trishanamruthur / HRL-Labs-Clinic

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A sample educational Jupyter book covering charge measurement and stability in quantum dot arrays.


Jupyter Book

Instructions for installing and using Jupyter Book. See for Jupyter Book's official documentation.


Open a terminal. Install Jupyter Book with

pip install -U jupyter-book


conda install -c conda-forge jupyter-book

Check installation with

jb --version

(jb is an alias for jupyter-book, and they can be used interchangeably in the terminal.)

Building a Book

To generate the html for a site, use

jb build <dir>

where \<dir> is the root directory containing all of the book's files (one way to recognize this folder is that it will contain _config.yml and _toc.yml file, provided they haven't been manually moved (don't manually move them)). Note that this might not be the same as the root directory of the git repository. The html will be stored in <dir>/_build/html. The current site is at HRL_book; from the repository root, build it with

jb build HRL_book

Depending on configuration options, Jupyter Book may cache some results and not re-execute them every time. In particular, many warnings only appear the first time the build command is run. In order to force rebuilding of all files, use the --all flag. If this still doesn't seem to work, run

jb clean -a

to remove the _build directory entirely, and then build again.

Building with Github Actions

This repository uses the workflow at .github/workflows/build-site.yml to automatically update the Github Pages site with the HRL_book Jupyter Book whenever changes are pushed to the main branch. Gitlab CI/CD has a different format, but hopefully we will have a tested example for Gitlab soon. Note that the repository settings must give Actions (or at least this particular one) permission to push to the gh-pages branch.

Building Notebook Locally

Clone this repository after Jupyter Book is set up.

Run the following in the terminal:

jupyter-book build --all HRL_book

Copy given url to a browser to view Notebook locally.

Note: the --all recompiles the pages, so don't need to build folder when recompiling

How to Make Pages/ Elements

Once the book is built, further instructions for features can be found in the Setup Documentation subsection under Documentation/Tutorials.