trdung245 / fptu-solana-bootcamp

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FPT University Solana Bootcamp


Welcome to the FPT University Solana Bootcamp repository! This repository is a collection of code to guide you through the a month Solana development training sessions.

Get Started

  1. Fork the Repository: If you're a part of this class, kindly fork this repository.
  2. Set Your Fork to Public: This helps us in evaluating and collaborating on your assignments.
  3. Syncing and Updates: After every session, we will push relevant assignments here. Ensure you sync your forked repository to pull the exercise templates.

Assignments Schedule

Lesson Topic Deadline
2 Introduction to cryptography and Solana clients 01/06/2024
3 Using Common Solana Programs 01/06/2024
4 Solana program development 01/06/2024

Stay tuned for updates on future assignments!

Assignment Submission

To submit your assignments, please ensure you have enabled the Issues feature in your forked repository. If it's disabled by default, you can enable it by navigating to Settings > General on your fork. Scroll down to the Features sub-section and check the Issues box.

how to enable issue feature on fork.

Once enabled, follow these steps for each submission:

  1. Code Submission: Place your submitted code in the respective /lesson-[number]/challenge folder on your fork.
  2. Deployment: Deploy your program on Devnet when necessary.
  3. Issue Creation: Open an issue in your forked repository with the title Submission for challenge [number]. Ensure you include the public preview link in the issue description. Refer to this example issue for guidance.

Evaluation Criteria

We evaluate assignments based on the following criteria:

Our team will carefully assess your submissions. After evaluation, we'll share the results and offer feedback on the corresponding open issue.


Should you have any questions or run into any issues, don't hesitate to reach out on our Discord. We are happy to help!

Best of luck with your training! 🌟