The Trema theme is a free, responsive Moodle theme that offers a clean and modern design. One unique aspect of the Trema theme is its ability to display course information in a grid format, which can be particularly useful for sites with many courses. Additionally, it includes options for a customizable frontpage, login page, and footer. Overall, the Trema theme for Moodle aims to provide a visually appealing and user-friendly interface for Moodle users. The main goal for this theme is to not need another site for information/advertising/marketing.
All features from Boost (native Moodle theme) plus these Trema features:
This theme requires Moodle LMS 4.0+ from
The most recent STABLE release of Trema for Moodle LMS is available from:
The most recent DEVELOPMENT release can be found at:
Ensure you have a supported version of Moodle LMS as stated above in Requirements. This is necessary as the theme relies on underlying core code.
Install the theme, like any other theme, to the following folder:
See for details on installing Moodle plugins.
To activate the theme, navigate to Site Administration > Appearance > Themes (section) > Theme selector. In recent versions of Moodle LMS, you need only locate the Trema theme and click the associated Use Theme button.
IMPORTANT: This STABLE release has been tested on many Moodle sites. Although we expect everything to work, if you find a problem, please help by reporting it in the Bug Tracker.
You can customize the theme by navigating to Site Administration > Appearance > Themes (section) > Trema
In addition, you can customize additional settings by overriding SCSS variables in the theme's settings. See the complete list.
There are no special considerations required for updating the plugin.
Note: The theme will not be upgradable from within Moodle LMS if you installed it using Git. To enable upgrading, simply delete the .git folder in the /theme/trema/ directory.
Before you can uninstall Trema, be sure to switch to a different theme.
Then uninstall the theme by navigating to Site Administration > Plugins > Plugins (section) > Plugins Overview. Scroll down to the Themes section and Uninstall. If you don't see the uninstall link, it is because you did not first switch Moodle LMS to a different theme. Follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation process. Note that you may also need to manually delete the following folder if your web server does not have the required permissions:
Note that, once uninstalled, any customizations that were part of the Trema theme will no longer be displayed.
There are no known limitations at this time.
This plugin includes support for the English language.
However, it has been translated into about 20 other languages in AMOS by the Moodle community. If you need a different language that is not yet supported, please feel free to contribute using the Moodle AMOS Translation Toolkit.
This plugin has not been tested for right-to-left (RTL) language support although it has been used successfully in languages like Arabic.
IMPORTANT: Although we expect everything to work, this release has not been fully tested in every possible situation. If you find a problem, please help by reporting it in the Bug Tracker.
Important: Be sure to include trailing semi-colons or Moodle will break the theme's CSS. Example:
$banner-text-color: #462323
$banner-text-color: #462323;
Description | SCSS variable | Default | Sample value |
Text color of the frontpage banner. | $banner-font-color | $white | #462323 |
Set scale of site name font size. | $sitename-font-scale | 1 (site name > 36 chars: 0.75) | 0.8 |
Height of frontpage banner. | $banner-height | 75vh | 100vh |
There are many more already available. These will be documented over time.
There are no known security considerations at this time.
Got a burning question that is not covered here? If you can't find your answer, submit your question in the Moodle forums or open a new issue on GitHub at:
Rodrigo Mady - Lead Developer/Maintainer | Moodle profile | GitHub
Michael Milette - Developer/Maintainer - TNG Consulting Inc. | Moodle profile | GItHub
Big thank you to everyone who has contributed to the development of Trema over the years.
Thank you also to all the people who have requested features, tested and reported bugs.
The development of this theme was motivated by our own experience in Moodle LMS development, features requested by our clients and topics discussed in the Moodle forums.
Copyright © 2019-2024 Rodrigo Mady and TNG Consulting Inc.
This file is part of Moodle -
Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Moodle. If not, see