tripfab / TripFab

The TripFab application
GNU General Public License v2.0
1 stars 2 forks source link

Welcome to the TripFab application repository

About this repository

In this repo you will find three projects in one so be careful what file are you editing

The three of them share the /library folder where you can find usefull classes. _/library/WS/ contains the service layer classes pf the application,

How to contribute

First you need to be a freelance or inhouse developer hired by TripFab Ink and authorized by the application manager

If you are one of them just clone the project and start commiting, pulling and pushing updates

How to install


  1. Memcahced Server
  2. Memcached php extension
  3. Imagemagick for thumbnail generation (look at application.ini convert.path for the right path)
  4. SSL certificate (Can be a self signed cert). just update the apache config with right information
  5. MAMP, WAMP or any other LAMP stack server software


Install it's supper easy

  1. Off course you need to have git ready on your machine
  2. Clone the project with git to your computer
  3. Create a database and a database user with the configuration at /appdev/application.ini
  4. Create 3 virtual hosts one for each application described above for example:
  5. When visiting http://tripfab.developer You will be asked for an username and password use: -u worldspot -p admin2011Ws
  6. Start working on the issues and features assigned to you
  7. Commit every issue or feature you finish starting with : Fixed # Where is the number of the issue
  8. When you are done for the day PULL a copy of the application and merge with your copy Fix all the conflict that may occur
  9. PUSH the changes to the repo and go to sleep