trinker / readability

Fast readability scores for text data
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r readability text-mining

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Project Status: Inactive – The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows. Build
Status Coverage
Status DOI Version

readability utilizes the syllable package for fast calculation of readability scores by grouping variables.

Table of Contents


To download the development version of readability:

Download the zip ball or tar ball, decompress and run R CMD INSTALL on it, or use the pacman package to install the development version:

if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")


You are welcome to:


if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(syllable, readability)

(x <- with(presidential_debates_2012, readability(dialogue, list(person, time))))

##        person   time Flesch_Kincaid Gunning_Fog_Index Coleman_Liau SMOG
##  1:  QUESTION time 2            8.6              12.5         10.1 12.0
##  2:     OBAMA time 1            9.1              12.2          8.9 11.4
##  3:     OBAMA time 3            8.5              12.0          8.8 11.5
##  4:    ROMNEY time 1            6.8              10.2          8.1 10.3
##  5:     OBAMA time 2            6.8              10.2          7.8 10.3
##  6:    ROMNEY time 3            6.7              10.1          7.5 10.2
##  7:    ROMNEY time 2            6.1               9.3          7.4  9.7
##  8: SCHIEFFER time 3            5.1               8.7          6.8  9.3
##  9:    LEHRER time 1            4.3               8.3          5.9  9.0
## 10:   CROWLEY time 2            4.3               7.6          5.6  8.5
##     Automated_Readability_Index Average_Grade_Level
##  1:                         8.0                10.2
##  2:                         9.0                10.1
##  3:                         8.0                 9.7
##  4:                         6.0                 8.3
##  5:                         6.0                 8.2
##  6:                         6.0                 8.1
##  7:                         5.0                 7.5
##  8:                         4.0                 6.8
##  9:                         3.0                 6.1
## 10:                         3.0                 5.8
