trillhc / LootGeneratorDnD

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get service_account.json

first thing! make sure you are on development branch (made it default) and then create your own branch off of it. submit PR of your new branch to development, you can even open it if not ready to be merged yet just to show the difference differences on github. Start issues with WIP: in name in this case

structure: in /api start in init views are endpoints that will be called by the api ie. models are database tables, giving name and listing columns

ignore: .idea .circleci

database: database will be managed separately and connected to on local server for now. (not done yet) app will be launched with docker-compose.yml file to heroku if possible, otherwise locally. review and ask questions about anything docker in this as it is a perfect way to learn how docker works

virtual enviroment setup in windows:

make sure you are in this projects main folder in a cmd terminal and enter call commands

if this doesnt work try pip3 install virtualenv and that you have python 3.7+ setup on pc

pip install virtualenv

this creates a folder with a virtual python enviroment in it, you may need to set your ide to use it

virtualenv venv

this activates the venv in your current terminal so you can do things in it


installs everything this project needs, and nothing it doesnt

pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

create file called creds.ini in the root project dir containing this text:

[pg_creds] pg_url = postgresql://postgres:*****@

replace stars with supplied password

Run debug server to test endpoints: !!! .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat python runserver !!! or


reference material:
