trilogy-group / tu2k22-vssubhang

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Template repository for TU 22 Tracks


This repository is a template to be used for creating your individual repositories for your tracks The template is configured to automatically have the main branch as protected, meaning you cannot push directly to it or merge any PRs to main without explicit approval form one of the mentors


  1. Create a new Github repository from this template and name it tu2k22-\<AD username>
  2. For each track, you will create a new branch of the repository and begin working on the track in this branch.
  3. Name the branch \<trackname>-review
  4. Follow the correct conventions for committing to git (small commits, clean commit messages, etc.) and when you're done, raise a PR to the main branch
  5. The mentors should automatically be assigned as reviewers
  6. After you have received approval from atleast one mentor, you can merge the branch into main