trevorhobenshield / twitter-api-client

Implementation of X/Twitter v1, v2, and GraphQL APIs
MIT License
1.52k stars 203 forks source link
api async automation bot client scrape search twitter twitter-api twitter-bot twitter-scraper x x-api x-bot x-scraper

Implementation of X/Twitter v1, v2, and GraphQL APIs

PyPI Version Python Version

GitHub License

Table of Contents


pip install twitter-api-client -U


As of Fall 2023 login by username/password is unstable. Using cookies is now recommended.

from twitter.account import Account

## sign-in with credentials
email, username, password = ..., ..., ...
account = Account(email, username, password)

## or, resume session using cookies
# account = Account(cookies={"ct0": ..., "auth_token": ...})

## or, resume session using cookies (JSON file)
# account = Account(cookies='twitter.cookies')

account.tweet('test 123')
account.reply('foo', tweet_id=123456)
account.quote('bar', tweet_id=123456)
account.schedule_tweet('schedule foo', 1681851240)

account.tweet('hello world', media=[
  {'media': 'test.jpg', 'alt': 'some alt text', 'tagged_users': [123]},
  {'media': 'test.jpeg', 'alt': 'some alt text', 'tagged_users': [123]},
  {'media': 'test.png', 'alt': 'some alt text', 'tagged_users': [123]},
  {'media': 'test.jfif', 'alt': 'some alt text', 'tagged_users': [123]},

account.schedule_tweet('foo bar', '2023-04-18 15:42', media=[
  {'media': 'test.gif', 'alt': 'some alt text'},

account.schedule_reply('hello world', '2023-04-19 15:42', tweet_id=123456, media=[
  {'media': 'test.gif', 'alt': 'some alt text'},
])'my message', [1234], media='test.jpg')

account.create_poll('test poll 123', ['hello', 'world', 'foo', 'bar'], 10080)

# tweets

# users

# user profile
account.update_profile_info(name='Foo Bar', description='test 123', location='Victoria, BC')

# topics

# lists
account.create_list('My List', 'description of my list', private=False)
account.update_list(222, 'My Updated List', 'some updated description', private=False)
account.update_list_banner(222, 'test.png')
account.add_list_member(222, 1234)
account.remove_list_member(222, 1234)

# refresh all pinned lists in this order
account.update_pinned_lists([222, 111, 333])

# unpin all lists

# get timelines
timeline = account.home_timeline()
latest_timeline = account.home_latest_timeline(limit=500)

# get bookmarks
bookmarks = account.bookmarks()

# get DM inbox metadata    
inbox = account.dm_inbox()

# get DMs from all conversations    
dms = account.dm_history()

# get DMs from specific conversations
dms = account.dm_history(['123456-789012', '345678-901234'])

# search DMs by keyword
dms = account.dm_search('test123')

# delete entire conversation

# delete (hide) specific DM

# get all scheduled tweets
scheduled_tweets = account.scheduled_tweets()

# delete a scheduled tweet

# get all draft tweets
draft_tweets = account.draft_tweets()

# delete a draft tweet

# delete all scheduled tweets

# delete all draft tweets

# example configuration
  "address_book_live_sync_enabled": False,
  "allow_ads_personalization": False,
  "allow_authenticated_periscope_requests": True,
  "allow_dm_groups_from": "following",
  "allow_dms_from": "following",
  "allow_location_history_personalization": False,
  "allow_logged_out_device_personalization": False,
  "allow_media_tagging": "none",
  "allow_sharing_data_for_third_party_personalization": False,
  "alt_text_compose_enabled": None,
  "always_use_https": True,
  "autoplay_disabled": False,
  "country_code": "us",
  "discoverable_by_email": False,
  "discoverable_by_mobile_phone": False,
  "display_sensitive_media": False,
  "dm_quality_filter": "enabled",
  "dm_receipt_setting": "all_disabled",
  "geo_enabled": False,
  "include_alt_text_compose": True,
  "include_mention_filter": True,
  "include_nsfw_admin_flag": True,
  "include_nsfw_user_flag": True,
  "include_ranked_timeline": True,
  "language": "en",
  "mention_filter": "unfiltered",
  "nsfw_admin": False,
  "nsfw_user": False,
  "personalized_trends": True,
  "protected": False,
  "ranked_timeline_eligible": None,
  "ranked_timeline_setting": None,
  "require_password_login": False,
  "requires_login_verification": False,
  "sleep_time": {
    "enabled": False,
    "end_time": None,
    "start_time": None
  "translator_type": "none",
  "universal_quality_filtering_enabled": "enabled",
  "use_cookie_personalization": False,

# example configuration
  "optInFiltering": True,  # filter nsfw content
  "optInBlocking": True,  # filter blocked accounts

notifications = account.notifications()

account.change_password('old pwd','new pwd')


Get all user/tweet data

Two special batch queries scraper.tweets_by_ids and scraper.users_by_ids should be preferred when applicable. These endpoints are more much more efficient and have higher rate limits than their unbatched counterparts. See the table below for a comparison.

Endpoint Batch Size Rate Limit
tweets_by_ids ~220 500 / 15 mins
tweets_by_id 1 50 / 15 mins
users_by_ids ~220 100 / 15 mins
users_by_id 1 500 / 15 mins

As of Fall 2023 login by username/password is unstable. Using cookies is now recommended.

from twitter.scraper import Scraper

## sign-in with credentials
email, username, password = ..., ..., ...
scraper = Scraper(email, username, password)

## or, resume session using cookies
# scraper = Scraper(cookies={"ct0": ..., "auth_token": ...})

## or, resume session using cookies (JSON file)
# scraper = Scraper(cookies='twitter.cookies')

## or, initialize guest session (limited endpoints)
# from twitter.util import init_session
# scraper = Scraper(session=init_session())

# user data
users = scraper.users(['foo', 'bar', 'hello', 'world'])
users = scraper.users_by_ids([123, 234, 345]) # preferred
users = scraper.users_by_id([123, 234, 345])
tweets = scraper.tweets([123, 234, 345])
likes = scraper.likes([123, 234, 345])
tweets_and_replies = scraper.tweets_and_replies([123, 234, 345])
media =[123, 234, 345])
following = scraper.following([123, 234, 345])
followers = scraper.followers([123, 234, 345])
scraper.tweet_stats([111111, 222222, 333333])

# get recommended users based on user

# tweet data
tweets = scraper.tweets_by_ids([987, 876, 754]) # preferred
tweets = scraper.tweets_by_id([987, 876, 754])
tweet_details = scraper.tweets_details([987, 876, 754])
retweeters = scraper.retweeters([987, 876, 754])
favoriters = scraper.favoriters([987, 876, 754])


# trends

Resume Pagination

Pagination is already done by default, however there are circumstances where you may need to resume pagination from a specific cursor. For example, the Followers endpoint only allows for 50 requests every 15 minutes. In this case, we can resume from where we left off by providing a specific cursor value.

from twitter.scraper import Scraper

email, username, password = ..., ..., ...
scraper = Scraper(email, username, password)

user_id = 44196397
cursor = '1767341853908517597|1663601806447476672'  # example cursor
limit = 100  # arbitrary limit for demonstration
follower_subset, last_cursor = scraper.followers([user_id], limit=limit, cursor=cursor)

# use last_cursor to resume pagination


from import Search

email, username, password = ..., ..., ...
# default output directory is `data/search_results` if save=True
search = Search(email, username, password, save=True, debug=1)

res =
            'category': 'Top',
            'query': 'paperswithcode -tensorflow -tf'
            'category': 'Latest',
            'query': 'test'
            'category': 'People',
            'query': 'brasil portugal -argentina'
            'category': 'Photos',
            'query': 'greece'
            'category': 'Videos',
            'query': 'italy'

Search Operators Reference


Live Audio Capture

Capture live audio for up to 500 streams per IP

from twitter.scraper import Scraper
from twitter.util import init_session

session = init_session()  # initialize guest session, no login required
scraper = Scraper(session=session)

rooms = [...]
scraper.spaces_live(rooms=rooms)  # capture live audio from list of rooms

Live Transcript Capture

Raw transcript chunks

from twitter.scraper import Scraper
from twitter.util import init_session

session = init_session()  # initialize guest session, no login required
scraper = Scraper(session=session)

# room must be live, i.e. in "Running" state
                              frequency=2)  # word-level live transcript. (dirty, on-the-fly transcription before post-processing)

Processed (final) transcript chunks

from twitter.scraper import Scraper
from twitter.util import init_session

session = init_session()  # initialize guest session, no login required
scraper = Scraper(session=session)

# room must be live, i.e. in "Running" state
scraper.space_live_transcript('1zqKVPlQNApJB', frequency=1)  # finalized live transcript.  (clean)

Search and Metadata

from twitter.scraper import Scraper
from twitter.util import init_session
from twitter.constants import SpaceCategory

session = init_session()  # initialize guest session, no login required
scraper = Scraper(session=session)

# download audio and chat-log from space
spaces = scraper.spaces(rooms=['1eaJbrAPnBVJX', '1eaJbrAlZjjJX'], audio=True, chat=True)

# pull metadata only
spaces = scraper.spaces(rooms=['1eaJbrAPnBVJX', '1eaJbrAlZjjJX'])

# search for spaces in "Upcoming", "Top" and "Live" categories
spaces = scraper.spaces(search=[
        'filter': SpaceCategory.Upcoming,
        'query': 'hello'
        'filter': SpaceCategory.Top,
        'query': 'world'
        'filter': SpaceCategory.Live,
        'query': 'foo bar'

Automated Solvers

This requires installation of the proton-api-client package

To set up automated email confirmation/verification solvers, add your Proton Mail credentials below as shown. This removes the need to manually solve email challenges via the web app. These credentials can be used in Scraper, Account, and Search constructors.


from twitter.account import Account
from twitter.util import get_code
from proton.client import ProtonMail

proton_username, proton_password = ..., ...
proton = lambda: get_code(ProtonMail(proton_username, proton_password))

email, username, password = ..., ..., ...
account = Account(email, username, password, proton=proton)

Example API Responses

UserTweetsAndReplies ```json { "entryId": "homeConversation-1648726807301218305-1648801924760711169-1648811419998228480", "sortIndex": "1648811419998228480", "content": { "entryType": "TimelineTimelineModule", "__typename": "TimelineTimelineModule", "items": [ { "entryId": "homeConversation-1648811419998228480-0-tweet-1648726807301218305", "dispensable": true, "item": { "itemContent": { "itemType": "TimelineTweet", "__typename": "TimelineTweet", "tweet_results": { "result": { "__typename": "Tweet", "rest_id": "1648726807301218305", "has_birdwatch_notes": false, "core": { "user_results": { "result": { "__typename": "User", "id": "VXNlcjozMzgzNjYyOQ==", "rest_id": "33836629", "affiliates_highlighted_label": {}, "has_graduated_access": true, "is_blue_verified": true, "profile_image_shape": "Circle", "legacy": { "can_dm": false, "can_media_tag": true, "created_at": "Tue Apr 21 06:49:15 +0000 2009", "default_profile": false, "default_profile_image": false, "description": "Building a kind of JARVIS @ OреոΑӏ. Previously Director of AI @ Tesla, CS231n, PhD @ Stanford. I like to train large deep neural nets 🧠🤖💥", "entities": { "description": { "urls": [] }, "url": { "urls": [ { "display_url": "", "expanded_url": "", "url": "", "indices": [ 0, 23 ] } ] } }, "fast_followers_count": 0, "favourites_count": 7312, "followers_count": 701921, "friends_count": 809, "has_custom_timelines": true, "is_translator": false, "listed_count": 9207, "location": "Stanford", "media_count": 633, "name": "Andrej Karpathy", "normal_followers_count": 701921, "pinned_tweet_ids_str": [ "1599152286672248832" ], "possibly_sensitive": false, "profile_banner_url": "", "profile_image_url_https": "", "profile_interstitial_type": "", "screen_name": "karpathy", "statuses_count": 8067, "translator_type": "none", "url": "", "verified": true, "want_retweets": false, "withheld_in_countries": [] }, "smart_blocked_by": false, "smart_blocking": false } } }, "unmention_data": {}, "edit_control": { "edit_tweet_ids": [ "1648726807301218305" ], "editable_until_msecs": "1681923877000", "is_edit_eligible": true, "edits_remaining": "5" }, "edit_perspective": { "favorited": false, "retweeted": false }, "is_translatable": false, "views": { "count": "409371", "state": "EnabledWithCount" }, "source": "Twitter Web App", "quoted_status_result": { "result": { "__typename": "Tweet", "rest_id": "1647434714947395585", "has_birdwatch_notes": false, "core": { "user_results": { "result": { "__typename": "User", "id": "VXNlcjozMTA4MzUx", "rest_id": "3108351", "affiliates_highlighted_label": {}, "has_graduated_access": true, "is_blue_verified": false, "profile_image_shape": "Square", "legacy": { "can_dm": false, "can_media_tag": true, "created_at": "Sun Apr 01 06:22:13 +0000 2007", "default_profile": false, "default_profile_image": false, "description": "Sign up for our newsletters and alerts: | Got a tip? | For WSJ customer support:", "entities": { "description": { "urls": [ { "display_url": "", "expanded_url": "", "url": "", "indices": [ 40, 63 ] }, { "display_url": "", "expanded_url": "", "url": "", "indices": [ 77, 100 ] }, { "display_url": "", "expanded_url": "", "url": "", "indices": [ 129, 152 ] } ] }, "url": { "urls": [ { "display_url": "", "expanded_url": "", "url": "", "indices": [ 0, 23 ] } ] } }, "fast_followers_count": 0, "favourites_count": 1137, "followers_count": 20521959, "friends_count": 1087, "has_custom_timelines": true, "is_translator": false, "listed_count": 128849, "location": "New York, NY", "media_count": 45523, "name": "The Wall Street Journal", "normal_followers_count": 20521959, "pinned_tweet_ids_str": [ "1648690341581651971" ], "possibly_sensitive": false, "profile_banner_url": "", "profile_image_url_https": "", "profile_interstitial_type": "", "screen_name": "WSJ", "statuses_count": 404295, "translator_type": "regular", "url": "", "verified": true, "verified_type": "Business", "want_retweets": false, "withheld_in_countries": [] }, "smart_blocked_by": false, "smart_blocking": false } } }, "card": { "rest_id": "", "legacy": { 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"thumbnail_image_color", "value": { "image_color_value": { "palette": [ { "rgb": { "blue": 14, "green": 17, "red": 2 }, "percentage": 80.84 }, { "rgb": { "blue": 118, "green": 92, "red": 1 }, "percentage": 10.71 }, { "rgb": { "blue": 253, "green": 225, "red": 182 }, "percentage": 2.22 }, { "rgb": { "blue": 200, "green": 158, "red": 0 }, "percentage": 1.93 }, { "rgb": { "blue": 107, "green": 96, "red": 6 }, "percentage": 1.14 } ] }, "type": "IMAGE_COLOR" } }, { "key": "title", "value": { "string_value": "Apple’s iPhone Passcode Problem: How Thieves Can Take Over in Minutes", "type": "STRING" } }, { "key": "summary_photo_image_color", "value": { "image_color_value": { "palette": [ { "rgb": { "blue": 14, "green": 17, "red": 2 }, "percentage": 80.84 }, { "rgb": { "blue": 118, "green": 92, "red": 1 }, "percentage": 10.71 }, { "rgb": { "blue": 253, "green": 225, "red": 182 }, "percentage": 2.22 }, { "rgb": { "blue": 200, "green": 158, "red": 0 }, "percentage": 1.93 }, { "rgb": { "blue": 107, 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