tristanbell / nao-autism

Repo for the Nao robot autism project.
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Nao Autism Games

This package contains three basic games designed for children with autism. The first two games, Guess the Emotion and Copy the Robot, go hand in hand and are designed to be played one after the other. These two games are based on emotion recognition and replication, as well as turn-taking. The third game is standalone and allows the child to control the robot remotely.

Many thanks to Aldebaran Robotics for their assistance in providing the behaviors used in the emotion games. Their support has been much appreciated.


It is assumed that ROS (the Robot Operating System) is already installed on your computer running Ubuntu Linux. If it is not, you can find installation instructions at The following packages are also required:

Easy Installation

The simplest way to install is to use the installation script here. Download and double click the script to run it in the terminal, and the games plus all required ROS packages will be installed to the correct directories.

Two pieces of software will need to be installed manually: NaoQi SDK and the OpenNI NiTE middleware.

Manual Installation

If you would prefer to install manually, or if the easy installation does not work for any reason, follow these steps to install the games.


ROS OpenNI packages can be installed via the command line (on Linux) as follows:

sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-openni-launch 
sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-openni-tracker

The openni_tracker package needs an old version of NiTE to function properly, so go here to download the appropriate NiTE v1.5.2.21 for your operating system. Extract the downloaded archive and use the script to install.


The NaoQi SDK can be downloaded from Bear in mind that you need to register as a developer with Aldebaran in order to access this. Select NAOQI C++ SDK 1.14.5 Linux (32 bits or 64 bits depending on your operating system), then extract it somewhere on your machine (for our examples we have placed it under /opt/naoqi). Next, we need to define some environment variables that we'll use later when running the games and add the NaoQi lib directory to our PYTHONPATH so ROS can access it. To avoid having to repeat lots of typing, add the following to the end of your ~/.bashrc:

# Or wherever the NAOqi SDK is installed
export NAOQI_HOME=/opt/naoqi/naoqi-sdk-1.14.5-linux64

# Add NAOqi to your python path
# Define the library path for running ROS Nao components

Speech Recognition

Pocketsphinx is used for speech recognition. To install, type the following into the terminal:

sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-pocketsphinx

The node that this installs is not executable by default, so we need to manually make it executable:

roscd pocketsphinx/nodes
sudo chmod +x


LibSVM is used for detecting poses in the Mimic Game. Download it like so:

sudo apt-get install libsvm3 libsvm-dev libsvm-tools

Nao Autism Games

Download and compile this repository:

cd ~
git clone
cd nao-autism
cmake tools/settings\ editor/CMakeLists.txt
make -C tools/settings\ editor

Create a new directory for the supporting Nao drivers, then make a new file called rosinstall.txt for installing the drivers:

mkdir ~/nao
cd ~/nao

echo "- git:
   local-name: humanoid_msgs
- git:
   local-name: nao_robot
- git:
   local-name: nao_common" > rosinstall.txt

Then run rosinstall to install the relevant packages, making sure to link this workspace with our nao-autism workspace, then compile them:

rosinstall . ~/nao-autism/devel rosinstall.txt
source setup.bash
rosdep install humanoid_msgs nao_robot nao_common
rosmake humanoid_msgs nao_robot nao_common

In order to run our games (or any of the Nao drivers) you must source ~/nao/setup.bash first. If you wish to, add source ~/nao/setup.bash to the end of your ~/.bashrc in order to allow you to run the games from any new terminal window.

Running the Emotion Games

ROS programs are normally run through the command line. In order for our program to run, several others must also be running at the same time. The Kinect must also be running in order for the Copy the Robot game to work.

  1. First, plug in the Kinect to a USB port.
  2. To start the Kinect, open a terminal window and type roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
  3. In a new terminal window, type
    roslaunch ~/nao-autism/launch/run_nao.launch
  1. Then, in a new terminal window, make sure you are in the nao directory (cd ~/nao) then type source setup.bash
  2. When running for the first time, you will need a configuration file for the game. We have provided one (data.json) as a starting point, but you can make one yourself if you wish. To make one, type ~/nao-autism/tools/settings\ editor/settings_editor to open the settings editor, then click File > New to generate a basic configuration file. Adjust any of the settings as you see fit, and when you're finished click File > Save As. Save your new configuration file (name it something like "data.json") in the nao-autism folder. Then close the settings editor.
  3. Start the emotion recognition games with roslaunch emotion_game emotion_game.launch. It will bring up a file chooser, where you must find and select your data.json configuration file. Once opened, the emotion games will begin.

Running the Motion Controller

The Mimicker program allows a user to control the Nao using a Kinect. To run it (assuming you have already done source ~/nao/setup.bash), do the following:

  1. With the Kinect plugged in to a USB port, open a terminal window and type roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
  2. In another window, do roslaunch emotion_game kinect_nao.launch
  3. Finally, in a new terminal window type roslaunch emotion_game kinect_control.launch

Once it is running, copy the Nao by putting your hands on your head. Once the Kinect recognises someone doing this gesture, it will initialise a virtual 'control box' around this user, giving them control over the robot.

Using the Motion Controller

The kinect motion controller (Mimicker) works in two ways: moving the Nao's arms and making the Nao walk. While stationary, move your arms and the Nao will copy your movements. There are various motions to make it walk: