tripal / tripal_analysis_expression

Extension module for the Tripal toolset to show differential expression data. This module was made for Drupal 7, Tripal 3, and Chado 1.3.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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analysis chado gene-expression loader tripal

DOI All Contributors


This is an extension module for the Tripal project.

Please note this module requires Tripal 3 or greater. The Tripal 2 functional module is available for download but is no longer supported.

Tripal Analysis: Expression

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Module Features
  4. Loading Biosamples
  5. Loading Expression Data
  6. Loading P-Value Data
  7. Viewing Data
  8. Administrative Pages
  9. Protocols
  10. Example Files
  11. Module Updating


Tripal Analysis: Expression is a Drupal module built to extend the functionality of the Tripal toolset. The purpose of the module is to visually represent gene expression for Tripal features. This module requires the following Tripal modules:

  1. Tripal
  2. Tripal Chado
  3. Tripal Biomaterial (Included)


  1. Click on the green "Clone or download" button on the top right corner of this page to obtain the web URL. Download this module by running git clone <URL> on command line.
  2. Place the cloned module folder "tripal_analysis_expression" inside your /sites/all/modules. Then enable the module by running drush en tripal_analysis_expression (for more instructions, read the Drupal documentation page).
  3. If you are updating this module, you may want to consult the Module Updating section for explanation of changes that have been made to controlled vocabularies.


Data Loaders

Three loaders are provided by this module, a biosample loader, an expression loader, and a p-value loader. The biosample loader has the ability to load data from a flat file or from an xml file downloaded from NCBI. The expression loader can load expression data in column or matrix format. The p-value loader takes a csv or tsv file.

Expression Display

Once expression data is loaded, a display field will be shown on each feature page that has corresponding biosamples and expression values.


This module provides a search and results block to search for and select features to display in a heatmap.

Tripal 3 entities and fields

The following bundles are defined by Tripal Protocol

The following fields are defined by Tripal Protocol, Tripal Biomaterial, and Tripal Analysis Expression

Loading Biosamples

Biosamples may be loaded from a flat file or from a BioSample xml file downloaded from NCBI. The steps for loading biosamples are as follows (detailed instructions can be found further below):

  1. First download or generate the flat (.csv, .tsv) or .xml file with biosample data you want to load.
  2. Add the organism associated with the biosample if it doesn't exist yet (Add Tripal content->Organism). You may also create an analysis to associate the biosamples with if you choose.
  3. Navigate to the Tripal site's Tripal Biosample Loader and
  4. Submit and run the import job
  5. Publish the biosamples

Downloading XML BioSample File From NCBI

To obtain a xml BioSample file from ncbi go the NCBI BioSample database. Search for and select the BioSamples you would like to download. Select BioSamples

Click the "Send to:" link. Then select "File" and select "Full XML (text)" as the format. Then click "Create File". Download BioSample XML File

Click here to see an example XML BioSample file from NCBI.

Using the Biosample loader

To upload the file into Chado/Tripal, navigate to:


First, provide the path on the server to the biosample file, or use the file uploader. You must select an Organism to associate the biosamples with. You may also associate the imported biosamples with an analysis, but this is not required.

Press the Check Biosamples button to preview your biosample properties. To take advantage of a controlled vocabulary (CV), you must manually assign each property to a CVterm. The uploader will list all CV terms matching each property, and provide the CV, database (DB) and accession for the match. If a match does not exist for your term, use the CVterm browser to identify an appropriate CVterm in your Tripal site, and rename the property in your input file to match the term. If no term exists in your database, you should use the EBI ontology lookup service to identify an appropriate term and insert it manually, or, load the corresponding CV.

The Biosample property configuration tool Pressing the 'Check Biosamples' button allows you to assign CVterms to every biosample property in your upload. If there isn't a suitable CVterm, you should rename it in your upload file to match a CVterm in the database and/or insert new CVterms.

After clicking "Submit job", the page should reload with the job status and Drush command to run the job. Copy and paste the Drush command and run it on command line. Upon running the Drush command, any warning/error/success/status message should be displayed.

Loading Biosamples From a Flat File

Alternatively biosamples may be loaded from a flat file (CSV or TSV). The flat file loader is designed to upload files that are in the NCBI BioSample submission format which can be downloaded here. Download the TSV version of the file. The file must have a header that specifies the type of data in the column. There must be one column labeled "sample_name". The loader will begin to collect data from the line that follows the line containing "sample_name" which is assumed to be the header line. Columns are not required to be in any order. Other columns will be either attributes or accessions. Available NCBI attributes can be found here. Available accession headers are bioproject_accession, sra_accession, biosample_accession. All other columns will be uploaded as properties. To upload other accessions use the bulk loader provided with this module labeled, "Biomaterial Accession Term Loader". This loader will load a flat file with 3 columns (sample name, database name, accession term). A Tripal database must be created with the same name as the database name in the upload file.

Click here to see an example of a CSV file and a TSV file.

Biosample File Loader The Biosample loader can accept a server path, or, you can use the Tripal file uploader to directly upload files to the server.

If there are multiple sequencing runs associated with the same biosample that should be treated as independent biosamples, the XML loader will not work (it creates only one record). To get around this, follow these instructions:

1) Go to NCBI ( and search for a specific organism ( make sure SRA is selected) image

2) Narrow down search by selecting: a) Proper source, DNA or RNA (on the left side) b) Proper organism on the left side c) Platform, most likely illumina d) Any others, as needed image

3) Select: Send to, then Run Selector


4) Click metadata to download the csv file


Publishing Biosamples to the Biological Sample Content Type

After loading, biosamples must be published to create entities for each biosample content type. As an administrator or user with correct permissions, navigate to Content->Tripal Content->Publish Tripal Content. Select the biological sample type to publish, apply any optional filtering, and press Publish.

Loading a Single Biosample

Biosamples may also be loaded one at a time. As an administrator or a user with permission to create Tripal content, go to: Content->Tripal Content -> Add Tripal Content -> Biological Sample. Available biosamples fields include the following.

Existing biosample properties will be added as fields Checking for new fields in the Structure-> Tripal Content Type admin area allows you to add existing properties to a Tripal content type. This allows you to manually enter values during content creation, as well as configure the display.

If you would like to create new properties, you may do so in the structure menu. Using the Add New Field row, enter the label and select Chado Property for the field type. After pressing Save, you must assign a CVterm to this property in the Controlled Vocabulary Term section. If an appropriate CVterm does not exist, you must insert it before you can create the field. To do so, navigate to tripal/loaders/chado_cvterms and press the *Add Term** button.

Creating manual Chado property fields If a desired property field does not exist, you can create it manually in the Structure-> Tripal Content Type admin area by setting the field type to 'Chado Property'

Loading Expression Data

The steps for loading expression data are as follows (detailed instructions can be found further below):

  1. Obtain expression data. Click here to read about the file formats accepted for expression data.
  2. Add the organism associated with the expression data if it hasn't been added.
  3. Upload all features in the expression data to the Chado database. To bulk upload features, go to Tripal->Data Loaders->Chado FASTA Loader and upload a FASTA file (click here to see an example of fasta file of transcriptome sequences). Or upload one feature at a time via content-> Tripal Content -> Add content, and select the relevant entity type (such as mRNA).
  4. Load the expression data. This is also the step where you can add experimental design details.

Creating the Analysis

Before loading data, describe the experimental setup used to collect the data. As an administrator or a user with permission to create content, navigate to content -> tripal content -> Analysis.

Note that program name, program version, and source name must be unique as a whole for analysis to be inserted correctly (click here to read more about the data structure for analysis).

Analysis Fields:

Expression Data Loader

The Chado Expression Data Loader provides a way for the user to load expression data associated with the experiment. The loader can load data from two types of formats, matrix and column. The matrix format expects a row of data containing biosample names. The first column should be unique feature names. Features must already be loaded into the database. Biosamples will be added if not present. Expression values will map to a biosample library in the column and a feature in the row. Only one matrix file may be loaded at a time. The column format expects the first column to contain features and the second column to be expression values.

For an example column file, click here. For an example matrix file, click here.

The biosample name will be taken as the name of the file minus the file extension. Features must already be loaded into the database. Biosamples will be added if not present. Multiple column format files may be loaded at the same time by uploading multiple files or, if providing a server path, if all files are in the same folder with the same file extensions. Either format may have header or footer information. Regex can be used in the form to only record data after the header and before the footer. The data loader fields are the following:

Experimental Design Fields

The "Experimental Design" fields allow a complete description of the experimental design by implementing the Chado MAGE design schema. The Chado MAGE module uses the arraydesign, assay, quantification, and acquisition tables to describe an experiment. The Tripal Analysis Expression creates generic instances of all these for you.

file information portion of expression loader experimental design portion of expression loader The expression loader accepts parameters describing your file, as well as some experimental design parameters.

Loading P-Value Data

The steps for loading p-value data are as follows (detailed instructions can be found further below):

  1. Obtain p-value data.
  2. (Optional) Create an analysis.
  3. Add the organism associated with the p-value data if it hasn't been added.
  4. Upload all features in the p-value data to the Chado database. To bulk upload features, go to Tripal->Data Loaders->Chado FASTA Loader and upload a FASTA file (click here to see an example of fasta file of transcriptome sequences). Or upload one feature at a time via content-> Tripal Content -> Add content, and select the relevant entity type (such as mRNA).
  5. Load the p-value data.

Installing ECO

The Evidence & Conclusion Ontology contains evidence codes that will get associated with pvalue data uploaded through this module. To install this ontology:

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Tripal -> Data Loaders -> Chado Vocabularies -> OBO Vocabulary Loader.
  2. Click "Add A New Ontology OBO Reference".
  3. Enter ECO in the Vocabulary Name field.
  4. Paste the link to the OBO in the Remote URL field.
  5. Click the Import OBO File button and run the job.

Obtaining P-Value Data

Collecting PValue Data

Your raw data will likely come in a large spreadsheet that looks something like this, but probably with more columns and a lot more rows:

baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue
Fraxinus_pennsylvanica_120313_comp62618_c0_seq4 2818.699043 6.225005757 0.341692178 18.21816874 3.70E-74
Fraxinus_pennsylvanica_120313_comp57222_c0_seq2 1864.947509 6.034774942 0.346657723 17.40845374 7.12E-68
Fraxinus_pennsylvanica_120313_comp41195_c0_seq1 791.6553987 5.720052743 0.33026481 17.31959495 3.35E-67

The pvalue data loader only cares about two columns (order matters):

  1. the column containing the feature names
  2. the column containing the pvalues (not the adjusted values)

Copy the values from these columns (and only the values, we don't care about the headers) into a new sheet. The resulting spreadsheet should contain exactly two columns (feature name first, then pvalue) with no headers. Save the sheet as either a csv or a tsv. The resulting file should be in this format (csv), or alternatively use tab delimiters (tsv format):


You might also want to record the name of the sheet while you have it up; this will be needed for the experimental factor and evidence code needed in the form.

Experimental Factor and Expression Relationship

Your experimental factor and your evidence code will be directly tied to the name of the sheet. Here are a few examples of how sheet name ties into experimental factor and evidence code:

Sheet Name Experimental Factor Expression Relationship
Cold Up response to cold up-regulated
EAB RvS Post-feeding down response to insect down-regulated
Ozone Response response to ozone related to

Creating the Analysis

The analysis does not need to be unique for each set of p-value data. You could skip this step depending on how you organize your site.

As an administrator or a user with permission to create content, navigate to Content -> Tripal Content -> Analysis.

Note that program name, program version, and source name must be unique as a whole for analysis to be inserted correctly (click here to read more about the data structure for analysis).

Analysis Fields:

P-value data loader

The P-Value Data Loader provides a way for the user to load p-value data for a feature in relation to a keyword. The loader can load data from a two-column csv or tsv file, where the first column contains the unique name of the feature and the second column contains the p-value. Features must already be loaded into the database.

For an example p-value file, click here.

Viewing and Downloading Data

Loaded expression data can be viewed and downloaded by users in three places. Feature pages will gain access to the Expression field (data__gene_expression_data). You can configure the appearance of this field by navigating to Structure -> Tripal Content Type -> [Feature type (ie, mRNA)]. If the expression field is not listed, press the Check for New Fields button in the upper left. Once the field is attached, navigate to the Manage Display tab, enable the field display, and place it to your liking.

Creating and expression tripal pane for the expression field In this example, we have placed the Expression field in an a Tripal pane all of its own.

Downloading data

Data downloads are provided for individual features, analyses, and for feature sets selected in the heatmap. For data downloading to be functional, you must populate the materialized views associated with this module. This can be done by navigating to Tripal -> Data Storage -> Chado -> Materialized Views. Press the populate link for the expression_feature and *expression_feature_all** materialized views and run the submitted job. Materialized views must be manually repopulated when you add new data.

Using the Feature Expression Data field

The expression field allows users to view all expression data available for a feature. Because a database might have multiple experiments involving a single feature, data is first organized by Analysis. Users can select analyses using the "Select an Expression Analysis" box which lists all analyses with expression data available. The plot can be further customized based on the biosample properties. The "Select a property to group and sort biosamples" select box will allow users to pick a property to organize samples along the X axis. Users may select Sample Name to elect not to group samples by property. Values may be colored by their expression value (default), or by selecting a different property in the "Select a property to color biosamples " box.

The feature expression data field The Feature Expression Data field allows users to plot expression data according to biosample properties.

Once plotting parameters are set, users can click and drag to re-arrange both the legend and the individual groups. The "Only Non-Zero Values" button removes samples with expression values of 0, tidying the plot.

Data can be downloaded in matrix format by pressing the "Download expression dataset for this feature" link.

Using the Analysis Biosample Browser and Expression Data field

As with fields attached to feature, you must add the new Analysis fields and configure their display by navigating to Structure -> Tripal Content Type -> Analysis.

The Biomaterial browser will list biosamples and their properties. The Expression Data field will not visualize expression data, but allow the user to download all expression data associated with this analysis in matrix form (rows: features, columns: biosamples).

Searching features and displaying expression data in a heatmap

This module creates two blocks: one for features input and the other displaying a heatmap for the input features.

Turn On blocks

Go to Structure->blocks and find these two blocks: tripal_analysis_expression features form for heatmap and tripal_elasticsearch block for search form: blast_merged_transcripts. Configure these two blocks to display at specific region and page(s). The tripal_analysis_expression features form for heatmap will display a form that allow you to input feature IDs.


After you enter feature IDs, you click the "Display Expression Heatmap" button to generate a heatmap for the features.

Administrative Pages

Heatmap settings

The Heatmap settings administrative page allows you to configure the heatmap search form. Here you can configure the placeholder text that appears, as well as the example feature ID's that the user can populate with the "try an example" button. There is also a checkbox which enables elasticsearch integration. Elasticsearch integration requires the tripal_elasticsearch module and a configured elasticsearch instance. See the Tripal Elasticsearch module for more details and instructions.

Quantification Units Administrative page

The units associated with your expression data are stored in Chado associated with the quantification. Units can be stored even if you did not specify a quantification (a generic quantification was used in this case).

You can use the quantification units administrative page to add or edit units on your quantification by Navigating to Tripal -> Extensions -> Protocol -> Quantification Units. All quantification instances appear in the table at the bottom of the admin page. Click 'Edit' to change the units for an individual quantification.

You can also assign quantification units to all unitless quantifications using the Assign Units box.


Acquisition, Quantification, Array Design, and Assays all utilize protocols to describe them. Think of protocols as the experimental design, and Acquisitions, Quantifications, Array Designs, and Assays as the experiment following that experimental design.

Note that these content types are provided by Tripal Core.

There is currently no support for inputting, or displaying, acquisitions, quantifications, or assays. The Expression module creates generic instances of these entities.

Protocol Description - The protocol content types can be created by navigating to Add Tripal Content->Protocol. A protocol can be used to add extra detail to an experimental design. A protocol can be used to describe the assay, acquisition, and quantification steps of the experiment design. A protocol can also be used to further describe the array design content type. The fields of a protocol are:

Example Files

Biomaterial Loader

  1. Flat files: CSV file, TSV file
  2. XML file

Expression Data Loader

  1. Column file
  2. Matrix file

P-Value Loader

  1. Example csv

Module Updating

This module shares some controlled vocabulary terms and database references with the tripal-eutils module. To provide compatibility between these two modules, as of tripal_biomaterial update 7303 the following changes have been made:

SELECT DISTINCT CVT.cvterm_id, AS old_cv_name, AS term_name, CVT2.cvterm_id, AS new_cv_name FROM chado.biomaterialprop BP LEFT JOIN chado.cvterm CVT ON BP.type_id=CVT.cvterm_id LEFT JOIN CV ON CVT.cv_id=CV.cv_id LEFT JOIN chado.dbxref X on CVT.dbxref_id=X.dbxref_id LEFT JOIN chado.db DB on X.db_id=DB.db_id LEFT JOIN chado.cvterm CVT2 ON REPLACE(,' ','_')=REPLACE(,' ', '_') LEFT JOIN CV2 ON CVT2.cv_id=CV2.cv_id WHERE IN ('biomaterial_property', 'ncbi_properties') AND'NCBI BioSample Attributes';

For example:

 cvterm_id |     old_cv_name      |      term_name       | cvterm_id |        new_cv_name
      3019 | biomaterial_property | sample_name          |     65128 | NCBI BioSample Attributes
      3114 | biomaterial_property | description          |     64867 | NCBI BioSample Attributes
     61429 | ncbi_properties      | age                  |     64780 | NCBI BioSample Attributes
     61456 | ncbi_properties      | biomaterial provider |     64808 | NCBI BioSample Attributes
  1. After verifying this list, these terms can be migrated with the following SQL, please backup your site first!

WITH LOOKUP AS (SELECT BP1.biomaterialprop_id, CVT2.cvterm_id FROM chado.biomaterialprop BP1 JOIN chado.cvterm CVT1 ON BP1.type_id=CVT1.cvterm_id JOIN CV1 ON CVT1.cv_id=CV1.cv_id JOIN chado.cvterm CVT2 ON REPLACE(,' ','_')=REPLACE(,' ','_') JOIN CV2 ON CVT2.cv_id=CV2.cv_id WHERE IN ('biomaterial_property', 'ncbi_properties') AND = 'NCBI BioSample Attributes') UPDATE chado.biomaterialprop BP3 SET type_id=LOOKUP.cvterm_id FROM LOOKUP WHERE BP3.biomaterialprop_id=LOOKUP.biomaterialprop_id;

  1. Check for new tripal fields and remove ones no longer needed as described in the Biosample Properties section.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Meg Staton
Meg Staton

πŸ” πŸ€”
Bradford Condon
Bradford Condon

Abdullah Almsaeed
Abdullah Almsaeed

Joe West
Joe West

Ming Chen
Ming Chen




This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!