trolando / lace

Lace - implementation of work-stealing in C
Apache License 2.0
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Lace CI

Lace is a C framework for fine-grained fork-join parallelism intended for scientific computations on multi-core computers.

TASK_1(int, fibonacci, int, n) {
    if(n < 2) return n;
    SPAWN(fibonacci, n-1);
    int a = CALL(fibonacci, n-2);
    int b = SYNC(fibonacci);
    return a+b;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int n_workers = 4;
    lace_start(n_workers, 0);
    int result = RUN(fibonacci, 42);
    printf("fibonacci(42) = %d\n", result);


Feature Description
Low overhead Lace uses a scalable double-ended queue for its implementation of work-stealing, which is wait-free for the thread spawning tasks and lock-free for the threads stealing tasks. The design of the datastructure minimizes interaction between CPUs.
Suspending Lace threads can be manually suspended when the framework is not used to reduce CPU usage. This is used when part of a computation is not parallelized, since Lace workers busy-wait for work.
Interrupting Lace threads can be (cooperatively) interrupted to execute another task first. This is for example used by Sylvan to perform garbage collection.

Lace is licensed with the Apache 2.0 license.

The main repository of Lace is The main author of Lace is Tom van Dijk who can be reached via Please let us know if you use Lace in your projects and if you need features that are currently not implemented in Lace.


Lace requires a modern compiler supporting C11. Optionally, Lace can use hwloc (libhwloc-dev) to pin workers and allocate memory on the correct CPUs/memory domains on NUMA systems.

Building Lace

It is recommended to build Lace in a separate build directory:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Lace is typically used as a subproject, for example using the FetchContent or ExternalProject feature of CMake.

Lace can be configured with the following CMake settings: Setting Description
LACE_BUILD_TESTS Build the testing programs (not when subproject)
LACE_BUILD_BENCHMARKS Build the included set of benchmark programs (not when subproject)
LACE_USE_MMAP Use mmap to allocate memory instead of posix_memalign
LACE_USE_HWLOC Use the hwloc library to pin threads to CPUs
LACE_COUNT_TASKS Let Lace record the number of executed tasks
LACE_COUNT_STEALS Let Lace count how often tasks were stolen
LACE_COUNT_SPLITS Let Lace count how often the queue split point was moved
LACE_PIE_TIMES Let Lace record precise overhead times

Ideally, LACE_USE_MMAP is set to let Lace allocate a large amount of virtual memory for the task queues instead of real memory. Real memory is only allocated by the OS when required, thus in most use cases this minimizes the memory overhead of Lace. If LACE_USE_MMAP is not set, then real memory is allocated using posix_memalign, and a more conservative queue size should be chosen when invoking lace_start.

There are two versions of Lace:

Using Lace

Starting and stopping Lace

Start the Lace framework using the lace_start(unsigned int n_workers, size_t dqsize) method. This creates n_workers new threads that will immediately start busy-waiting for work. Each threads will allocate its own task queue for dqsize tasks. The entire queue is preallocated, requiring 64 bytes per tasks (or 128 bytes for lace14).

Use lace_stop() to stop the framework, terminating all workers.

Lace workers busy-wait for tasks to steal, increasing the CPU load to 100%. Use lace_suspend and lace_resume from non-Lace threads to temporarily stop the work-stealing framework.

Calls to lace_start, lace_suspend, and lace_resume do not incur much overhead. Suspending and resuming typically requires at most 1-2 ms.

Defining tasks

Lace tasks are defined using the TASK_n macro, where n is the number of parameters. For example, TASK_1(int, fib, int, n) { ... } defines a Lace task with an int return value and one parameter of type int and variable name n. Declaration and implementation can be separated using the TASK_DECL_n and TASK_IMPL_n macros. To declare tasks with no return value, use the VOID_TASK_n macros, for example, VOID_TASK_1(do_something, int, n).

From Lace tasks (running in a Lace thread):

From external methods (not running in a Lace thread):

See the benchmarks directory for examples.


Lace offers two methods to interrupt currently running tasks and run something else:

The TOGETHER macro is useful to initialize thread-local variables on each worker.

Interrupting is cooperative. Lace checks for interrupting tasks when stealing work, i.e., during SYNC or when idle. Large tasks can use the YIELD_NEWFRAME() macro to manually check for interrupting tasks.

Lace offers the lace_barrier method to let all Lace workers synchronize. Typically used in Lace tasks created using the TOGETHER macro.

Support for C++

There is currently no direct support for C++ classes, but class methods can be parallelized via C helper functions.

Benchmarking Lace

Lace comes with a number of example programs, which can be used to test the performance of Lace. Many of these benchmark programs have been obtained from benchmark collections of other frameworks such as Cilk, Wool, and Nowa. After building Lace with LACE_BUILD_BENCHMARKS set to ON, the build/benchmarks directory contains the benchmarks programs, as well as the Python script that runs the benchmarks.

Workloads such as matmul and queens are easy to load balance. The fib workload has a very high number of nearly empty tasks and is therefore a stress test on the overhead of the framework, but is not very representative for real world workloads. The uts t3l is a more challenging workload as it offers a unpredictable tree search. See for further details the academic publications on Lace mentioned below.

Academic publications

The following two academic publications are directly related to Lace.

T. van Dijk (2016) Sylvan: Multi-core Decision Diagrams. PhD Thesis.

T. van Dijk and J.C. van de Pol (2014) Lace: Non-blocking Split Deque for Work-Stealing. In: Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops. LNCS 8806, Springer.