treasure-data / td-client-java

Java Client Library for Treasure Data
Apache License 2.0
12 stars 22 forks source link


td-client for java

A java client for accessing Treasure Data API. With this client, you can:

Since td-client-java 0.8.0, it requires Java 1.8 or higher. For Java7, use td-client-java-0.7.x.

td-client-java is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0.


You can download a jar file (td-client-java-(version)-shade.jar) from here:

For the information of the older versions, see

For Maven Users

Maven Central javadoc

Use the following dependency settings:


<!-- If you are not using any slf4 logger binder, add the following dependency, too. -->

Standalone jar

td-client-java provides a standalone jar, which include all of the dependencies into a single jar file:



To use td-client-java, you need to set your API key in the following file:


  user = (your TD account e-mail address)
  apikey = (your API key)

You can retrieve your API key from My profile page.

It is also possible to use TD_API_KEY environment variable. Add the following configuration to your shell configuration .bash_profile, .zprofile, etc.

export TD_API_KEY = (your API key)

For Windows, add TD_API_KEY environment variable in the user preference panel.

Proxy Server

If you need to access Web through proxy, add the following configuration to $HOME/.td/td.conf file:

  user = (your TD account e-mail address)
  apikey = (your API key) = (optional: proxy host name)
  td.client.proxy.port = (optional: proxy port number)
  td.client.proxy.user = (optional: proxy user name)
  td.client.proxy.password = (optional: proxy password)

Example Code

import com.treasuredata.client.*;
import org.msgpack.core.MessagePack;
import org.msgpack.core.MessageUnpacker;
import org.msgpack.value.ArrayValue;

// Create a new TD client by using configurations in $HOME/.td/td.conf
try (TDClient client = TDClient.newClient()){

// Retrieve database and table names
List<TDDatabase> databaseNames = client.listDatabases();
for(TDDatabase db : databaseNames) {
   System.out.println("database: " + db.getName());
   for(TDTable table : client.listTables(db.getName())) {
      System.out.println(" table: " + table);

// Submit a new Presto query (for Hive, use TDJobReqult.newHiveQuery)
String jobId = client.submit(TDJobRequest.newPrestoQuery("sample_datasets", "select count(1) from www_access"));

// Wait until the query finishes
ExponentialBackOff backoff = new ExponentialBackOff();
TDJobSummary job = client.jobStatus(jobId);
while(!job.getStatus().isFinished()) {
  job = client.jobStatus(jobId);

// Read the detailed job information
TDJob jobInfo = client.jobInfo(jobId);
System.out.println("log:\n" + jobInfo.getCmdOut());
System.out.println("error log:\n" + jobInfo.getStdErr());

// Read the job results in msgpack.gz format
client.jobResult(jobId, TDResultFormat.MESSAGE_PACK_GZ, new Function<InputStream, Object>() {
  public Object apply(InputStream input) {
  try {
    MessageUnpacker unpacker = MessagePack.newDefaultUnpacker(new GZIPInputStream(input));
    while(unpacker.hasNext()) {
       // Each row of the query result is array type value (e.g., [1, "name", ...])
       ArrayValue array = unpacker.unpackValue().asArrayValue();
       int id = array.get(0).asIntegerValue().toInt();



Bulk upload

// Create a new TD client by using configurations in $HOME/.td/td.conf
TDClient client = TDClient.newClient();

File f = new File("./sess/part01.msgpack.gz");

TDBulkImportSession session = client.createBulkImportSession("session_name", "database_name", "table_name");
client.uploadBulkImportPart(session.getName(), "session_part01", f);

Data Connector Bulk Loading

// Create a new TD client by using configurations in $HOME/.td/td.conf
TDClient client = TDClient.newClient();


Configuring TDClient

To configure TDClient, use TDClient.newBuilder():

TDClient client = TDClient
    .setApiKey("(your api key)")
    .setEndpoint("")   // For using a non-default endpoint

It is also possible to set the configuration with a Properties object:

Properties prop = new Properties();
// Set your own properties
prop.setProperty("td.client.retry.limit", "10");

// This overrides the default configuration parameters with the given Properties
TDClient client = TDClient.newBuilder().setProperties(prop).build();

List of Configuration Parameters

key default value description
apikey API key to access Treasure Data. You can also set this via TD_API_KEY environment variable.
user Account e-mail address (unnecessary if apikey is set)
password Account password (unnecessary if apikey is set) (optional) Proxy host e.g., ""
td.client.proxy.port (optional) Proxy port e.g., "80"
td.client.proxy.user (optional) Proxy user
td.client.proxy.password (optional) Proxy password
td.client.usessl true (optional) Use SSL encryption
td.client.retry.limit 7 (optinoal) The maximum number of API request retry
td.client.retry.initial-interval 500 (optional) backoff retry interval = (interval) * (multiplier) ^ (retry count)
td.client.retry.max-interval 60000 (optional) max retry interval
td.client.retry.multiplier 2.0 (optional) retry interval multiplier
td.client.connect-timeout 15000 (optional) connection timeout before reaching the API 60000 (optional) timeout when no data is coming from API
td.client.connection-pool-size 64 (optional) Connection pool size
td.client.endpoint (optional) TD REST API endpoint name
td.client.port 80 for non-SSL, 443 for SSL connection (optional) TD API port number

The precedence of the configuration parameters are as follows:

  1. Properties object passed to TDClient.newBuilder().setProperties(Properties p)
  2. Parameters written in $HOME/.td/td.conf
  3. System properties (passed with -D option when launching JVM)
  4. Environment variable (only for TD_API_KEY parameter)

You can override the default configuration parameters given by the environment variables with System properties, and then by $HOME/.td/td.conf file or Properties object.

For Developers

Build from the source code

$ git clone
$ cd td-client-java
$ mvn package

This creates jar files within target folder.

How to deploy to the Central repository

# update pom.xml, and CHANGES.txt
$ git commit -am "Release (version)"
$ git tag "(version)"
$ mvn deploy -DperformRelease=true
$ sbt "sonatypeReleaseAll com.treasuredata"

# update pom.xml to use the next SNAPSHOT version
$ git commit -am "Next snapshot version"
$ git push
$ git push --tags

And then, create a release note page at

See also to use sbt sonatypeReleaseAll command.