trental / Project-2-Ravencoin-Block-Explorer

Block Explorer for the Ravencoin blockchain
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Project 2 Ravencoin Block Explorer


Ravencoin is a fork of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency codebase. Therefore, as Ravencoin is a blockchain protocol, it allows viewing of all transactions in its blockchain database. This webapp is built as a viewer of the history of the RVN blockchain data by searching for:

In addition to being a project of personal interest, this web app fulfills the first project requirement for the General Assembly Software Immersive Engineer Remote course.


This web app explores the blockchain through two main methods:

Technologies Used

Tools used in this project so far are those covered in the first six weeks of the GA SEIR course.


I've approached this coding challenge using React and React router to navigate the data contained in the RVN blockchain.

There are five main views of the data:

Incomplete Items

A few things that bug me:

In general I like the size of this project at this point because it has me thinking about larger-scale organization for easier maintenance and troubleshooting.


Use this app by visiting its hosted site here at github or by cloning the repository and running it yourself.

Contribution Guidelines

Suggestions and contributions to this code are welcome! Please submit issues or pull-requests for errors or desired code enhancements!