trinidad / trinidad_init_services

Run Trinidad as a service (based on Commons-Daemon and JRuby-JSVC)
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Trinidad Init Services

Init services based on Apache Commons Daemon and jruby-jsvc.

Allows you to run Trinidad as an OS daemon, works on Unix and Windows systems.


$ gem install trinidad_init_services

When the gem is installed the you launch the installation process :

$ jruby -S trinidad_init_service

This installer guides you through the configuration process and generates a init.d script if you are on a Unix system or creates the service if you are on a Windows box.

You can optionally provide a YAML configuration file with defaults specified for the trinidad_init_service command. An example configuration file :

app_path: "/home/trinidad/myapp/current"
#ruby_compat_version: RUBY1_9
#service_id: Trinidad # on Windows (defaults to :trinidad_name)
#service_desc: Trinidad Service Description # on Windows (optional)
jruby_home: /opt/jruby
java_home: /opt/java
output_path: /etc/init.d
pid_file: /home/trinidad/myapp/shared/pids/
out_file: /home/trinidad/myapp/shared/log/trinidad.out # std out/err
jsvc_path: /usr/bin/jsvc # only used on Unix systems
trinidad_opts: "-e production --threadsafe"
java_opts: "-server -Xss1248k -XX:CompileThreshold=8000"
configure_memory: true # asks you for memory requirements (merges java_opts)
#total_memory: 720 # total dedicated in mega-bytes (assumes configure_memory)
#hot_deployment: true # whether using hot-deploys (assumes configure_memory)

You can then run the installer like so:

$ trinidad_init_service --defaults trinidad_init_defaults.yml

If any of the required options are not provided in the configuration file, then the installer will prompt you for them. If you're running this as part of an environment initialization script than use the --know option or provide only the defaults file path on the command line (make sure all required options are there) :

$ jruby -S trinidad_init_service --know trinidad_init_defaults.yml

NOTE: Do not confuse the defaults.yml "configuration" file with Trinidad's own configuration (config/trinidad.yml) file used when setting up the server !



To run Trinidad as a daemon jsvc is used. Some distributions provide binary packages of JSVC but not all, for these we do bundle JSVC's sources and try to compile the binary during configuration for you. However please note that to build JSVC on Unix you will need :


When the installation process finishes you can use the script generated to launch the server as a daemon with the options start|stop|restart, i.e:

$ /etc/init.d/trinidad restart

Running as a Non-Root User

By default, the Trinidad server process will run as the same user that ran the /etc/init.d/trinidad start command. But the service can be configured to run as a different user. The preferred method for doing this is the run_user: attribute in the configuration YAML (or it's corresponding value at the prompt). For example:

app_path: "/home/trinidad/myapp/current"
# ...
run_user: trinidad
# ...

This causes the the server to run with non-root privileges (it essentially executes as sudo -u run_user jsvc ...).

On some platforms, however, it may be required that you use the JSVC -user argument. This can be configured with the JSVC_ARGS_EXTRA environment variable, like this:

JSVC_ARGS_EXTRA="-user myuser" /etc/init.d/trinidad start

It is not recommended that you mix the -user flag with the run_user option !


manage as every other service (e.g. update-rc.d -f trinidad defaults on Ubuntu) you can even uninstall (will attempt to delete the script as well) using :

$ [sudo] trinidad_init_service --uninstall /etc/init.d/trinidad



Open the Services panel under Administrative Tools and look for a service called Trinidad (or whatever name you have chosen) then Start it.

By default the service is not setup to auto start during boot, that can be changed from the command-line or using the Windows Services application.


on Windows uninstallation requires to pass the service name (if not default) :

$ jruby -S trinidad_init_service --uninstall Trinidad

Please note that when the service gets uninstalled (on Windows) usually a restart is needed for it to be installable again.


Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Team Trinidad. See LICENSE ( for details.