trisulnsm / docker

Docker scripts and howtos
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Trisul Network Analytics : Network Security Monitoring in a Docker

A full blown Network Security and Traffic Monitoring (NSM) solution you can deploy in 1 minute.

Whats new?

Date Remarks
Nov-17-2021 Updated all packages to latest Nov 2021 version
Jan-05-2021 Updated all packages to latest Jan 2021 version
Jun-19-2020 Moved base image to 18.04
Dec-26-2019 New packages
Feb-21-2019 New Geo IP metering. City and Subnets and support for new Maxmind GeoLite2 and GeoIP databases. Do buy a subscription from Maxmind for maximum accuracy.
Feb-01-2019 Added --netflow-mode option to start Netflow v5/v9/v10/IPFIX/SFlow analytics
Jan-22-2019 Trisul NSM docker images includes Cross-Drill allows you to track information flows

Other links

Docker Hub trisulnsm/trisul6 || Trisul DevZone Docker articles


  1. Trisul Network Analytics for traffic analytics, flows, packet storage, resource, scripting, web interface.
  2. Trisul Plugins : Geo , Badfellas (malware intel), Urlfilter (web category)
  3. Suricata IDS for IDS alerts : The output of Suricata is piped to Trisul using EVE JSON.
  4. Emerging Threats Open Rules for ruleset : if you have an ET-PRO subscription, it is easy to plug that in.

Trisul Screenshot


Pre-requisite Install Docker if you havent already done so

Please see instructions for installing Docker CE on Ubuntu 16.04 You can find official instructions for installing Docker on a number of platforms on the official Install Docker site

1. Run TrisulNSM on a capture interface

Now you are ready to run TrisulNSM. Say you want to capture traffic from the port enp5s0 and store the results in /opt/trisul6_root just type

sudo docker run  --net=host -v /opt/trisul6_root:/trisulroot -d trisulnsm/trisul6 --interface enp5s0 

In the above command, notice that you mapped the volume using -v of the host directory /opt/trisul6_root. That is where all the persistent data is kept.

Thats it ! Logon on https://localhost:3000 and you can dive right in. See Trisul Docs : Basic Usage to get started.

2. Process a PCAP dump

Trisul does a two-pass analysis over PCAP dumps. The First pass builds statistics, flows, packets, and resources. Then a second pass with Suricata IDS overlays the IDS alerts. This gives you full NSM visibility of both traffic and signature based alerts .

The following command processes the myPacketDump.pcap file located in the trisulroot

sudo docker run --privileged=true  --name=trisul1a \
   --net=host -v /opt/trisul6_root:/trisulroot \
       -d trisulnsm/trisul6 --pcap myPacketDump.pcap

Notes on offline pcap

  1. PCAP File Location The file myPacketDump.pcap has to be placed inside the shared volume /opt/trisul6_root volume so that the Docker image can see the outside file.
  2. privileged==true This option is required because the Trisul File Extraction feature requires root to create a RAMFS partition inside the docker container

3. Start a Netflow Analytics instance

With just a single line you can start a TrisulNSM Docker instance to process Netflow v5/v9/IPFIX/SFlow using the --netflow-mode parameter

sudo docker run  --net=host -v /opt/trisul6_root:/trisulroot \
        -d trisulnsm/trisul6 --interface enp5s0 --netflow-mode 

In the above command, notice that you mapped the volume using -v of the host directory /opt/trisul6_root. That is where all the persistent data is kept.

Thats it ! Logon on https://localhost:3000 and you can dive right in. See Trisul Docs : Basic Usage to get started.

Additional tasks

4. Start TrisulNSM User Interface Only

Start the docker user interface only. Use to configure the applications, install Trisul Apps, using the web interface.

sudo docker run  --net=host  --name=test1  -v /opt/trisul6_root:/trisulroot -d trisulnsm/trisul6 

After configuring Trisul. You can stop the container docker stop test1 and docker rm test1 Then start a live capture or import a pcap file.

Use different webserver ports

By default TrisulNSM uses the net:host docker network and needs ports 3000 (for web access) and 3003 (for websockets) open. If you wish to change these ports use the --webserver-port and --websockets-port options

sudo docker run --net=host \
  -v /opt/trisul6_root:/trisulroot \
     -d trisulnsm/trisul6 \
       --interface enp5s0 --webserver-port 4000 --websockets-port 4003 

Recommendation : assign a label to the docker instance

We recommend that you assign a name using --name to the running docker instance , so you can log in to it easily. To assign trisul1a to a new instance

sudo docker run --name  trisul1a \
  --net=host -v /opt/trisul6_root:/trisulroot \
     -d trisulnsm/trisul6 \
       --interface enp5s0 --webserver-port 4000 --websockets-port 4003 

You can login to the docker using the usual -it switch

sudo docker exec -it <tag> /bin/bash


  1. --interface <value> : which interface do you want to start a live capture on ?
  2. --pcap <file> : run the instance over this pcap file. You need to place the pcap file inside the host volume. For example /opt/trisul6_root in the sample commands shown above.
  3. --no-ids : Do not run a second IDS analysis pass over the PCAP file. This option must be used only with the --pcap option
  4. --webserver-port <port-number> : Run the container webserver instance on this port. Default is 3000
  5. --websockets-port <port-number> : Use this port for websockets. This is needed for the real time features of Trisul.
  6. --timezone <TZ> : example --timezone Asia/Kolkata the names are the standard ones found in zoneinfo file
  7. --fine-resolution: All metrics are tracked with a 1 second resolution. Use for small PCAP files
  8. --enable-file-extraction : Enables file extraction feature for the "Save Binaries App". This option creates a TMPFS filesystem, hence to use this option please also use the --privileged=true docker option.
  9. --context-name <context name> : You may want to use this option with PCAP import, specifiy a context name instead of trying to compute one from the PCAP filename.
  10. --netflow-mode : Start the docker instance in NETFLOW mode. This processes all Netflow packets on the network interface specified with --interface option
  11. --no-pcap-store : Do not store raw packets, use this for analyzing certain types of PCAP dumps
  12. --init-db : Use this to create a blank initialized database on the first run.

Automatically start on Reboot

Add --restart=always option to the docker run commandline

Trust Error

If you get the following error when you do a docker pull ; try export DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST=0

Error: remote trust data does not exist for does not have trust data for

Docker Options

  1. --privileged=true : Add this flag to enable file extraction. We need privileged access in order to create and mount a tmpfs partition needed for the file extraction feature.


Building your own docker images from packages

  1. Go to Downloads and put the latest Xenial DEBs into the same directory as this repo
  2. Run
docker build -t trisul-full .

# To tag and push to docker hub 
docker images
docker tag   5506cc84148b trisulnsm/trisul6:latest
docker login
docker push trisulnsm/trisul6:latest