Jade is a library created in an effort to create a simple way to create Json API server using doctrine entities. It supports all the CRUD functionality like filtering, sorting and including relationships. You just define the entities then using the configuration expose different routes.
It is done in a way to be easy to customize any part you need.
Before starting developing this library we went through other available libraries even thinking about contributing to them. But the issue was that customizing those libraries to our needs was complicated and sometimes needed too much effort to even set it up. In case of Jade in 5 minutes you can have a fully functional API running.
You can find a quick start example in docs/example.md
First install the library:
composer require trivago/jade
Next add the bundle to the kernel:
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
new Trivago\Jade\Application\Framework\JadeBundle\TrivagoJadeBundle(),
And then add the routing
prefix: /api
resource: .
type: json_api
And then you have to setup the configuration.