trixi-framework / talk-2021-juliacon

Adaptive and extendable numerical simulations with Trixi.jl at JuliaCon 2021
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JuliaCon 2021: Adaptive and extendable numerical simulations with Trixi.jl

License: MIT nbviewer Binder YouTube

This is the companion repository for the JuliaCon 2021 talk

Adaptive and extendable numerical simulations with Trixi.jl
Michael Schlottke-Lakemper and Hendrik Ranocha
Recorded talk on YouTube

(see abstract below). Here you can find the presentation slides talk.pdf as well as the Jupyter notebook demo.ipynb, which was used during the talk for a live demonstration of Trixi.jl. Note that to play the video linked in the presentation, you also need to download the media/ directory and place it in the same folder as the PDF. There are also some additional Trixi elixirs (simulation setups) in the examples directory.


Trixi.jl is a numerical simulation framework for adaptive, high-order discretizations of conservation laws. It has a modular architecture that allows users to easily extend its functionality and was designed to be useful to experienced researchers and new users alike. In this talk, we will give an overview of Trixi’s current features, present a typical workflow for creating and running a simulation, and show how to add new capabilities for your own research projects.

More detailed description

When doing research on numerical discretization methods, scientists are often faced with a dilemma when choosing the appropriate simulation tool: In the beginning of a project, you often want a code that is nimble and with low overhead, which allows rapid prototyping to assist you in experimenting with different approaches. Later on, however, you want to evaluate your newly developed methods and algorithms in a production setting and require a high-performance implementation, support for parallelization, and a full toolchain for postprocessing and visualizing your results.

With Trixi.jl, we try to bridge this gap by using a simple but modular architecture, which allows us to easily extend Trixi beyond the existing functionality. The main components, such as the mesh, the solvers, or the equations, can each be selected and combined individually in a library-like manner. At the same time, Trixi is a comprehensive numerical simulation framework for hyperbolic PDEs and comes with all necessary ingredients to set up a simulation, run it in parallel, and visualize the results.

At its core, various systems of equations are solved on hierarchical quadtree/octree grids that provide adaptive mesh refinement via solution-based indicators. The equations, e.g., compressible Euler, ideal MHD, or hyperbolic diffusion, are discretized with high-order discontinuous Galerkin spectral element methods, with support for entropy-stable shock capturing. Trixi puts an emphasis on having a fast implementation with shared memory parallelization, and integrates well with other packages of the Julia ecosystem, such as OrdinaryDiffEq.jl for time integration, ForwardDiff.jl for automatic differentiation, or Plots.jl for visualization. One of the key goals of Trixi is to be useful to experienced researchers while remaining accessible for new users or students. Thus, we continuously strive to keep the implementation as simple as reasonably possible.

Due to Julia’s unique capabilities and ecosystem including LoopVectorization.jl, serial performance of Trixi can be on par with large-scale C++ and Fortran projects in performance benchmarks using a subset of optimized methods. At the same time, the general framework is simple and extendable enough to allow porting new solver infrastructures within a few hours.

In this talk, we will give an overview of the currently implemented features and discuss the overall architecture of Trixi. We will show a typical workflow for creating and running a simulation, and present scientific results that were obtained with Trixi. Finally, we will demonstrate how to add new capabilities to Trixi for your own research projects.

Getting started

You can view a static version of the Jupyter notebook demo.ipynb

These static versions do not contain output of the code cells.


The easiest way to get started is to click on the Launch Binder badge above. This launches the notebook for interactive use in your browser without the need to download or install anything locally.

In this case, you can skip the rest of this Getting started section. A Jupyter instance will be started automagically in the cloud via, and the notebook will loaded directly from this repository.

Note: Depending on current usage and available resources, it typically takes a few minutes to launch a notebook with (sometimes a little longer), so try to remain patient. Similarly, the first two cells of the notebook take much longer to execute than usual (around 1.5 minutes for the first Trixi simulation and about 1 minute for the first plot), since Julia compiles all methods "just-ahead-of-time" at first use. Subsequent runs will be much faster.

Setting up a local Julia/Jupyter installation

Alternatively, you can also clone this repository and open the notebook on your local machine. This is recommended if you already have a Julia + Jupyter setup or if you plan to try out Julia anyways.

Installing Julia and IJulia

To obtain Julia, go to and download the latest stable release (v1.6.1 as of 2021-06-28; neither use the LTS release nor Julia Pro). Then, follow the platform-specific instructions to install Julia on your machine. Note that there is no need to compile anything if you are using Linux, MacOS, or Windows.

After the installation, open a terminal and start the Julia REPL (i.e., the interactive prompt) with


To use the notebook, you also need to get the IJulia package, which provides a Julia backend for Jupyter. In the REPL, execute

using Pkg

to install IJulia. For more details, especially on how to use an existing Jupyter installation, please refer to the IJulia documentation. From here on, we assume that you have a working installation of Julia, Jupyter, and the Julia kernel for Jupyter.

Installing the required Julia packages

To make the notebook fully reproducible, we have used Julia's package manager to pin all packages to a fixed release. This ensures that you always have a Julia environment in which all examples in this notebook work. Later you can always install the latest versions of Trixi and its dependencies by following the instructions in the Trixi documentation.

If you have not done it yet, clone the repository where this notebook is stored:

git clone

Then, navigate to your repository folder and install the required packages:

cd talk-2021-juliacon
julia --project=. -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'

This will download and build all required packages, including the ODE package OrdinaryDiffEq, the visualization package Plots, and of course Trixi. The --project=. argument tells Julia to use the Project.toml and Manifest.toml files from this repository to figure out which packages to install.

As an alternative to running the examples in the notebook directly, you may also just view the notebook statically by opening it within Jupyter NBViewer.

General note: Make sure that you execute the examples (either in the notebook or in the REPL) in order, at least for the first time. Both the notebook and the Julia REPL maintain an internal state and and some snippets depend on earlier statements having been executed.

Displaying the presentation

To display the presentation as in the talk (skipping some cells/slides that provide further information), you need the Jupyter extension RISE, that you can install via

pip3 install --user RISE

After opening the Jupyter notebook, you can enter the RISE presentation mode with Alt + R.


This repository was initiated by Michael Schlottke-Lakemper and Hendrik Ranocha.


The contents of this repository are licensed under the MIT license (see