trickerer / Trinity-Bots

NPCBots for TrinityCore and AzerothCore 3.3.5
473 stars 157 forks source link

[AC] [Question] EOTS Battleground #895

Closed Conan1996-2 closed 1 week ago

Conan1996-2 commented 1 month ago



I currently have entered the below waypoints into SQL with no issue, problem there is no code for me to edit in order to compile for AC (looks like you use a patch?) So i can enable Eye Of The Storm battleground and work on behavior of the AI. Where can I get the code for the PATCH file for AC that can be edited to work on this? Right now the Bots just run around and kill each other without any AI taking any of the 4 areas, using the taken area GY's or taking the flag and running it. This is still playable, you just have to do the work to win.

DELETE FROM creature_template_npcbot_wander_nodes WHERE id >= 5100 AND id <= 5140;

INSERT INTO `creature_template_npcbot_wander_nodes` (`id`, `name`, `mapid`, `zoneid`, `areaid`, `minlevel`, `maxlevel`, `flags`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `o`, `links`) VALUES
(5100, 'EOTSStartA1', 566, 3820, 3820, 60, 80, 3, 2524.05, 1596.56, 1269.48, 3.03123, '5101:0 5109:0'),
(5101, 'EOTSStartARock', 566, 3820, 3820, 60, 80, 0, 2485.64, 1590.95, 1246.14, 1.37323, '5102:0'),
(5102, 'EOTSStartALower', 566, 3820, 3820, 60, 80, 0, 2490.15, 1613.52, 1227.23, 3.32495, '5103:0'),
(5103, 'EOTSTipA', 566, 3820, 3820, 60, 80, 0, 2392.91, 1586.51, 1175.86, 3.2464, '5128:0 5112:0'),
(5104, 'EOTSStartH1', 566, 3820, 3820, 60, 80, 5, 1805.73, 1539.37, 1268.31, 0.20689, '5105:0 5109:0'),
(5105, 'EOTSStartHRock', 566, 3820, 3820, 60, 80, 0, 1847.49, 1545.09, 1244.18, 4.41663, '5106:0'),
(5106, 'EOTSStartHLower', 566, 3820, 3820, 60, 80, 0, 1839.58, 1521.42, 1228.84, 0.265798, '5107:0'),
(5107, 'EOTSTipH', 566, 3820, 3820, 60, 80, 0, 1940.85, 1546.91, 1176.82, 0.065522, '5135:0 5120:0'),
(5108, 'EOTSFlagH', 566, 3820, 3820, 60, 80, 0, 2050.68, 1542.73, 1163.09, 0.210813, '5109:0 5138:0 5124:0'),
(5109, 'EOTSFlag', 566, 3820, 3820, 60, 80, 128, 2174.2, 1569.31, 1159.96, 591731, '5108:0 5110:0'),
(5110, 'EOTSFlagA', 566, 3820, 3820, 60, 80, 0, 2281.44, 1588.19, 1164.82, 3.3956, '5109:0 5131:0 5116:0'),
(5111, 'EOTSMTBridge', 566, 3820, 3869, 60, 80, 0, 2230.75, 1758.61, 1151.25, 3.29745, '5112:0 5134:0 5113:0'),
(5112, 'EOTSMTFront', 566, 3820, 3869, 60, 80, 0, 2286.22, 1645.92, 1165.94, 4.26226, '5110:0 5103:0 5128:0 5129:0 5134:0'),
(5113, 'EOTSMTSideMeet', 566, 3820, 3869, 60, 80, 0, 2281.55, 1695.3, 1174.15, 4.67272, '5116:0'),
(5114, 'EOTSMTGY', 566, 3820, 3869, 60, 80, 0, 2357.68, 1681.85, 1173.15, 3.77345, '5112:0'),
(5115, 'EOTSMTBuff', 566, 3820, 3869, 60, 80, 0, 2283.25, 1749.15, 1189.71, 4.74341, ''),
(5116, 'EOTSMTFlag', 566, 3820, 3869, 60, 80, 320, 2284.68, 1731.12, 1189.88, 4.80624, '5111:0 5112:0 5114:0 5117:0 5118:0 5131:0 5110:0'),
(5117, 'EOTSMTStand1', 566, 3820, 3869, 60, 80, 0, 2276.38, 1720.33, 1185.57, 2.91344, '5111:0 5112:0 5114:0 5116:0 5118:0 5110:0 5128:0'),
(5118, 'EOTSMTStand2', 566, 3820, 3869, 60, 80, 0, 2300.9, 1716.73, 1183.37, 4.712, '5111:0 5112:0 5114:0 5116:0 5117:0 5110:0 5128:0'),
(5119, 'EOTSBETBridge', 566, 3820, 3870, 60, 80, 0, 2103.98, 1378.02, 1162.81, 0.151905, '5120:0 5127:0 5121:0'),
(5120, 'EOTSBETFront', 566, 3820, 3870, 60, 80, 0, 2051.28, 1484.41, 1164.98, 0.925108, '5108:0 5107:0 5135:0 5136:0 5138:0 5119:0'),
(5121, 'EOTSBETSideMeet', 566, 3820, 3870, 60, 80, 0, 2048.73, 1419.22, 1190.56, 1.63325, '5124:0'),
(5122, 'EOTSBETGY', 566, 3820, 3870, 60, 80, 0, 2011.49, 1454.54, 1172.22, 0.7366, '5120:0'),
(5123, 'EOTSBETBuff', 566, 3820, 3870, 60, 80, 0, 2050.35, 1372.36, 1194.55, 1.64376, ''),
(5124, 'EOTSBETFlag', 566, 3820, 3870, 60, 80, 320, 2048.38, 1393.59, 1194.35, 4.88117, '5125:0 5126:0 5119:0 5120:0 5122:0 5138:0 5108:0'),
(5125, 'EOTSBETStand1', 566, 3820, 3870, 60, 80, 0, 2074.57, 1378.1, 1195.49, 0.094167, '5119:0 5120:0 5122:0 5124:0 5126:0 5108:0 5135:0'),
(5126, 'EOTSBETStand2', 566, 3820, 3870, 60, 80, 0, 2036.42, 1415.29, 1192.59, 1.59035, '5119:0 5120:0 5122:0 5124:0 5125:0 5108:0 5135:0'),
(5127, 'EOTSDRBridge', 566, 3820, 3871, 60, 80, 0, 2252.24, 1401.9, 1181.04, 2.60235, '5128:0 5119:0'),
(5128, 'EOTSDRFront', 566, 3820, 3871, 60, 80, 0, 2287.7, 1457.43, 1184.14, 2.00031, '5110:0 5103:0 5112:0 5113:0 5114:0 5116:0 5127:0'),
(5129, 'EOTSDRGY', 566, 3820, 3871, 60, 80, 0, 2353.81, 1455.44, 1185.33, 2.61922, '5128:0'),
(5130, 'EOTSDRBuff', 566, 3820, 3871, 60, 80, 0, 2302.71, 1390.97, 1197.74, 2.1401, ''),
(5131, 'EOTSDRFlag', 566, 3820, 3871, 60, 80, 320, 2286.61, 1402.38, 1197.11, 1.52012, '5132:0 5133:0 5127:0 5128:0 5129:0 5116:0 5110:0'),
(5132, 'EOTSDRStand1', 566, 3820, 3871, 60, 80, 0, 2270.64, 1394.88, 1197.05, 2.9142, '5127:0 5128:0 5129:0 5131:0 5133:0 5110:0 5112:0'),
(5133, 'EOTSDRStand2', 566, 3820, 3871, 60, 80, 0, 2304.94, 1409.42, 1200.3, 1.7793, '5127:0 5128:0 5129:0 5131:0 5132:0 5110:0 5112:0'),
(5134, 'EOTSFRRBridge', 566, 3820, 3872, 60, 80, 0, 2092.52, 1733.26, 1171.59, 0.246159, '5135:0 5111:0'),
(5135, 'EOTSFRRFront', 566, 3820, 3872, 60, 80, 0, 2044.05, 1673.82, 1176.06, 5.29585, '5110:0 5107:0 5108:0 5120:0 5121:0 5122:0 5124:0 5134:0'),
(5136, 'EOTSFRRGY', 566, 3820, 3872, 60, 80, 0, 2010.54, 1675.49, 1182.13, 5.71209, '5135:0'),
(5137, 'EOTSFRRBuff', 566, 3820, 3872, 60, 80, 0, 2046.06, 1748.68, 1190.08, 5.04843, ''),
(5138, 'EOTSFRRFlag', 566, 3820, 3872, 60, 80, 320, 2043.9, 1729.79, 1189.86, 1.51413, '5139:0 5140:0 5134:0 5135:0 5136:0 5124:0 5108:0'),
(5139, 'EOTSFRRStand1', 566, 3820, 3872, 60, 80, 0, 2062.04, 1737.1, 1189.04, 5.80241, '5134:0 5135:0 5136:0 5138:0 5140:0 5108:0 5120:0'),
(5140, 'EOTSFRRStand2', 566, 3820, 3872, 60, 80, 0, 2019.64, 1735.14, 1195.87, 4.86387, '5134:0 5135:0 5136:0 5138:0 5139:0 5108:0 5120:0');

TrinityCore or AzerothCore


Core rev. hash/commit

No response

Operating system


trickerer commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry but I didn't find any use for WPs you've created. I've noticed in posted SQL dump some WPs don't have any links so I decided to make everything from scratch. Also several new WP flags were implemented for the purpose of proper scripting. Well, thanks for the encouragment I guess?

Conan1996-2 commented 2 weeks ago

That's Awesome!, Yea, the no links are actually the buffs, and without access to scripting, I didn't add a link to them with the intent to add links when scripting was being worked on.