trevorcampbell / website_diff

MIT License
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Website Diff

website_diff is a utility that compares two HTML websites, and outputs a diff as a third HTML website. The diff site has insertion/deletion highlighting, automatic scroll-to-next and scroll-to-previous key bindings, image diffing, and highlighting of links pointing to diffed pages.


Why would I use website_diff?

This tool is primarily meant to help see/find differences in websites that are automatically generated from some source documents (e.g. documentation pages, Jupyterbooks, etc) that may not be obvious from source diffs produced by GitHub. This is particularly useful when the source documents run code whose output may silently change, even though the source files remain constant.


Ensure Rust and Cargo are installed. Instructions can be found here.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install website_diff

Command Line Usage

website_diff takes as an input two folders each containing an index.html file, as well as the name of a third folder to be created that will contain the diffed website.

website_diff --old path/to/old/site/ --new path/to/new/site/ --diff path/where/diff/site/will/be/created

If website_diff runs successfully, the diff website will be available at


To access the command line interface help documentation, run

website_diff --help

GitHub Actions Usage

website_diff can be used as part of a GitHub Actions workflow that runs when a website source code repository is updated. See the example workflow in .github/workflow-templates/example_workflow.yml. In this example, the workflow:

This example template is based on a real usage of website_diff in the Introduction to Data Science online textbook repository here:

Visual Diff Style

Keyboard Controls


There are several examples that can demonstrate the kinds of differences that website_diff will detect. To run website_diff on those examples, simply run the bash script found within the website_diff repo. The script pulls the examples from a separate repo called website_diff_examples. The folder website_diff_examples/examples will then contain several folders each representing a different example e.g. lines of text changed, image added, page added, etc. In each of those folders, there will be an old and prerendered_old folder for the old website and old website with pre-rendered figures, new and prerendered_new for the new website and new website with pre-rendered figures, and lastly diff for the diffed version of the website with an index.html file that shows everything that has changed between the old and new versions of the website.