trondham / check_openmanage

Nagios plugin to monitor hardware health on Dell servers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Dell™ Server Hardware Monitoring with OpenManage™ and Nagios®

Main features

Basic Overview

check_openmanage is a plugin for Nagios which checks the hardware health of Dell PowerEdge (and some PowerVault) servers. It uses the Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) software, which must be running on the monitored system. check_openmanage can be used remotely with SNMP or locally with NRPE, check_by_ssh or similar, whichever suits your needs and particular taste. The plugin checks the health of the storage subsystem, power supplies, memory modules, temperature probes etc., and gives an alert if any of the components are faulty or operate outside normal parameters.

Nagios and check_openmanage

Storage components checked:

Chassis components checked:



check_openmanage will identify blades and will not report "missing" power supplies, cooling fans etc. on blades. It will also accept that other components are "missing", unless for components that should be present in all servers. For example, all servers should have at least one temperature probe, but not all servers have logical drives (depends on the type and configuration of the controller).



This nagios plugin is designed to be used by either NRPE or with SNMP. It is written in perl. In NRPE mode, it uses omreport to display status on various hardware components. In SNMP mode, it checks the same components as with omreport. Output is parsed and reported in a Nagios friendly way.

checkopenmanage provides handy options that gives you the possibility to blacklist one or more hardware components that you won't fix, and to fine-tune which components are checked in the first place. Blacklisting and check control_ are described later in this document.


check_openmanage has been testet on a variety of Dell servers running RHEL3, RHEL4, RHEL5, RHEL6, VMware ESX and various Windows releases (with SNMP), with recent OpenManage versions. It has been tested and runs successfully on the following Dell PowerEdge models at our site: 1750, 1800, 1850, 1950, 1955, 2600, 2650, 2800, 2850, 2900, 2950, 6650, 6950, 750, 850, M600, M610, M910, R510, R610, R710, T710, R805, R815, R900, R910, R620, R720.


Perl interpreter

check_openmanage needs a normal perl interpreter, version 5.6.0 or later. The plugin assumes that perl is available as /usr/bin/perl, but you can easily change this as you wish by editing the first line in the script.

For SNMP, you'll also need the perl module Net::SNMP on the Nagios server (or the server running the queries). This module is not part of perl itself, but is available in all modern Linux distributions. Installing Net::SNMP is quite easy:

To use the configuration file_, you'll also need the perl module Config::Tiny. This perl module is available for most Linux distributions:

Dell Openmanage Server Administrator

check_openmanage relies heavily on Dell Openmanage Server Administrator (OMSA) and will not function if this software is not installed on the monitored server. To obtain OMSA, go to, select "Drivers and downloads", select your server model, and download the package called "Openmanage Server Administrator Managed Node" under "Systems Management".

check_openmanage is tested with OMSA version 5.3 or later. Older versions may work, but no guarantees. YMMV.

There are also official Dell repositories for Red Hat and SuSE. For information about these, look here:

Intelligent plugin

check_openmanage is an intelligent plugin. It will by itself discover which hardware components are present in the server and monitor them. It does this because it assumes that most systems administrators are lazy, and are not interested in configuring the plugin to match different server models, blade vs. standalone etc. It should just work. Missing hardware components are ignored by the plugin, unless they should be present in all servers, such as CPUs.

This comes with a price, however. For hardware components that are allowed to be missing, if OMSA doesn't display them the component will be ignored by the plugin.

The following components are allowed to be missing on all servers:

In addition, the following components are allowed to be missing if the server is identified as a blade system:

If you're using the plugin via SNMP, without blacklisting and without removing checks with the --check option, check_openmanage will also check the global health status for added security.

Multiline output

Since check_openmanage monitors several things, the plugin's output will sometime contain multiple lines. These lines will be separated by HTML linebreaks (<br/>) if run as a command within Nagios, via NRPE etc. If run from a console which has a TTY, i.e. if you log in via SSH or similar and run check_openmanage manually, the linebreaks will be regular linebreaks.

Nagios 3.x allows the following option in cgi.cfg:

# This option determines whether HTML tags in host and service
# status output is escaped in the web interface.  If enabled,
# your plugin output will not be able to contain clickable links.


The default, as seen above in the sample cgi.cfg from the distribution, is that HTML tags are escaped. My advice is to turn this off. If not, you will see literal HTML linebreaks in the Nagios console, i.e. like this:

Power Supply 0 [AC]: Presence Detected, Failure Detected, AC Lost<br/>Controller 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated]: Driver '' is out of date

instead of this:

Power Supply 0 [AC]: Presence Detected, Failure Detected, AC Lost
Controller 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated]: Driver '' is out of date

With Nagios 3.x, plugins are allowed to output multiple lines with regular linebreaks, but only the first line is shown in the web interface (status.cgi).

Getting started

This is a short HOWTO that describes how to get started with using check_openmanage. This HOWTO assumes that the prerequisites are met, and that you have a Nagios server up and running. Nagios version 3.x is assumed.

The examples below are simple examples with very basic usage of check_openmanage. There are many more or less advanced options that you might consider useful. Se the Usage section for info.

Also note that the examples below are just that: examples. They describe one way of doing things, that is simple and straightforward. There are many other ways of configuring Nagios, this is ultimately up to you.

The first thing to consider is by which mechanism you want check_openmanage to check your Dell servers. You can run the script remotely on the Nagios server, probing the Dell servers via SNMP, or you can use NRPE, check_by_ssh etc. and run the plugin locally on the Dell servers. This should be an informed choice, but you can always change it later. If you have mostly Linux boxes, you may want to use NRPE and run the plugin locally. If you have mostly Windows boxes, you may want to check via SNMP. You can easily do both, e.g. NRPE for Linux and SNMP for Windows, but you'll have to define different commands in your Nagios config for each mechanism.

Creating a hostgroup

The first thing you want to do is create a hostgroup that contains your Dell servers, if you haven't already done so. If you have very few Dell servers you can skip this step and use hosts in the service definition instead, but I think hostgroups are always better:

# hostgroup for Dell servers
define hostgroup {
    hostgroup_name  dell-servers
    alias           Dell Servers

Defining the hosts

You'll need a host definition for each of the servers. You probably already have this in place, but for the sake of completeness it is included in this mini-howto:

define host {
    alias           my-server1
    use             generic-host
    hostgroups      dell-servers

Creating a servicegroup

Next you want to create a servicegroup for this service. This is not required, but it makes things easier when you want to inspect your Dell servers via Nagios' web interface. Creating a servicegroup is simple:

# Servicegroup for Dell OpenManage
define servicegroup {
    servicegroup_name         dell-openmanage
    alias                     Dell server health status

The servicegroup is used later in the service definition.

Remote check via SNMP

Defining a command

The next step is to define a command for check_openmanage:

# Openmanage check via SNMP
define command {
    command_name    check_openmanage
    command_line    /path/to/check_openmanage -H $HOSTADDRESS$

(Replace /path/to with the actual path leading up to the plugin).

Note that is is a very basic example of check_openmanage usage. Refer to the usage section for info about the different options that alters the behaviour of check_openmanage.

Defining the service

Finally, you define the service:

# Dell OMSA status
define service {
    use                       generic-service
    hostgroup_name            dell-servers
    servicegroups             dell-openmanage
    service_description       Dell OMSA
    check_command             check_openmanage

The notes_url statement is optional.

Local check via NRPE

If you want to use NRPE, I assume that you have defined a check_nrpe command elsewhere in your config and are ready to use it. Usually, we don't define a command for check_openmanage when using NRPE, so we go right to the service definition:

# Dell OMSA status
define service {
    use                       generic-service
    hostgroup_name            dell-servers,!evil-dell-servers
    servicegroups             dell-openmanage
    service_description       Dell OMSA
    check_command             check_nrpe!check_openmanage

In this example we have opted to check the hostgroup "dell-servers", while ignoring the hostgroup "evil-dell-servers" (which contains Dell servers that can't run OMSA). Refer to the Nagios documentation to read up on hostgroups.

The NRPE config has the following:


(Replace /path/to with the actual path leading up to the plugin, or a correct macro such as $USER1$.)

Note that is is a very basic example of check_openmanage usage. Refer to the Usage section for info about the different options that alters the behaviour of check_openmanage.


Help output

The option -h or --help will give a short usage information, that includes the most commonly used options. For more information, see the manual page.

$ check_openmanage -h
Usage: check_openmanage [OPTION]...


   -f, --config         Specify configuration file
   -p, --perfdata       Output performance data [default=no]
   -t, --timeout        Plugin timeout in seconds [default=30]
   -c, --critical       Custom temperature critical limits
   -w, --warning        Custom temperature warning limits
   -F, --fahrenheit     Use Fahrenheit as temperature unit
   -d, --debug          Debug output, reports everything
   -h, --help           Display this help text
   -V, --version        Display version info


   -H, --hostname       Hostname or IP (required for SNMP)
   -C, --community      SNMP community string [default=public]
   -P, --protocol       SNMP protocol version [default=2]
   --port               SNMP port number [default=161]
   -6, --ipv6           Use IPv6 instead of IPv4 [default=no]
   --tcp                Use TCP instead of UDP [default=no]


   -i, --info           Prefix any alerts with the service tag
   -e, --extinfo        Append system info to alerts
   -s, --state          Prefix alerts with alert state
   -S, --short-state    Prefix alerts with alert state abbreviated
   -o, --okinfo         Verbosity when check result is OK
   -B, --show-blacklist Show blacklistings in OK output
   -I, --htmlinfo       HTML output with clickable links


   -a, --all            Check everything, even log content
   -b, --blacklist      Blacklist missing and/or failed components
   --only               Only check a certain component or alert type
   --check              Fine-tune which components are checked
   --no-storage         Don't check storage

For more information and advanced options, see the manual page or URL:

Local check

Run locally or via NRPE, check_openmanage will use omreport to display info on hardware components, and report the result:

$ check_openmanage
OK - System: 'PowerEdge R710', SN: 'XXXXXX', 24 GB ram (6 dimms), 1 logical drives, 2 physical drives

Any user is allowed to run omreport, so you don't need any sudo mechanisms or similar.

Local check on Windows

If SNMP just isn't your cup of tea, you can use check_openmanage natively on Windows by either

The file check_openmanage.exe is a Win32 executable binary produced with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, Strawberry Perl and the perl module PAR::Packer. See also this howto.

The Win32 executable can be utilized via the [External Scripts] tag, but before you do that you also have to add CheckExternalScripts.dll under [modules] at the top of the NSC.ini file. Like so:


[External Scripts]
check_openmanage="C:\Program Files\NSClient++\plugins\check_openmanage.exe"

Then restart the nsc service. Call the plugin from Nagios as:

check_command check_nrpe!check_openmanage

Remote check


If the -H or --hostname option is present, the plugin will automatically use SNMP to communicate with the monitored system.

The perl module Net::SNMP must be installed for check_openmanage to work in SNMP mode. See prerequisites.

check_openmanage is fully compatible with Nagios' embedded perl interpreter (ePN).

The plugin can query the monitored host remotely via SNMP. Prerequisites for this are that the monitored host is running an SNMP agent, that OMSA is installed and running with SNMP support, and that the Nagios server is allowed to communicate with the host over SNMP. The -H or --hostname option is needed for the hostname/IP you want to check.

$ check_openmanage -H myhost
OK - System: 'PowerEdge R710', SN: 'XXXXXXX', 24 GB ram (6 dimms), 1 logical drives, 2 physical drives

You can specify the SNMP community string (for SNMP version 1 and 2c) with the -C or --community option. Default community is set to "public" if the option is not present:

$ check_openmanage -H myhost -C mycommunity
OK - System: 'PowerEdge R710', SN: 'XXXXXXX', 24 GB ram (6 dimms), 1 logical drives, 2 physical drives

You can also specify SNMP protocol version with the -P or --protocol option. Default is 2 (i.e. SNMP version 2c) if the option is not present. Changing the SNMP protocol version is usually not needed. Note that SNMP protocol version 2c (default) is significantly faster than version 1. SNMP version 3 requires additional authentication options to be specified. Also note that Windows does not support SNMPv3 natively.

For other SNMP options, refer to the usage_ section and the manual page.

For details on how to enable SNMP on Windows 2003 server, refer to

CAUTION: SNMP daemon on Windows is unstable with some OMSA versions

Many users have reported that the SNMP daemon on Windows dies occasionally. It seems that OMSA versions prior to 5.5.0 have this problem, while 5.5.0 (or better yet: and later versions do not. If you're using check_openmanage with SNMP to monitor Windows hosts, make sure that you have a recent OMSA version running.

Output control

The default behaviour of the plugin is to print all alerts on separate lines with no extra fuzz:

$ check_openmanage
Power Supply 0 [AC]: Presence Detected, Failure Detected, AC Lost
Controller 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated]: Driver '' is out of date

There are several options that allows you to alter this, as listed below.

Prefix alerts with the service state

The -s or --state option will prefix each alert with the full service state:

$ check_openmanage -s
CRITICAL: Power Supply 0 [AC]: Presence Detected, Failure Detected, AC Lost
WARNING: Controller 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated]: Driver '' is out of date

Prefix alerts with the service state (abbreviated)

Example output with the -S or --short-state option, which does the same, except that the service state is abbreviated to only one letter, i.e. C for CRITICAL, W for WARNING etc.:

$ check_openmanage -S
C: Power Supply 0 [AC]: Presence Detected, Failure Detected, AC Lost
W: Controller 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated]: Driver '' is out of date

Prefix alerts with the service tag

The option -i or --info will prefix all alerts with the service tag:

$ check_openmanage -i
[JV8KH0J] Power Supply 0 [AC]: Presence Detected, Failure Detected, AC Lost
[JV8KH0J] Controller 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated]: Driver '' is out of date

System info after the alert(s)

The option -e or --extinfo will print the server model and service tag on a separate line at the end of the alert:

$ check_openmanage -e
Power Supply 0 [AC]: Presence Detected, Failure Detected, AC Lost
Controller 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated]: Driver '' is out of date
------ SYSTEM: PowerEdge 1950, SN: JV8KH0J

Custom line after the alert(s)

If this isn't exactly what you want, you can also specify your own string to be shown on a separate line at the end of the alert, with the --postmsg option:

$ check_openmanage --postmsg 'NOTE: Service tag: %s - Dell support: 555-1234-5678'
Power Supply 0 [AC]: Presence Detected, Failure Detected, AC Lost
Controller 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated]: Driver '' is out of date
NOTE: Service tag: JV8KH0J - Dell support: 555-1234-5678

The argument is either a string with the message, or a file containing that string. You can control the format with the following interpreted sequences:

Code Replaced with
%m System model
%s Service tag
%b BIOS version
%d BIOS release date
%o Operating system name
%r Operating system release
%p Number of physical drives
%l Number of logical drives
%n Line break
%% | A literal %

The full range of the control format for --postmsg is also available in the manual page.

Combination of output options

You can combine any of these options. A simple example:

$ check_openmanage -s -e
CRITICAL: Power Supply 0 [AC]: Presence Detected, Failure Detected, AC Lost
WARNING: Controller 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated]: Driver '' is out of date
------ SYSTEM: PowerEdge 1950, SN: JV8KH0J

A more advanced example:

$ check_openmanage -s -i --postmsg 'NOTE: Handled in RT ticket #123456'
CRITICAL: [JV8KH0J] Power Supply 0 [AC]: Presence Detected, Failure Detected, AC Lost
WARNING: [JV8KH0J] Controller 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated]: Driver '' is out of date
NOTE: Handled in RT ticket #123456

Which (combination) of these options you choose to use, if any, depends on how you use Nagios and your personal preference.

Clickable links in the alerts

Using the -I or --htmlinfo option will make the servicetag and model name into clickable HTML links in the output. The model name link will point to the official Dell documentation for that model, while the servicetag link will point to a website containing support info for that particular server.

The --htmlinfo option

This option takes an optional argument, which should be your country code (e.g. nl, us, fr) or me for the middle east. If the country code is omitted the servicetag link will still work, but it will not be speficic for your country or area. Example for Germany:

$ check_openmanage -H <hostname> -e --htmlinfo de
Logical drive 0 '/dev/sda' [RAID-1, 136.13 GB] needs attention: Degraded
------ SYSTEM: **PowerEdge 1950**, SN: **XXXXXXX**

If this option is used together with either the -e|--extinfo (as in the example above) or -i|--info options, it is particularly useful. Whenever an alert occurs, you'll get clickable links to the server's documentation and warranty information from Dell.

Only the most common country codes is supported at this time. If your country code is not supported, send me an email and I'll add it in the next release.

Verbosity when everything is ok

The default behaviour of the plugin is to output a single line when there are no alerts:

$ check_openmanage
OK - System: 'PowerEdge M600', SN: 'XXXXXXX', 24 GB ram (6 dimms), 1 logical drives, 2 physical drives

The option -o or --ok-info takes an integer as argument, and lets you control the amount of output given by the plugin in an "OK" state. The higher the integer, the more output. The argument is cumulative. A value of 1 outputs BIOS and firmware info on a separate line:

$ check_openmanage -H myhost -o 1
OK - System: 'PowerEdge 2950', SN: 'XXXXXXX', 4 GB ram (4 dimms), 4 logical drives, 47 physical drives
----- BIOS='2.5.0 09/12/2008', DRAC5='1.45', BMC='2.37'

A value of 2 also outputs firmware, driver etc. for storage controllers and enclosures (including backplane):

$ check_openmanage -o 2
OK - System: 'PowerEdge 2950', SN: 'XXXXXXX', 16 GB ram (8 dimms), 4 logical drives, 47 physical drives
----- BIOS='2.5.0 09/12/2008', DRAC5='1.45', BMC='2.37'
----- Ctrl 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated]: Fw='6.2.0-0013', Dr=''
----- Ctrl 1 [PERC 6/E Adapter]: Fw='6.2.0-0013', Dr=''
----- Ctrl 2 [PERC 6/E Adapter]: Fw='6.2.0-0013', Dr=''
----- Encl 0:0:0 [Backplane]: Fw='1.05'
----- Encl 1:0:0 [MD1000]: Fw='A.04'
----- Encl 2:0:0 [MD1000]: Fw='A.04'
----- Encl 2:1:0 [MD1000]: Fw='A.04'

A value of 3 (or above) will also include the OMSA version:

$ check_openmanage -o 3
OK - System: 'PowerEdge 2950', SN: 'XXXXXXX', 16 GB ram (8 dimms), 4 logical drives, 47 physical drives
----- BIOS='2.5.0 09/12/2008', DRAC5='1.45', BMC='2.37'
----- Ctrl 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated]: Fw='6.2.0-0013', Dr=''
----- Ctrl 1 [PERC 6/E Adapter]: Fw='6.2.0-0013', Dr=''
----- Ctrl 2 [PERC 6/E Adapter]: Fw='6.2.0-0013', Dr=''
----- Encl 0:0:0 [Backplane]: Fw='1.05'
----- Encl 1:0:0 [MD1000]: Fw='A.04'
----- Encl 2:0:0 [MD1000]: Fw='A.04'
----- Encl 2:1:0 [MD1000]: Fw='A.04'
----- OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) version: '5.5.0'

Most would go for the default (value of 0), i.e. a single line.

NOTE When the plugin is run locally, i.e. via NRPE, the only way for check_openmanage to determine the OMSA version is to run the command "omreport about". This command is very slow, and will effectively double the amount of time check_openmanage takes to run. When used via SNMP, this is not an issue.

Show blacklistings in OK output

When blacklistings are used to mask faulty components, it is easy to forget which components and on which servers. If the -B or --show-blacklist option is used, any blacklistings will be displayed on a separate line in the OK output:

$ check_openmanage -H dell-server01 -b ctrl_driver=all -b pdisk=1:0:0:1 -B
OK - System: 'PowerEdge R610 II', SN: 'G7YCX4J', 16 GB ram (4 dimms), 1 logical drives, 2 physical drives
----- BLACKLISTED: pdisk=1:0:0:1/ctrl_driver=all

If no blacklisting is used, this option has no effect.

Hide the servicetag (serial number)

If you for some reason wish to hide the servicetag in the output, e.g. if your customers have Nagios access but you don't want them to view the complete hardware history, you can use the option --hide-servicetag:

$ check_openmanage -H dell-server02 --hide-servicetag
OK - System: 'PowerEdge R710 II', SN: 'XXXXXXX', 96 GB ram (12 dimms), 2 logical drives, 26 physical drives

Debug output

If given option -d or --debug, check_openmanage will output messages about all the checked components, along with their respectible alert states and a unique identifier, if applicable. The identifier is used whenever you want to blacklist a component, i.e. prevent it from being checked. Blacklisting is discussed later. An example debug output is given below.

   System:      PowerEdge R710           OMSA version:    6.5.0
   ServiceTag:  XXXXXXX                  Plugin version:  3.7.4
   BIOS/date:   3.0.0 01/31/2011         Checking mode:   SNMPv2c UDP/IPv4
   Storage Components                                                        
  STATE  |    ID    |  MESSAGE TEXT                                          
      OK |        0 | Controller 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated] is Ready
      OK |  0:0:0:0 | Physical Disk 0:0:0 [SAS-HDD 73GB] on ctrl 0 is Online
      OK |  0:0:0:1 | Physical Disk 0:0:1 [SAS-HDD 73GB] on ctrl 0 is Online
      OK |  0:0:0:2 | Physical Disk 0:0:2 [SAS-HDD 300GB] on ctrl 0 is Online
      OK |  0:0:0:3 | Physical Disk 0:0:3 [SAS-HDD 300GB] on ctrl 0 is Online
      OK |  0:1:0:4 | Physical Disk 1:0:4 [SAS-HDD 300GB] on ctrl 0 is Online
      OK |      0:0 | Logical Drive '/dev/sda' [RAID-1, 67.75 GB] is Ready
      OK |      0:1 | Logical Drive '/dev/sdb' [RAID-5, 557.75 GB] is Ready
      OK |      0:0 | Cache Battery 0 in controller 0 is Ready
      OK |      0:0 | Connector 0 [SAS] on controller 0 is Ready
      OK |      0:1 | Connector 1 [SAS] on controller 0 is Ready
      OK |    0:0:0 | Enclosure 0:0:0 [Backplane] on controller 0 is Ready
      OK |    0:1:0 | Enclosure 0:1:0 [Backplane] on controller 0 is Ready
   Chassis Components                                                        
  STATE  |  ID  |  MESSAGE TEXT                                              
      OK |    0 | Memory module 0 [DIMM_A1, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |    1 | Memory module 1 [DIMM_A2, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |    2 | Memory module 2 [DIMM_A3, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |    3 | Memory module 3 [DIMM_A4, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |    4 | Memory module 4 [DIMM_A5, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |    5 | Memory module 5 [DIMM_A6, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |    6 | Memory module 6 [DIMM_A7, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |    7 | Memory module 7 [DIMM_A8, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |    8 | Memory module 8 [DIMM_A9, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |    9 | Memory module 9 [DIMM_B1, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |   10 | Memory module 10 [DIMM_B2, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |   11 | Memory module 11 [DIMM_B3, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |   12 | Memory module 12 [DIMM_B4, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |   13 | Memory module 13 [DIMM_B5, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |   14 | Memory module 14 [DIMM_B6, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |   15 | Memory module 15 [DIMM_B7, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |   16 | Memory module 16 [DIMM_B8, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |   17 | Memory module 17 [DIMM_B9, 4096 MB] is Ok
      OK |    0 | Chassis fan 0 [System Board FAN 1 RPM] reading: 3600 RPM
      OK |    1 | Chassis fan 1 [System Board FAN 2 RPM] reading: 3600 RPM
      OK |    2 | Chassis fan 2 [System Board FAN 3 RPM] reading: 3600 RPM
      OK |    3 | Chassis fan 3 [System Board FAN 4 RPM] reading: 3600 RPM
      OK |    4 | Chassis fan 4 [System Board FAN 5 RPM] reading: 3600 RPM
      OK |    0 | Power Supply 0 [AC]: Presence detected
      OK |    1 | Power Supply 1 [AC]: Presence detected
      OK |    0 | Temperature Probe 0 [System Board Ambient Temp] reads 17 C (min=8/3, max=42/47)
      OK |    0 | Processor 0 [Intel Xeon L5520 2.27GHz] is Present
      OK |    1 | Processor 1 [Intel Xeon L5520 2.27GHz] is Present
      OK |    0 | Voltage sensor 0 [CPU1 VCORE PG] is Good
      OK |    1 | Voltage sensor 1 [CPU2 VCORE PG] is Good
      OK |    2 | Voltage sensor 2 [CPU2 0.75 VTT CPU2 PG] is Good
      OK |    3 | Voltage sensor 3 [CPU1 0.75 VTT CPU1 PG] is Good
      OK |    4 | Voltage sensor 4 [System Board 1.5V PG] is Good
      OK |    5 | Voltage sensor 5 [System Board 1.8V PG] is Good
      OK |    6 | Voltage sensor 6 [System Board 3.3V PG] is Good
      OK |    7 | Voltage sensor 7 [System Board 5V PG] is Good
      OK |    8 | Voltage sensor 8 [CPU2 MEM PG] is Good
      OK |    9 | Voltage sensor 9 [CPU1 MEM PG] is Good
      OK |   10 | Voltage sensor 10 [CPU2 VTT PG] is Good
      OK |   11 | Voltage sensor 11 [CPU1 VTT PG] is Good
      OK |   12 | Voltage sensor 12 [System Board 0.9V PG] is Good
      OK |   13 | Voltage sensor 13 [CPU2 1.8 PLL  PG] is Good
      OK |   14 | Voltage sensor 14 [CPU1 1.8 PLL PG] is Good
      OK |   15 | Voltage sensor 15 [System Board 8.0 V PG] is Good
      OK |   16 | Voltage sensor 16 [System Board 1.1 V PG] is Good
      OK |   17 | Voltage sensor 17 [System Board 1.0 LOM PG] is Good
      OK |   18 | Voltage sensor 18 [System Board 1.0 AUX PG] is Good
      OK |   19 | Voltage sensor 19 [System Board 1.05 V PG] is Good
      OK |   20 | Voltage sensor 20 [PS 1 Voltage] is 228.000 V
      OK |   21 | Voltage sensor 21 [PS 2 Voltage] is 240.000 V
      OK |    0 | Battery probe 0 [System Board CMOS Battery] is Presence Detected
      OK |    0 | Amperage probe 0 [PS 1 Current] reads 0.4 A
      OK |    1 | Amperage probe 1 [PS 2 Current] reads 0.4 A
      OK |    2 | Amperage probe 2 [System Board System Level] reads 175 W
      OK |    0 | Chassis intrusion 0 detection: Ok (Not Breached)
      OK |    0 | SD Card 0 [vFlash] is Absent
   Other messages                                                            
  STATE  |  MESSAGE TEXT                                                     
      OK | ESM log health is Ok (less than 80% full)
      OK | Chassis Service Tag is sane

The debug output will vary from model to model and server to server. Among other things, it depends on what components exist in the server in the first place. The above example shows a PowerEdge R710 server with an attached MD1220 shelf.

WARNING: The option -d or --debug is intended for diagnostics and debugging purposes only. Do not use this option from within Nagios, i.e. in your Nagios config.

Custom temperature thresholds

OMSA temperature thresholds

Openmanage (OMSA) has its own temperature thresholds. You can easily view these with omreport:

# omreport chassis temps
Temperature Probes Information

Main System Chassis Temperatures: Ok

Index                     : 0
Status                    : Ok
Probe Name                : System Board Ambient Temp
Reading                   : 17.0 C
Minimum Warning Threshold : 8.0 C
Maximum Warning Threshold : 42.0 C
Minimum Failure Threshold : 3.0 C
Maximum Failure Threshold : 47.0 C

Check_openmanage will also output the OMSA thresholds when run in debug mode, example:

$ check_openmanage -H myhost --only temp -d
   System:      PowerEdge R710 II        OMSA version:    6.4.0
   ServiceTag:  XXXXXXX                  Plugin version:  3.6.5
   BIOS/date:   2.1.15 09/02/2010        Checking mode:   SNMPv2 UDP/IPv4
   Chassis Components                                                        
  STATE  |  ID  |  MESSAGE TEXT                                              
      OK |    0 | Temperature Probe 0 [System Board Ambient Temp] reads 20 C (min=8/3, max=42/47)

As you can see the thresholds are given inside the parentheses at the end of the line. Check_openmanage will treat these values as absolute, i.e. if the temperature is beyond these limits, the plugin will issue an alert.

Narrowing the field

OMSA and check_openmanage temperature thresholds

If you wish to narrow the field of OK temperatures (e.g. setting the warning limit for the maximum temperature lower than the OMSA threshold), you can override the OMSA temperature warning and critical thresholds with the -w|--warning and -c|--critical options:

$ check_openmanage -H myhost -w 0=30 -c 0=40
Temperature Probe 0 [System Board Ambient Temp] reads 31 C (custom max=30)

The option takes either a string or a file containing the string with the limits. Syntax is id1=max[/min],id2=max[/min],.... Each of these options can be specified multiple times if needed.

You can also specify a custom minimum temperature:

$ check_openmanage -H myhost -w 0=30/15 -c 0=40/10
Temperature Probe 0 [System Board Ambient Temp] reads 14 C (custom min=15)

Expanding the field

OMSA expanded temperature thresholds

If you wish to expand the field, the check_openmanage options mentioned above won't help you. In this case, use omconfig to adjust the warning thresholds of OMSA itself. If, for the machine above, we wanted the warning threshold to be 45 degrees instead of 43 degrees (the default), we would say:

# omconfig chassis temps index=0 maxwarnthresh=45
Temperature probe warning threshold(s) set successfully.

If you want to reset the thresholds to the system default, use this command:

# omconfig chassis temps index=0 warnthresh=default
Temperature probe warning threshold(s) set successfully.

Note that only the OMSA warning thresholds can be adjusted like this. The failure/critical thresholds are absolute and can't be set manually.


You can blacklist failed/missing components that you won't fix. Blacklisting means that the particular component is never checked. The option -b|--blacklist is used for blacklisting, takes either a string or file as input, and can be specified multiple times:

$ check_openmanage -s -H myhost
WARNING: Controller 0 [PERC 6/i Integrated]: Driver '' is out of date
WARNING: Controller 1 [PERC 6/E Adapter]: Driver '' is out of date

$ check_openmanage -s -H myhost -b ctrl_driver=0,1
OK - System: 'PowerEdge 1950', SN: 'XXXXXXX', 4 GB ram (4 dimms), 2 logical drives, 8 physical drives

Syntax for blacklisting is:


I.e. a single line separated by slashes. The component names are listed in the manual page. Here is the list:

Component Comment
ctrl Controller
ctrl_fw Suppress the "special" warning message about old controller firmware. Use this if you can't or won't upgrade the firmware.
ctrl_driver Suppress the "special" warning message about old controller driver. Particularly useful on systems where you can't upgrade the driver.
ctrl_stdr Suppress the "special" warning message about old Windows storport driver.
pdisk Physical disk.
pdisk_cert Ignore warnings for non-certified physical drives
pdisk_foreign Ignore warnings for foreign physical drives
vdisk Logical drive (virtual disk)
bat Controller cache battery
bat_charge Ignore warnings related to the controller cache battery charging cycle, which happens approximately every 40 days on Dell servers. Note that using this blacklist keyword makes check_openmanage ignore non-critical cache battery errors.
conn Connector (channel)
encl Enclosure
encl_fan Enclosure fan
encl_ps Enclosure power supply
encl_temp Enclosure temperature probe
encl_emm Enclosure management module (EMM)
dimm Memory module
fan Fan (Cooling device)
ps Powersupply
temp Temperature sensor
cpu Processor (CPU)
volt Voltage probe
bp System battery
amp Amperage probe (power consumption monitoring)
intr Intrusion sensor
sd Removable flash media (SD card)

The component IDs are listed in the debug output:

$ check_openmanage -H myhost -d
   System:      poweredge 2850
   ServiceTag:  XXXXXXX                  OMSA version:    6.1.0
   BIOS/date:   A06 10/03/2006           Plugin version:  3.5.4
   Storage Components                                                        
   LVL   |    ID    |  STATE                                                 
      OK |        0 | Controller 0 [PERC 4e/Di] is Ready
CRITICAL |    0:0:0 | Physical disk 0:0 [Maxtor ATLAS15K2_146SCA, 146GB] on controller 0 needs attention: Failed
      OK |    0:0:1 | Physical disk 0:1 [146GB] on controller 0 is Online

If we in the above example wished to blacklist the failed disk, we would use the following as input to the -b|--blacklist option:


Now the failed disk is not checked at all, and Nagios is happy.

You can also use all instead of the component IDs. For example, if you want to ignore old drivers for all controllers:

$ check_openmanage -b ctrl_driver=all

Check control

check_openmanage lets you fine-tune which components you want to check via the --check option. By default almost everything is checked (as listed in the basic overview).

The syntax for the --check option is as follows:


A value of 0 will turn checking off for the specified component, while a value of 1 will turn checking on. Example:

$ check_openmanage --check storage=0,esmlog=1

In the above example, we turn off checking of the storage subsystem, and adds checking of the ESM log content. You can specify the --check option multiple times. The following example will have the same effect as the one above:

$ check_openmanage --check storage=0 --check esmlog=1

The argument to the --check option can also be a file containing the actual arguments. If we for example make a file /etc/check_openmanage.check that contains the following:


The following example will then have the same effect as the other examples in this paragraph:

$ check_openmanage --check /etc/check_openmanage.check

If the specified file (here /etc/check_openmanage.check) doesn't exist, it is simply ignored. You can also mix "check files" and actual arguments:

$ check_openmanage  --check /etc/check_openmanage.check --check power=0

This option is versatile for a reason. If, for example, you're running check_openmanage locally via NRPE, and want to have the same command and NRPE config for all servers, you can specify a "check file" and still be able to control the checks performed individually on each server.

The list of legal parameters to the --check option is the same as for the --only option described below, except for "critical" and "warning". The full list is also given in the manual page_.

Only check one component type or alert type

You can use the option --only to specify what type of component is desired. If this option is used, only that type of component is checked. Example:

$ check_openmanage --only voltage
VOLTAGE OK - 14 voltage probes checked

The following keywords are accepted by the --only option:

Keyword Effect
critical Only output critical alerts. It is possible to use the --check option together with this option to adjust checks.
warning Only output warning alerts. It is possible to use the --check option together with this option to adjust checks.
chassis Only check chassis components, i.e. everything but storage and log content.
storage Only check storage components
memory Only check memory modules
fans Only check fans
power Only check power supplies
temp Only check temperatures
cpu Only check processors
voltage Only check voltage probes
batteries Only check batteries
amperage Only check power usage
intrusion Only check chassis intrusion
sdcard Only check removable flash media
servicetag Only check for sane service tag
esmhealth Only check ESM log health
esmlog Only check ESM log content
alertlog Only check alertlog content

A couple of other examples:

$ check_openmanage --only storage -H myhost
STORAGE OK - 4 physical drives, 2 logical drives

$ check_openmanage --only fans -H myhost
FANS OK - 6 fan probes checked

$ check_openmanage --only memory -H myhost
MEMORY OK - 6 memory modules, 24576 MB total memory

Check everything

Use the option -a or --all to turn on checking of everything, even log content:

$ check_openmanage -a
ESM log content: 3 critical, 0 non-critical, 4 ok

SELinux considerations

If you plan on using the plugin on a system with SELinux in enforcing mode, you need to set a proper file context (label) on the plugin. Which label to choose depends on how you plan to use the plugin, via SNMP or locally via NRPE or similar.

SNMP check

With SNMP, the following label should suffice:


To set this file context permanently, execute the following commands:

semanage fcontext -a -t nagios_services_plugin_exec_t '/usr/lib(64)?/nagios/plugins/check_openmanage'
restorecon -v /usr/lib*/nagios/plugins/check_openmanage

Local check

If using a local check via NRPE or similar, the plugin executes omreport which is part of Dell OMSA, which in turn is a unconfined service. Because of this, the plugin also needs to run unconfined, i.e. using the following label:


To set this file context permanently, execute the following commands:

semanage fcontext -a -t nagios_unconfined_plugin_exec_t '/usr/lib(64)?/nagios/plugins/check_openmanage'
restorecon -v /usr/lib*/nagios/plugins/check_openmanage

Configuration file

IMPORTANT: This section describes a feature that is present in version 3.7.0 and later versions.

The plugin takes an optional configuration file. To specify a configuration file, use the -f or --config option:

check_openmanage -f /etc/check_openmanage.conf

If the -f or --config option is specified, the plugin requires the perl module Config::Tiny and will output an error if that module is not found.

While a configuration file may be used in either local or SNMP mode, its strengths are mostly present when using SNMP. It allows setting different options, such as blacklisting, on single hosts or groups of hosts using glob patterns.

File format

The file has an ini-style syntax and consists of sections and parameters. A section begins with the name of the section in square brackets and continues until the next section begins. An example of section with two keywords and parameters:

    key1 = boolean
    key2 = string

The data types used are string (no quotes needed) and bool (with values of "TRUE/FALSE"). For boolean values, "1", "on" and "true" are equivalent, likewise for "0", "off" and "false". They are also case insensitive.

The root section or global section has no section name in brackets, example:

key1 = false
key2 = foo

    key1 = true
    key2 = bar

The values set in a bracket section will override those set in the root section, in case of conflicts.

Lines starting with "#" or ";" are considered comments and ignored, as are blank lines.

The configuration file must be a regular file. Owner and group does not matter, but the Nagios user must have read access.

Sections and ordering

The section name should correspond to the hostname, i.e. the value passed to the -H or --hostname parameter. The section name itself can be either an exact match to the hostname, or a glob pattern, as this example shows:

key1 = true
key2 = foo

    key1 = true

    key1 = false
    key2 = bar

The sections are read in order of significance. The root section is read first. Then any sections with glob patterns that match the hostname are read (alphabetically). Any section whose name is an exact match to the hostname is read last.

For boolean values, any conflicts are resolved by letting the section with the most significance (closest match to the hostname) override any previous definitions. For string values, they are simply added together.

In the example above, for the host "" the value of key1 will be true and key2 will be bar. Any other host that matches "192.168.*" will have key1 = false and key2 = bar. All other hosts will have key1 = true and key2 = foo.

Normal shell globbing may be used for the section names. This is limited to *, ? and []. Some examples:

    # matches e.g.

    # matches and

    # mathces e.g.

Be careful not to have more than one glob pattern section match any single host. This may lead to unpredictable results.



Check control

Any keyword to the --check parameter are accepted in the configuration file, as "check_KEYWORD". These options take boolean values ("true" or "false"). The following keywords are accepted for check control, listed here with their default values:

If used together with the --check command line option, the command line option will override the configuration file, if there is a conflict.

The option check_everything is special and turns on all checks. Setting this option to "true" will effectively negate any other check options. This option corresponds to the -a or --all command line option.


For blacklisting the keyword blacklist is used, and the value is a string that uses the same syntax as the -b or --blacklist parameter. Example:

blacklist = ctrl_fw=all/pdisk=0:0:1

If used together with the -b or --blacklist command line option, the two blacklists from the config file and command line are merged together.


The plugin timeout can be configured with the timeout keyword. The argument is number of seconds and should be a positive integer. Example:

timeout = 60

The corresponding command line option is -t or --timeout.

Performance data

Performance data can be turned on in the configuration file with performance_data. Accepted values are boolean (TRUE/FALSE) or either of the keywords "minimal" and "multiline". Example:

performance_data = true

The corresponding command line option is -p or --perfdata.

Legacy Performance data

With version 3.7.0, performance data output changed. The new format is not compatible with the old format. Users who wish to postpone switching to the new performance data API may use this option. This option takes a boolean value. Example:

legacy_performance_data = true

The corresponding command line option is --legacy-perfdata.

Temperature unit

The temperature unit used for reporting, performance data etc. can be set with the temperature_unit option. Allowed values are F for Fahrenheit, C for Celsius, K for Kelvin and R for Rankine. Example:

temperature_unit = F

The corresponding command line option is --tempunit. Note that the command line option -F or --fahrenheit will override both the command line option and the configuration file option.

Temperature limits

Custom temperature limits may be configured with the options temp_threshold_warning and temp_threshold_critical. These options corresponds to the command line options -w or --warning and -c or --critical, respectively. They take the same arguments as the command line options. Examples:

temp_threshold_warning = 0=30/10
temp_threshold_critical = 0=35/8


Several SNMP related options may be set in the configuration file. The configuration file may contain the following SNMP options:

SNMP community string

The SNMP community string can be set with snmp_community. Example:

snmp_community = mycommunity

Corresponding command line option: -C or --community

SNMP protocol version

The SNMP protocol version can be set with snmp_version. Example:

snmp_version = 2

Corresponding command line option: -P or --protocol

SNMP port number

The remote port number used with SNMP can be set with snmp_port. Example:

snmp_port = 161

Corresponding command line option: --port

Use IPv6 instead of IPv4

The option snmp_use_ipv6 instructs the plugin to use IPv6 instead of IPv4. This option takes a boolean value. Example:

snmp_use_ipv6 = true

Corresponding command line option: -6 or --ipv6

Use TCP instead of UDP

The option snmp_use_tcp instructs the plugin to use TCP instead of UDP. This option takes a boolean value. Example:

snmp_use_tcp = true

Corresponding command line option: --tcp

Output control

These options gives some control over the output given by the plugin.

Include servicetag in alerts

The option output_servicetag will make the plugin include the servers servicetag (serial number) in every alert. This option takes a boolean value. Example:

output_servicetag = true

Corresponding command line option: -i or --info

Include service state in alerts

The option output_servicestate will make the plugin include the service state in any alerts. This option takes a boolean value. Example:

output_servicestate = true

Corresponding command line option: -s or --state

Include abbreviated service state in alerts

The option output_servicestate_abbr will make the plugin include the abbreviated service state in any alerts. This option takes a boolean value. Example:

output_servicestate_abbr = true

Corresponding command line option: -S or --short-state

Show system info with alerts

The option output_sysinfo will make the plugin output some system information with alerts. This option takes a boolean value. Example:

output_sysinfo = true

Corresponding command line option: -e or --extinfo

Show blacklistings in OK output

The option output_blacklist will make the plugin show any blacklistings in the OK output. This option takes a boolean value. Example:

output_blacklist = true

Corresponding command line option: -B or --show-blacklist

Verbosity of OK output

The option output_ok_verbosity lets you adjust how much information is shown in the OK output. This option takes a positive integer as parameter. Example:

output_ok_verbosity = 3

Corresponding command line option: -o or --ok-info

HTML output

The output output_html makes the plugin produce HTML output. This option takes either a boolean value, or a country or area code. Example:

output_html = de

Corresponding command line option: -I or --htmlinfo

Custom line after alerts

The option output_post_message lets you specify one line of information to be shown after any alerts. This option takes a string as parameter. Examples:

output_post_message = OS: %o %r
output_post_message = NOTE: Handled in ticket 123456

For more information about codes and formatting, see Custom line after the alert(s)_.

Hide service tag (serial number)

The option output_hide_servicetag will hide the serial number in any output from the plugin. This option takes a boolean value. Example:

output_hide_servicetag = true

Corresponding command line option: --hide-servicetag

Alternative to configuration file: Custom object variables

Contributed by Rudolf Kleijwegt

If using a configuration file for the plugin does not appeal to you, you may want to look into the custom object variables feature of Nagios, to achieve a per-host configuration of the plugin. Consider the following example host definition:

define host {
    use                   generic-host
    host_name             myhostname
    alias                 My Alias
    max_check_attempts    3
    _openmanage_options   --no-storage

In this example, we are using the --no-storage option for this host only. This is achieved by the following command definition for check_openmanage:

define command {
    command_name    check_openmanage
    command_line    $USER1$/check_openmanage -H $HOSTADDRESS$ '$_HOSTOPENMANAGE_OPTIONS$'

Note the $_HOSTOPENMANAGE_OPTIONS$ macro in the command definition. The variable _openmanage_options in the host definition is converted to uppercase characters.

For more information about custom object variables, refer to the Nagios documentation:

A note about charging cache batteries

The Dell RAID controllers usually have a cache battery, which is useful in case of a sudden power outage. This battery will on occasion drain out, and needs recharging. The hardware takes care of this, but gives a warning. What happens is this (assuming that the storage subsystem is checked, which is the default):

  1. The hardware senses that the battery has low power, reports it and as a result check_openmanage outputs the following:

    Cache battery 0 in controller 0 is Power Low [probably harmless]
  2. After a while, the battery enters "learning state", where the battery learns its capacity, and check_openmanage will report this as:

    Cache battery 0 in controller 0 is Learning (Active) [probably harmless]
  3. The battery then enters a recharge state, which check_openmanage will also report:

    Cache battery 0 in controller 0 is Charging [probably harmless]

One could argue that check_openmanage should simply ignore these warnings, as they occur regularly on all controllers with a cache battery. They could be viewed as informational. However, for the odd case where the charge cycle never finishes, the warnings are reported by check_openmanage, but with an included note that says that the warning is probably harmless.

NOTE: You can use the blacklist keyword bat_charge to disable messages about the battery charge cycle.

If the state never changes, e.g. if the warning persists for days, you should act on it. Otherwise, the warnings can be ignored.

Performance data

check_openmanage will output performance data if the --perfdata or -p option is used. The performance data gathered will vary depending on the type and model of the monitored server. An example graph using PNP4Nagios is given below.


The template used to generate these graphs are available as check_openmanage.php in the downloadable ZIP archive and tarball.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Why did you make check_openmanage?

I wanted a monitoring tool for our Dell servers that was as good as Gerhard Lausser's check_hpasm plugin is for HP servers. None of the existing Dell plugins offered the features and detailed output that I needed, so I made my own plugin. After a while, I decided to share it with the community, and I've never regretted this decision. Constructive feedback from users have improved this plugin immensely.

How does check_openmanage compare to other Dell plugins?

Like most Nagios plugins that check the hardware health of Dell servers, check_openmanage uses OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) from Dell. The difference is in the level of detail in the output. Most other plugins simply check the status level of the subsystems and return the status code, while check_openmanage also tries to figure out exactly what is wrong and report it in a detailed and concise manner.

Why both 32bit and 64bit RPM packages?

This is a perl script, which is architecture independent by itself, so one would think that the RPM arch would be "noarch". However, since the official Nagios plugins package (and others, e.g. Fedora) put Nagios plugins under /usr/lib for 32bit and /usr/lib64 for 64bit platforms, I wanted to apply this to check_openmanage as well. This is the only difference between the two RPM packages.

I don't like check_openmanage, are there other Dell plugins that you would recommend?

There are many plugins out there. The ones I would recommend are Jason Ellison's excellent check_dell_openmanage plugin and HPC Community's "official" plugin. They are both SNMP only, and are simpler then check_openmanage in the sense that they don't check as many OIDs and don't use as many features of OMSA. That way, they are less dependent on recent OMSA versions, have faster execution time, and are probably also less error prone.

Is there a compiled executable for Windows that can be used with NSClient++?

Yes. See the paragraph about local check on windows.

Is VMware ESXi supported?

Unfortunately, no. OMSA for ESXi has serious limitations that impacts monitoring with check_openmanage. The following quote is from the OMSA 6.4 documentation intro:

NOTE: While ESXi supports SNMP traps, it does not support hardware inventory through SNMP.

For ESXi you can't use check_openmanage. Options for monitoring ESXi include setting up an SNMP trap receiver on the Nagios server, and configuring it as the trap destination on the ESXi hosts.

Is check_openmanage ePN compatible?

("ePN" is the Nagios' embedded perl interpreter. Many people turn this off by default, as it often does more damage than good.)

Yes, check_openmanage if fully ePN compatible, and should work fine with or without ePN. If your Nagios server has ePN turned on, and for some reason you want to disable ePN for this plugin, add the following line among the first 10 lines of the script:

# nagios: -epn

If you are running Nagios 2.x, you should specify perl <script> in your Nagios config if you have ePN enabled and want to disable it for this plugin.

How can I contact you if I have problems, bug reports, feature requests etc.?

You can contact me via email (see the manual page). Depending on the time of day etc., you can also reach me on the IRC, as trondham on the #nagios channel on Freenode.

OpenManage (OMSA)

Which version of OMSA is OK?

Check_openmanage is tested with OMSA versions 5.3 and later. All these should be OK to use. Note that some versions don't play well with Windows and SNMP. For the best results, use the newest release available.

Why do I get weird results from check_openmanage on my old server and/or old OMSA version?

Upgrade your Openmanage (OMSA) version. Check_openmanage is developed with OMSA versions 5.3 and later. You should always try to use the latest version. Older versions of OMSA lack some of the features that check_openmanage needs to give accurate and detailed output.

Some really old servers (5.generation and older, e.g. 2550, 2450) can't run newer OMSA than 4.5. Hence, these old servers are not supported by check_openmanage.

How can I find out which version of OMSA my server is running?

This can be done in many ways. Log in to your server and type the command omreport about (or omreport.exe about on Windows):

$ omreport about

Product name : Server Administrator
Version      : 6.1.0
Copyright    : Copyright (C) Dell Inc. 1995-2009. All rights reserved.
Company      : Dell Inc.

You can also use check_openmanage to display the OMSA version, with the -d or --debug option:

$ check_openmanage -H myhost -d | head -n 3
 System:      PowerEdge M600
 ServiceTag:  88CBS3J                  OMSA version:    6.1.0
 BIOS/date:   2.1.4 08/15/2008         Plugin version:  3.5.5

My boss won't let me upgrade OMSA

Your boss don't get it. Also, that wasn't technically a question.

Our security policy doesn't allow OMSA upgrades

Your security policy is broken. That wasn't a question either.

Common Errors

ERROR: Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) is not installed

This error normally indicates that OpenManage is not installed on the host. However, it may be that OpenManage is installed in a location other than the default. In this case, the omreport binary is not in the search path of check_openmanage. You can work around this by using the --omreport option, like this:

check_openmanage --omreport /usr/local/bin/omreport

The above should be configured in nrpe.cfg if you're using NRPE. If you're using the .exe file for Windows with NSClient++, you should configure this in the file nsc.ini on the host. Example:

check_openmanage.exe --omreport P:\dellopenmanage\oma\bin\omreport.exe

If the omreport or omreport.exe binary is installed in a place where you think that check_openmanage should look by default, send me a note.

ERROR: You need perl module Net::SNMP to run check_openmanage in SNMP mode

The perl module Net::SNMP is not installed, or not available to the perl interpreter. This module is required for SNMP. See the prerequisites_ section.

SNMP CRITICAL: No response from remote host ''

This error indicates that the SNMP daemon is not running or not responding. There is no reply from the monitored server on port 161 (or the port specified by the --port option). Check the SNMP service.

You will also get this error if the SNMP community name doesn't match. If this is the case, inspect the SNMP settings on the server and verify that the community name matches the -C option given to the plugin.

ERROR: (SNMP) OpenManage is not installed or is not working correctly

This error indicates that the SNMP service is responding, but OpenManage OIDs are not present. To be specific, check_openmanage checks the OID for the chassis model name, to determine if OpenManage is running or not.

The error could be caused by different problems. OpenManage could simply not be running. The SNMP daemon may not be configured with OpenManage OIDs. The SNMP part of OpenManage may not be installed or running. For Linux, the snmpd.conf file should have the following:

smuxpeer .

This should be added by OpenManage at install time. The simple solution may be to reinstall OpenManage and look for errors during installation.

SNMP CRITICAL: Received genError(5) error-status at error-index 1

Some OpenManage versions perform poorly on Windows, especially versions 5.4.0 and earlier. If you get this error on a Windows host, check the OpenManage version and consider upgrading.

This error is from the Net::SNMP perl module.

PLUGIN TIMEOUT: check_openmanage timed out after 30 seconds

If your server is under very heavy load, it may take some time for check_openmanage to finish, especially if you run the plugin locally via NRPE or similar. The default plugin timeout is 30 seconds, but you can set a different timeout via the -t|--timeout option. Under normal load, the plugin should finish in about 2 seconds when run locally. Checking via SNMP is even faster.

Be aware that NRPE has it's own timeout, also adjustable.


The plugin will output any perl warnings that occur during execution as internal errors with unknown state. If you get one or more internal errors like this, you may have hit a bug in the plugin. Please contact me if you get internal errors.

UNKNOWN: Problem running 'omreport foo bar'

UNKNOWN: Problem running 'omreport chassis fans': Error! No fan probes found on this system.
UNKNOWN: Problem running 'omreport chassis temps': Error! No temperature probes found on this system.
UNKNOWN: Problem running 'omreport chassis volts': Error! No voltage probes found on this system.

These are general errors that can have different causes. OMSA, especially old versions, are known to have bugs that cause the occasional hiccup. A simple restart of OMSA (Linux: " restart") may prove to be the solution and should be attempted first.

Other known causes include the following:

In case of exhausted semaphore pool, you should investigate if there are times when the plugin times out during execution. In case of a timeout, any omreport command that the plugin is running is abruptly aborted. Any semaphores allocated by omreport is not freed, and if this happens frequently the system will eventually run out of semaphores. There are three workarounds for this problem:

  1. Switch to checking the system via SNMP, which does not require running omreport, and thus does not use semaphores. In general SNMP checking is faster and requires less resources on the monitored host, and is therefore usually the best option for monitoring heavily loaded systems.

  2. Increase the timeout of the plugin. The default timeout is 30 seconds, you may change this with the -t or --timeout parameter. Note that the timeout of check_nrpe (or whichever mechanism you have chosen to run remote plugins) should be increased accordingly.

  3. Periodically remove allocated semaphores which belong to the user running the plugin. This can be achieved like this (example for the user "nrpe"):

    ipcrm $(ipcs -s | awk '/nrpe/ {print "-s ",$2}')

    This approach is a last resort. The commands above can be run manually whenever the issue appears, or periodically by crond.

Storage Error! No controllers found

From version 3.6.0 of the plugin, storage is no longer allowed to be absent. The reason for this is that there have been several issues with OMSA that prevents storage from being displayed. Check_openmanage will no longer silently ignore this when it happens. Instead, it will give this alert.

There may be cases where this alert is a false positive:

If you get this alert and your system falls into one of the above categories, you should specify either --no-storage or --check storage=0 to prevent check_openmanage to check the storage system in the first place:

check_openmanage --no-storage [other options...]
check_openmanage --check storage=0 [other options...]

If the server in question has storage that should be monitored, you'll have to check OMSA, particularly which components of it are installed.

Reporting bugs, proposing new features etc.

.. _University of Oslo:

Please let me know if you are experiencing bugs, have feature requests, or suggestions on how to improve check_openmanage. We use this plugin in production at the University of Oslo, on many Dell servers of different models, but we don't use all the different features of the plugin. While the plugin is bug-free for us, it might not be for you, so let me know if you have problems.

Please send bug reports or feature requests to me directly, as the old nagios-user mailing list is dead.

Depending on the time of day etc., you can also reach me on the IRC, on the #nagios channel on Freenode.


This is free software. Use at your own risk.