trichter / qopen_finland

Induced earthquake source parameters, attenuation, and site effects from waveform envelopes in the Fennoscandian Shield
MIT License
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Qopen Finland

This repository contains the source code for the reproduction of results and figures of the following publication:

Tom Eulenfeld, Gregor Hillers, Tommi A. T. Vuorinen and Ulrich Wegler (2023), Induced earthquake source parameters, attenuation, and site effects from waveform envelopes in the Fennoscandian Shield, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, doi: 10.1029/2022JB025162.

Additionally, this repository contains result files, figures and metadata files.


Result files

qopen/01_go/results.json Attenuation results (g, b)\ data/Q.json Alternatively, Q values for this study can be looked up here under key Eulenfeld2013\ qopen/02_sites/results.json Site amplifications\ qopen/04_source_nconst/results.json Source displacement spectra, fc, M0 for 2018 earthquakes\ qopen/07_source_2020_nconst/results.json Source displacement spectra, fc, M0 for 2020 earthquakes\ data/eq_params_20??.csv Earthquake parameters for 2018/2020 analyzed earthquakes in CSV format

Metadata files

`data/events.` CSV and CSZ (including picks) files with 2018/2020 events\ `data/stations.* Used station metadata\ *data/wellpath20??.txt* Well paths of 2018/2020 boreholes\ *data/Q.json`* Scattering and intrinsic Q values from different studies

Other files

Qopen configuration, results, logs, plots and the calling script are located in the qopen folder. Python scripts are located in the scripts folder. Figures used in the publication and additional figures are located in the figs folder.

Preparation for running codes

  1. Download or clone this repository.
  2. Install the the relevant python packages: qopen>=4.4 obspy>=1.4.0 obspycsv>=1.0.0 cartopy shapely pyproj. The minimum version also specifies the versions I used. obspycsv is not needed for ObsPy>=1.5. The following is working for me when using conda
    conda --add channels conda-forge
    conda create -n eqspec obspy statsmodels cartopy shapely pyproj
    conda activate eqspec
    pip install qopen obspycsv
  3. Download the waveforms needed to run Qopen and put them into data folder: ISM_2018, ISUH_2018, ISUH_2020.

Running Qopen

Switch to the qopen folder with the Qopen configuration and results. Check out the script which runs a set of Qopen commands. Run these one by one or the script itself to recreate the results. Additionaly, you will find plots of envelope fits and intermediate results which are not in the repository.

Run scripts

Switch to the scripts directory and run the python scripts to recreate the plots in the figs folder, metadata and result files in the data folder.