trinodb / grafana-trino

The Trino datasource allows to query and visualize Trino data from within Grafana.
Apache License 2.0
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Trino Grafana Data Source Plugin


The Trino datasource allows to query and visualize Trino data from within Grafana.

Getting started

Drop this into Grafana's plugins directory. To run it locally without installing Grafana, run it in a Docker container using:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 \
  -v "$(pwd):/var/lib/grafana/plugins/trino" \
  --name=grafana \


Macros support

Plugin supports the following marcos:

A description of macros is available by typing their names in Raw Editor


Using Variables in Queries

Template variable values are only quoted when the template variable is a multi-value.

If the variable is a multi-value variable then use the IN comparison operator rather than = to match against multiple values.

Example with a template variable named hostname:

  atimestamp as time,
  aint as value
FROM table
WHERE $__timeFilter(atimestamp) and hostname in($hostname)
ORDER BY atimestamp ASC

Disabling quoting for multi-value variables

Grafana automatically creates a quoted, comma-separated string for multi-value variables. For example: if server01 and server02 are selected then it will be formatted as: 'server01', 'server02'. To disable quoting, use the csv formatting option for variables:


Read more about variable formatting options in the Variables documentation.


If you have any idea for an improvement or found a bug do not hesitate to open an issue or submit a pull request. We will appreciate any help from the community.


See for development instructions.


Apache 2.0 License, please see LICENSE for details.