traxium / tabtree

Tab Tree extension for Firefox
GNU General Public License v3.0
144 stars 29 forks source link

Tab Tree for Firefox License

Download, details and screenshots at

How to build and install

Fast way

  1. Create a folder named exactly "TabsTree@traxium" (not "TabTree@traxium", because the folder name must match the add-on ID) in "%YOUR_FIREFOX_PROFILE%/extensions/"
  2. Copy all files from GitHub to that folder ("Version Notes.txt" and "" aren't necessary)
  3. In about:config change "xpinstall.signatures.required" to "false"
  4. Restart/start Firefox
  5. Enjoy

Long way

  1. Zip all files from GitHub ("Version Notes.txt" and "" aren't necessary)
  2. Rename that ZIP archive exactly "TabsTree@traxium.xpi" (not "TabTree@traxium.xpi", because the ZIP archive name must match the add-on ID)
  3. In about:config change "xpinstall.signatures.required" to "false"
  4. Drag and drop TabsTree@traxium.xpi to an open Firefox window
  5. Click "Install" button in the confirmation notice
  6. Enjoy


It's a Firefox extension. Tab Tree shows your tabs in the form of a tree structure. And also makes user interface compact (in height) to allow more space for the Web. It hides default tabs (at the top) and reduces the thick default borders around navigation bar. Instead the new tree tabs appear at the left:


This extension was conceived as an alternative to Tree Style Tabs to provide better performance, stability and usability.

UPD: "Tabs Tree" was renamed to "Tab Tree" (without "-s").