trinker / readability

Fast readability scores for text data
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Add dale_chall #2

Open trinker opened 8 years ago

trinker commented 8 years ago

Started but not getting results I believe I should be:

dale_chall_ <- function(n.words, p.hard, n.sents, ...){
    (.1579*(100*p.hard)) + (.0496*(n.words/n.sents)) + ifelse(p.hard > .05, 3.6365, 0)

perc_hard <- function(x){
    words <- unlist(stringi::stri_extract_all_words(gsub("\\d+", " ", tolower(x))))
    mean(!words %in% dale_chall_list)

stem <- function (x, language = "porter") SnowballC::wordStem(x, language)

out <- quanteda::toLower(quanteda::tokenize(x, what="word", removeNumbers = TRUE, removePunct = TRUE,
  removeSeparators = TRUE, removeTwitter = TRUE, removeHyphens = TRUE))

length(quanteda::removeFeatures(out, dale_chall_list)[[1]])/length(out[[1]])

x <- 'You said you didn’t want it,” said Thelma.
“And anyhow, I don’t want to sell it now.”
“Why not?” said Frances.
“Well,” said Thelma, “it is a very good tea set.
It is plastic that does not break.
It has pretty red flowers on it.
It has all the cups and saucers.
It has the sugar bowl and the cream pitcher
and the teapot.
It is almost new, and I think it cost a lot of
“I have two dollars and seventeen cents,” said
“That’s a lot of money.”
“I don’t know,” said Thelma.
“If I sell you…
From A Bargain for Frances'

x <- paste(x, collapse=" ")

n.sents <- length(na.omit(unlist(textshape::split_sentence(textclean::replace_non_ascii(x))[[1]])))
length(na.omit(unlist(stringi::stri_split_boundaries(textclean::replace_non_ascii(x), type="sentence", locale="@ss=standard")[[1]])))

n.words <- sum(stringi::stri_count_words(x), na.rm = TRUE)
p.hard <- perc_hard(x)

dale_chall_(n.words, p.hard, n.sents)

pacman::p_load(rvest, xml2, dplyr, stringi)

dc_url <- ''

dale_chall_list <- dc_url %>% 
  read_html() %>%
  html_nodes('td') %>%
  `[`(-c(1:9)) %>% 
  html_text() %>%
  `[`(-c(145:154)) %>%
  stringi::stri_extract_all_words() %>%
  unlist() %>%
  tolower() #%>%length

devtools::use_data(dale_chall_list, pkg="C:/Users/Tyler/GitHub/readability", overwrite = TRUE, internal = TRUE)

dc_url <- ''

dc_url %>% 
  read_html() %>%
#  html_nodes('td') %>%
   html_nodes(xpath='//table/tbody/tr/td') %>%
  `[`(-c(1:44)) %>% 
  html_text() %>% 
  #`[`(-c(145:154)) %>%
  stringi::stri_extract_all_words() %>%
  unlist() #%>%length

doc_url <- ''

doc_url %>%
    textreadr::download() %>%
    textreadr::read_doc() %>%
    qdapRegex::ex_default(pattern="(?<=\\|)[A-Za-z'-]+") %>%
    c() %>%
    na.omit() %>%
trinker commented 8 years ago

If this happens it will be a separate function with ranges for the real grade level plus the raw scores. Also plot will work the same way.