trinib / AdGuard-WireGuard-Unbound-DNScrypt

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Not showing DoH or DoT sometimes ? #2

Closed trinib closed 2 years ago

trinib commented 3 years ago

Sometimes you get a hit and miss with DoH or DoT from on pc/windows upon refreshing page multiple times, but it don't seem to have that issue on android browsers. But when Fastest IP Address option is selected the whole issue stops but have slower response time on websites. But with Parallel Request its noticeably faster browsing/loading times. In my opinion website sometimes don't detect DoH or DoT in time because of browser windows architecture ?🤔Maybe it will resolve itself or i'll find the problem from adgaurdhome team.

UPDATE : Tested on Linux Firefox and I absolutely get no miss .. Here is a video preview ..So that confirmed it to be just a issue with windows.

UPDATED 2/20/2022

FINALLY A FIX FOR WINDOWS Windows has a funny way of resolving multiple DNS according in Microsoft forums . I tried everything from changing windows adapter settings , registry , group policies and multiple windows DNS changers and nothing worked .Then i found this program called Acrylic DNS Proxy that helps windows resolves it perfectly🎉.

Install Acrylic DNS Proxy

TIP: Troubleshoot IP/DNS Commands

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns

Originally posted by @trinib in

Rar9 commented 2 years ago

I´m having similar issues with getting Using DNS over HTTPS (DoH) = No

My Adguard has this extra line as I`running a Unifi USG [/]

My unbound port is 5353 not 53 else it wont restart, as adguard is using it that to passes it to unifi to get all devices add free.

Any hit to get this fixed?

trinib commented 2 years ago

My unbound port is 5353 not 53 else it wont restart, as adguard is using it that to passes it to unifi to get all devices add free.

thats right .. i had tried different ports with unbound already but i cant remember if i had an issue or it made no difference to me .. if it works for you go ahead

I´m having similar issues with getting Using DNS over HTTPS (DoH) = No

is it not showing at all ? or sometimes..

Rar9 commented 2 years ago

Not showing at all.

DoT is sometimes not showing on first load.

Do i need to open any special port on firewall?

Currently I got 53 (UDP/TCP) for plain DNS resolution 80 (TCP) for Let's Encrypt's validation method 443 (TCP) for AdGuard Home's webinterface & DoH 853 (TCP) for DoT

trinib commented 2 years ago

hmm is DoH working without Unifi USG.. not sure.. you have to test to know exactly

Rar9 commented 2 years ago

Not tested as it late, might have time on weekend