trental / Project-2-Ravencoin-Block-Explorer

Block Explorer for the Ravencoin blockchain
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Project 2 Feedback #8

Open esin87 opened 4 years ago

esin87 commented 4 years ago

Project 2 Feedback

Code Quality - Excelling

Criteria: Is the code well-formatted? Are variable and function names semantic and sensible? Is the code easy to read and understand?


Areas for Growth:

Technical Requirements - Excelling

Criteria: How does the project stack up to the requirements for this project? Is the developer making use of the material we've covered in a way that makes sense?


Areas for Growth:

Creativity and Interface - Performing

Criteria: Is the application easy to navigate? Does it work well in every major browser? Is it responsive? Does it incorporate modern UI Themes?


Areas for Growth

Functionality - Excelling

Criteria: Does the application work without errors or bugs? Does it present a complete app, where every feature is fully implemented in a way that makes sense?


Areas for Growth:

Presentation - Performing

Criteria: Is there adequate documentation? Is the repository well-organized and free of clutter?


Areas for Growth:

Hard Requirements - Complete:

Grade: Pass πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Trent, excellent work on Project 2. I'm so impressed by how you took on all these challenges and created such a complex application in such little time. You've synthesized all the concepts we've been learning and then some, and the result is a data-rich and feature-rich application that will look incredible on your portfolio. Your JavaScript code looks clean, logical, and well-organized, and really highlights your skills as a programmer. A few minor areas for growth are listed above, but congratulations on delivering an amazing Project 2 that went above and beyond our requirements in so many ways. Thank you for all the hard work you put into class and all the ways you contribute -- looking forward to seeing your continued progress and success!!

trental commented 4 years ago

Thanks Esin - I appreciate your feedback.

I agree on all of your "room for growth" type comments and a lot of them I had in my mind to do already. I was coding almost up until the last moment and ran out of time. I am excited to take on less and really get all of the responsiveness and visual components done well in the remaining projects.


On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 12:10 PM Esin Saribudak wrote:

Project 2 Feedback Code Quality - Excelling

Criteria: Is the code well-formatted? Are variable and function names semantic and sensible? Is the code easy to read and understand? Strengths:

  • Code is well-formatted with semantic and sensible variable/function/component naming throughout.
  • Code is easy to read and understand, with React component methods grouped appropriately and broken down into reasonable chunks of code.
  • Strong understanding of JavaScript is apparent throughout, with excellent implementation of features such as async/await, promises, spread operators, and various array iteration approaches! I see you also had to write quite a bit of code to parse data and achieve your desired output -- it looks like it was a lot of fun to figure out!
  • Nice use of commenting to add additional context to your code.

Areas for Growth:

  • Be sure to delete any commented-out code from the deployment branch.
  • Eventually go back and add error handling to methods with the catch error Promise method instead of logging them to the console -- ideally you'd show error messages to the user to let them know something went wrong so they can try again or navigate to a different page of your application.

Technical Requirements - Excelling

Criteria: How does the project stack up to the requirements for this project? Is the developer making use of the material we've covered in a way that makes sense? Strengths:

  • You did an incredible job going above and beyond the technical requirements of this project. From deploying your own API to using web sockets to listen for updates to creating a universal search, the list of technologies/tools you taught yourself is truly impressive and really highlights your passion and aptitude for development.
  • Project shows deep understanding of React -- good work modularizing your UI into React components, using React-Router for page navigation, and keeping your top-level component stateful and maintaining unidirectional data flow to its child components.
  • Evidence of frequent commits and git branching for project development -- love seeing those merged pull requests onto master!

Areas for Growth:

  • Your GitHub repo shows a good history of commits, but (and this is relatively minor) work on both the consistency of your commit message formatting as well as their content. Commit messages should be concise yet descriptive , and consistently structured -- 'some updates' is not ideal, though we've all had messages like that at one point or another. Ideally, you should have one change per commit. The standard format is usually 'capitalized present-tense verb + description of what was done' for each and every commit. For example, 'Add styling to transaction container' or 'Refactor API call'. This is my favorite article on how to write good commit messages and why it should be a focus for developers.

Creativity and Interface - Performing

Criteria: Is the application easy to navigate? Does it work well in every major browser? Is it responsive? Does it incorporate modern UI Themes? Strengths:

  • Application is easy to navigate and use, with an intuitively-designed user experience.
  • UI design is simple, modern and appropriate for the content.

Areas for Growth

  • I see you used Bootstrap to some extent, which is great!
  • Responsive design would be a great next feature to work on implementing -- I noticed that on smaller window widths, the transaction codes flow out of their containers and onto each other. I know the long hashes are probably challenging to style in a responsive way. If you liked Bootstrap, consider using it more extensively in this project, as Bootstrap components have responsiveness built in.

Functionality - Excelling

Criteria: Does the application work without errors or bugs? Does it present a complete app, where every feature is fully implemented in a way that makes sense? Strengths:

  • The application works without errors or bugs for the most part! You mention in your README an error on load that occurs 10% of the time, but I did not observe it. I also did not observe any errors logged to the console!
  • I love how feature-rich and data-rich your application is. You did a tremendous job fully implementing every feature and making a fully functional application.

Areas for Growth:

Presentation - Performing

Criteria: Is there adequate documentation? Is the repository well-organized and free of clutter? Strengths:

  • Your README is cohesive, well-explained, and does a great job introducing your application to visitors to your repo.
  • Repo is well-organized with no clutter and appropriate file and directory naming.

Areas for Growth:

  • Add the deployed URL and a short description to the top of your repo!
  • Adding screenshots of the major page views of your application will help make it a more welcoming README.

Hard Requirements - Complete:

  • Your app must be a working, interactive, React application.
  • It must include data from a third-party API.
  • It must use at least 4 separate components.
  • It must be deployed to the Web.
  • It uses CSS Grid or Flex for layout and not floats.
  • Your project repository must adequately document your project and include a line to the deployed app.
  • You have used git for version control throughout the project.

Grade: Pass πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Trent, excellent work on Project 2. I'm so impressed by how you took on all these challenges and created such a complex application in such little time. You've synthesized all the concepts we've been learning and then some, and the result is a data-rich and feature-rich application that will look incredible on your portfolio. Your JavaScript code looks clean, logical, and well-organized, and really highlights your skills as a programmer. A few minor areas for growth are listed above, but congratulations on delivering an amazing Project 2 that went above and beyond our requirements in so many ways. Thank you for all the hard work you put into class and all the ways you contribute -- looking forward to seeing your continued progress and success!!

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