL London Zoo"))
    .arrivalLocationId("London center")
    .properties(Arrays.asList(Property.TRAVEL_TIME, Property.DISTANCE, Property.ROUTE, Property.FARES))

TimeFilterRequest request = TimeFilterRequest

Either<TravelTimeError, TimeFilterResponse> response = sdk.send(request);   

if(response.isRight()) {
} else {

Time Filter (Fast)

A very fast version of Time Filter. However, the request parameters are much more limited.

List < Location > locations = Arrays.asList(
    new Location("London center", new Coordinates(51.508930, -0.131387)),
    new Location("Hyde Park", new Coordinates(51.508824, -0.167093)),
    new Location("ZSL London Zoo", new Coordinates(51.536067, -0.153596))

ManyToOne manyToOne = new ManyToOne(
    "arrive-at many-to-one search example",
    "London center",
    Arrays.asList("Hyde Park", "ZSL London Zoo"),
    new PublicTransport(),
    Arrays.asList(Property.TRAVEL_TIME, Property.FARES),

OneToMany oneToMany = new OneToMany(
    "arrive-at one-to-many search example",
    "London center",
    Arrays.asList("Hyde Park", "ZSL London Zoo"),
    new PublicTransport(),
    Arrays.asList(Property.TRAVEL_TIME, Property.FARES),

ArrivalSearches arrivalSearches = new ArrivalSearches(

TimeFilterFastRequest request = TimeFilterFastRequest

Either < TravelTimeError, TimeFilterFastResponse > response = sdk.send(request);

if (response.isRight()) {
} else {

Time Filter Fast (Proto)

A fast version of time filter communicating using protocol buffers.

The request parameters are much more limited and only travel time is returned. In addition, the results are only approximately correct (95% of the results are guaranteed to be within 5% of the routes returned by regular time filter).

This inflexibility comes with a benefit of faster response times (Over 5x faster compared to regular time filter) and larger limits on the amount of destination points.

Body attributes:

TimeFilterFastProtoRequest request = TimeFilterFastProtoRequest
    .originCoordinate(new Coordinates(51.425709, -0.122061))
    .destinationCoordinates(Collections.singletonList(new Coordinates(51.348605, -0.314783)))

Either<TravelTimeError, TimeFilterFastProtoResponse> response = sdk.sendProto(request);

if(response.isRight()) {
} else {

The responses are in the form of a list where each position denotes either a travel time (in seconds) of a journey, or if negative that the journey from the origin to the destination point is impossible.


Returns routing information between source and destinations.

Body attributes:

List<Location> locations = Arrays.asList(
    new Location("London center", new Coordinates(51.508930,-0.131387)),
    new Location("Hyde Park", new Coordinates(51.508824,-0.167093)),
    new Location("ZSL London Zoo", new Coordinates(51.536067,-0.153596))

DepartureSearch departureSearch = DepartureSearch
    .id("Departure search example")
    .departureLocationId("London center")
    .arrivalLocationIds(Arrays.asList("Hyde Park", "ZSL London Zoo"))
    .properties(Arrays.asList(Property.TRAVEL_TIME, Property.DISTANCE, Property.ROUTE))

ArrivalSearch arrivalSearch = ArrivalSearch
    .id("Arrival search example")
    .arrivalLocationId("London center")
    .departureLocationIds(Arrays.asList("Hyde Park", "ZSL London Zoo"))
    .properties(Arrays.asList(Property.TRAVEL_TIME, Property.DISTANCE, Property.ROUTE, Property.FARES))

RoutesRequest request = RoutesRequest

Either<TravelTimeError, RoutesResponse> response = sdk.send(request);

if(response.isRight()) {
} else {

Geocoding (Search)

Match a query string to geographic coordinates.

Body attributes:

GeocodingRequest request = GeocodingRequest
    .withinCountries(Arrays.asList("CH", "DE"))

Either<TravelTimeError, GeocodingResponse> response = sdk.send(request);

if(response.isRight()) {
} else {

Reverse Geocoding

Match a latitude, longitude pair to an address.

ReverseGeocodingRequest request = ReverseGeocodingRequest
    .coordinates(new Coordinates(51.507281, -0.132120))

Either < TravelTimeError, GeocodingResponse > response = sdk.send(request);

if (response.isRight()) {
} else {

Time Filter (Postcodes)

Find reachable postcodes from origin (or to destination) and get statistics about such postcodes.

DepartureSearch departureSearch = DepartureSearch
    .id("public transport from Trafalgar Square")
    .coords(new Coordinates(51.507609, -0.128315))
    .properties(Arrays.asList(Property.TRAVEL_TIME, Property.DISTANCE))

ArrivalSearch arrivalSearch = ArrivalSearch
    .id("public transport to Trafalgar Square")
    .coords(new Coordinates(51.507609, -0.128315))
    .properties(Arrays.asList(Property.TRAVEL_TIME, Property.DISTANCE))

TimeFilterPostcodesRequest request = TimeFilterPostcodesRequest

Either < TravelTimeError, TimeFilterPostcodesResponse > response = sdk.send(request);

if (response.isRight()) {
} else {

Time Filter (Postcode Districts)

Find reachable postcodes from origin (or to destination) and get statistics about such postcodes. Currently only supports United Kingdom.

DepartureSearch departureSearch = DepartureSearch
    .id("public transport from Trafalgar Square")
    .coords(new Coordinates(51.507609, -0.128315))
    .properties(Arrays.asList(Property.COVERAGE, Property.TRAVEL_TIME_ALL, Property.TRAVEL_TIME_REACHABLE))

ArrivalSearch arrivalSearch = ArrivalSearch
    .id("public transport to Trafalgar Square")
    .coords(new Coordinates(51.507609, -0.128315))
    .properties(Arrays.asList(Property.COVERAGE, Property.TRAVEL_TIME_ALL, Property.TRAVEL_TIME_REACHABLE))

TimeFilterDistrictsRequest request = TimeFilterDistrictsRequest

Either < TravelTimeError, TimeFilterDistrictsResponse > response = sdk.send(request);

if (response.isRight()) {
} else {

Time Filter (Postcode Sectors)

Find sectors that have a certain coverage from origin (or to destination) and get statistics about postcodes within such sectors.

DepartureSearch departureSearch = DepartureSearch
    .id("public transport from Trafalgar Square")
    .coords(new Coordinates(51.507609, -0.128315))
    .properties(Arrays.asList(Property.COVERAGE, Property.TRAVEL_TIME_ALL, Property.TRAVEL_TIME_REACHABLE))

ArrivalSearch arrivalSearch = ArrivalSearch
    .id("public transport to Trafalgar Square")
    .coords(new Coordinates(51.507609, -0.128315))
    .properties(Arrays.asList(Property.COVERAGE, Property.TRAVEL_TIME_ALL, Property.TRAVEL_TIME_REACHABLE))

TimeFilterSectorsRequest request = TimeFilterSectorsRequest

Either < TravelTimeError, TimeFilterSectorsResponse > response = sdk.send(request);

if (response.isRight()) {
} else {

Map Info

Get information about currently supported countries and find out what points supported by the api.

MapInfoRequest request = new MapInfoRequest();

Either<TravelTimeError, MapInfoResponse> response = sdk.send(request);

if(response.isRight()) {
} else {

Supported Locations

Find out what points are supported by the api.

List < Location > locations = Arrays.asList(
  new Location("Kaunas", new Coordinates(54.900008, 23.957734)),
  new Location("London", new Coordinates(51.506756, -0.128050)),
  new Location("Bangkok", new Coordinates(13.761866, 100.544818)),
  new Location("Lisbon", new Coordinates(38.721869, -9.138549))

SupportedLocationsRequest request = SupportedLocationsRequest

Either < TravelTimeError, SupportedLocationsResponse > response = sdk.send(request);

if (response.isRight()) {
} else {

Passing custom parameters

In order to pass custom parameters, you will have to create TravelTimeSDK builder.

TravelTimeCredentials credentials = new TravelTimeCredentials("APP_ID", "API_KEY");

URI baseUri = URI.create("BASE_URI");

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient
  .callTimeout(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS)  

TravelTimeSDK sdk = TravelTimeSDK


We use Maven as a build automation tool in this project.

To run unit tests you can execute:

mvn test

Please note that you will need to export some valid credentials as environment variables in your shell to make tests work:

export APP_ID="..."
export API_KEY="..."
export PROTO_USERNAME="..."
export PROTO_PASSWORD="..."


If you have problems, please write an issue or contact us by writing to