trickest / resolvers

The most exhaustive list of reliable DNS resolvers.
MIT License
694 stars 70 forks source link
brute-force bug-bounty cybersecurity dns infosec network pentesting red-team resolver resolvers security security-tool

Resolvers Tweet

The most exhaustive list of reliable DNS resolvers

How it Works

A Trickest workflow creates an initial dataset of resolvers from various sources and then uses multiple instances of dnsvalidator to validate and re-validate this dataset and make it as reliable as possible.

Trickest Workflow

TB; DZ (Too big; didn't zoom)


All contributions are welcome! You can create a pull request editing resolvers-community.txt to contribute new DNS servers to the project. For any other suggestions/questions, feel free to create a new ticket via GitHub issues, tweet at us @trick3st, or join the conversation on Discord.

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