trikko / serverino

Small and ready-to-go http server, in D
MIT License
47 stars 2 forks source link
dlang http http-server https-server



======= BUILD & TEST LICENSE Donate

quickstart – minimal example – wiki - more examples - docs – shielding serverino using proxy


dub init your_app_name -t serverino
cd your_app_name
dub run

A simple webserver in just three lines

import serverino;
mixin ServerinoMain;
void simple(Request request, Output output) { output ~= request.dump(); }

Documentation you need

Defining more than one endpoint

[!IMPORTANT] All the functions marked with @endpoint will be called one by one, in order of @priority (higher to lower), until one of them modifies the output.

module app;

import std;
import serverino;

mixin ServerinoMain;

// This endpoint handles the root of the server. Try: http://localhost:8080/
@endpoint @route!"/"
void homepage(Request request, Output output)
    output ~= `<html><body>`;
    output ~= `<a href="">Private page</a><br>`;
    output ~= `<a href="">Private (404) page</a>`;
    output ~= `</body></html>`;

// This endpoint shows a private page: it's protected by the auth endpoint below.
@endpoint @route!"/private/profile"
void user(Request request, Output output)
    output ~= "Hello user!";

// This endpoint shows a private page: it's protected by the auth endpoint below.
void blah(Request request, Output output)
    // Same as marking this endpoint with @route!"/private/dump"
    if (request.path != "/private/dump")

    output ~= request.dump();

// This endpoint simply checks if the user and password are correct for all the private pages.
// Since it has a higher priority than the previous endpoints, it will be called first.
@endpoint @route!(r => r.path.startsWith("/private/"))
void auth(Request request, Output output)
    if (request.user != "user" || request.password != "password")
        // If the user and password are not correct, we return a 401 status code and a www-authenticate header.
        output.status = 401;
        output.addHeader("www-authenticate",`Basic realm="my serverino"`);

    // If the user and password are correct, we call the next matching endpoint.
    // (the next matching endpoint will be called only if the current endpoint doesn't write anything)

// This endpoint has the highest priority between the endpoints and it logs all the requests.
@priority(12) @endpoint
void requestLog(Request request)
    // There's no http output, so the next endpoint will be called.
    info("Request: ", request.path);


[!NOTE] Priority works in the same way as the HTTP endpoints: the first websocket endpoint that touches the connection will handle it

// Accept a new connection only if the request path is "/echo"
// Every websocket will start a new indipendent process
@onWebSocketUpgrade bool onUpgrade(Request req) {
    return req.path == "/echo";

// Handle the WebSocket connection
// Just like a normal endpoint, but with a WebSocket parameter
@endpoint void echo(Request r, WebSocket ws) {

    // Keep the websocket running
    while (true) {

        // Try to receive a message from the client
        if (WebSocketMessage msg = ws.receiveMessage())
            // If we received a message, send it back to the client
            ws.send("I received your message: `" ~ msg.asString ~ "`");

    // When the function returns, the WebSocket connection is closed

Shielding the whole thing

[!CAUTION] I recommend securing serverino behind a full web server. Below, I provide two examples of how to run serverino with nginx and apache.

Using nginx

It's pretty easy. Just add these lines inside your nginx configuration:

server {
   listen 80 default_server;
   listen [::]:80 default_server;

   location /your_path/ {
      proxy_set_header Host $host;
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

      proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;

If you want to enable keepalive (between nginx and serverino) you must use an upstream:

upstream your_upstream_name {
  server localhost:8080;
  keepalive 64;

server {
   listen 80 default_server;
   listen [::]:80 default_server;

   location /your_path/ {
      proxy_set_header Connection "";
      proxy_http_version 1.1;
      proxy_set_header Host $host;
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

      proxy_pass http://your_upstream_name;


Using apache2

Enable proxy module for apache2:

sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http

Add a proxy in your virtualhost configuration:

<VirtualHost *:80>
   ProxyPass "/"  "http://localhost:8080/"