trikita / jedux

Redux architecture for Android in good old java
MIT License
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android anvil immutables redux redux-architecture

Jedux - Redux architecture for Android

In the best traditions of Redux, Jedux is a very small and very flexible implementation.

Best used with Anvil, which is React-like library for Android.


repositories {
    maven { url = "" }

dependencies {
    compile "com.github.trikita:jedux:+"

Apps built with Jedux


// Define state type
class State {
        public final int count;
        public State(int count) {
                this.count = count;

// Define action types
enum CounterAction {

// Create store providing reducer and initial state
private Store<Action<CounterAction, ?>, State> store = new Store(this::reduce, new State(0));

// Reducer: transforms old state into a new one depending on the action type and value
public State reduce(Action<CounterAction, ?> action, State old) {
        switch (action.type) {
                case INCREMENT:
                        return new State(old.count + 1);
                case PLUS:
                        return new State(old.count + (Integer) action.value);
        return old;

// Using Anvil you can bind store variables to some view properties
textView(() -> {
    text("Count: " + store.getState().count);

// Submit an action (e.g. from your event listeners)
button(() -> {
    onClick(v -> store.dispatch(new Action<>(CounterAction.INCREMENT)));
button(() -> {
    onClick(v -> store.dispatch(new Action<>(CounterAction.PLUS, 10)));



trkita.jedux.Action (you are free to use your own action types!):

trikita.jedix.Store.Middleware - implenent this interface to add custom middleware (e.g. to handle actions with side effects or talk with your controllers). Here's an example of the builtin Logger middleware, that logs every incoming action and dumps state after the action is dispatched:

public class Logger<A, S> implements Store.Middleware<A, S> {
    private final String tag;
    public Logger(String tag) {
        this.tag = tag;
    public void dispatch(Store<A, S> store, A action, Store.NextDispatcher<A> next) {
        Log.d(tag, "--> " + action.toString());
        Log.d(tag, "<-- " + store.getState().toString());

To keep the state immutable consider using Immutables or Dexx.


Code is distributed under MIT license, feel free to use it in your proprietary projects as well.