Closed SukiratWarring closed 1 year ago
@SukiratWarring The network startup failed, Address already in use, it may be that the process has not completely exited and started the node.
@ss3344520 i checked and found out that the processes are running while i run the SR node,and in the modification section Tron private chain it says nothing to change it in the full node config file. These are my config files fullnode_config.txt supernode_config.txt
@SukiratWarring The port numbers in your configuration files are the same. If you deploy multiple nodes on the same machine, you need to modify the port number.
@ss3344520 yea changed the listen.port and it works great,thanks!
storage {
Directory for storing persistent data
db.version = 2, db.engine = "LEVELDB", = "database", = "index",
You can custom these 14 databases' configs:
account, account-index, asset-issue, block, block-index,
block_KDB, peers, properties, recent-block, trans,
utxo, votes, witness, witness_schedule.
Otherwise, db configs will remain defualt and data will be stored in
the path of "output-directory" or which is set by "-d" ("--output-directory").
Attention: name is a required field that must be set !!!
properties = [ // { // name = "account", // path = "storage_directory_test", // createIfMissing = true, // paranoidChecks = true, // verifyChecksums = true, // compressionType = 1, // compressed with snappy // blockSize = 4096, // 4 KB = 4 1024 B // writeBufferSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 1024 1024 B // cacheSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 1024 1024 B // maxOpenFiles = 100 // }, // { // name = "account-index", // path = "storage_directory_test", // createIfMissing = true, // paranoidChecks = true, // verifyChecksums = true, // compressionType = 1, // compressed with snappy // blockSize = 4096, // 4 KB = 4 1024 B // writeBufferSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 1024 1024 B // cacheSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 1024 1024 B // maxOpenFiles = 100 // }, ]
this part of config is used to node discovery.
node.discovery = { enable = true # you should set this entry value with true if you want your node can be discovered by other node. persist = true # this entry is used to determined to whether storing the peers in the database or not. bind.ip = "" external.ip = }
this part of config is used to set backup node for witness service.
node.backup { port = 10001 priority = 8 members = [ ] }
node {
trust node for solidity node
trustNode = "ip:port"
trustNode = ""
expose extension api to public or not
walletExtensionApi = true
listen.port = 16666
connection.timeout = 2
tcpNettyWorkThreadNum = 0
udpNettyWorkThreadNum = 1
Number of validate sign thread, default availableProcessors / 2
validateSignThreadNum = 16
maxActiveNodes = 30
maxActiveNodesWithSameIp = 2
minParticipationRate = 0
check the peer data transfer ,disconnect factor
disconnectNumberFactor = 0.4 maxConnectNumberFactor = 0.8 receiveTcpMinDataLength = 2048 isOpenFullTcpDisconnect = true
p2p { version = 1 # 11111: mainnet; 20180622: testnet; you can set other number when you deploy one private net, but the node must have the same number in some private net. }
active = [
Active establish connection in any case
passive = [
Passive accept connection in any case
http { fullNodePort = 16667 solidityPort = 16668 }
rpc { port = 16669
Whether to enable the node detection function, default false
nodeDetectEnable = false
use your ipv6 address for node discovery and tcp connection, default false
enableIpv6 = false
if your node's highest block num is below than all your pees', try to acquire new connection. default false
effectiveCheckEnable = false
Dynamic loading configuration function, disabled by default
dynamicConfig = {
dns {
dns urls to get nodes, url format tree://{pubkey}@{domain}, default empty
} }
seed.node = {
List of the seed nodes. This is used to enable the node can connect when join one net at first.
If you deploy one private net, you must add some "ip:port" here for other node connecting.
Seed nodes are stable full nodes, and the first SuperNode must be inclued in.
ip.list = [
ip.list = [ "" ] }
genesis.block = {
Reserve balance
assets = [ { accountName = "Zion" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TPL66VK2gCXNCD7EJg9pgJRfqcRazjhUZY" balance = "95000000000000000" }, { accountName = "Sun" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TWsm8HtU2A5eEzoT8ev8yaoFjHsXLLrckb" balance = "5000000000000000" }, { accountName = "Blackhole" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TSJD5rdu6wZXP7F2m3a3tn8Co3JcMjtBip" balance = "-9223372036854775808" }, { accountName = "TestA" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TVdyt1s88BdiCjKt6K2YuoSmpWScZYK1QF" balance = "1000000000000000" }, { accountName = "TestB" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TCNVmGtkfknHpKSZXepZDXRowHF7kosxcv" balance = "1000000000000000" }, { accountName = "TestC" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TAbzgkG8p3yF5aywKVgq9AaAu6hvF2JrVC" balance = "1000000000000000" }, { accountName = "TestD" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TMmmvwvkBPBv3Gkw9cGKbZ8PLznYkTu3ep" balance = "1000000000000000" }, { accountName = "TestE" accountType = "AssetIssue" address = "TBJHZu4Sm86aWHtt6VF6KQSzot8vKTuTKx" balance = "1000000000000000" } ]
witnesses = [ { address: TPL66VK2gCXNCD7EJg9pgJRfqcRazjhUZY, url = "", voteCount = 10000 } ]
timestamp = "0" #2017-8-26 12:00:00
parentHash = "957dc2d350daecc7bb6a38f3938ebde0a0c1cedafe15f0edae4256a2907449f6" }
localwitness = []
da146374a75310b9666e834ee4ad0866d6f4035967bfc76217c5a495fff9f0d0 # you must enable this value and the witness address are match.
localwitnesskeystore = [
"src/main/resources/localwitnesskeystore.json" # if you do not set the localwitness above, you must set this value.Otherwise,your SuperNode can not produce the block.
block = { needSyncCheck = true # first node : false, other : true maintenanceTimeInterval = 21600000 // 1 day: 86400000(ms), 6 hours: 21600000(ms) }
vm = { supportConstant = true minTimeRatio = 0.0 maxTimeRatio = 5.0 }
committee = { allowCreationOfContracts = 1 //mainnet:0 (reset by committee),test:1 }
event.subscribe = { native = { useNativeQueue = true // if true, use native message queue, else use event plugin. bindport = 5555 // bind port sendqueuelength = 1000 //max length of send queue }
path = "" // absolute path of plugin server = "" // target server address to receive event triggers dbconfig = "" // dbname|username|password contractParse = true, topics = [ { triggerName = "block" // block trigger, the value can't be modified enable = false topic = "block" // plugin topic, the value could be modified }, { triggerName = "transaction" enable = false topic = "transaction" }, { triggerName = "contractevent" enable = false topic = "contractevent" }, { triggerName = "contractlog" enable = false topic = "contractlog" }, { triggerName = "solidity" // solidity block event trigger, the value can't be modified enable = true // the default value is true topic = "solidity" } ]
filter = { fromblock = "" // the value could be "", "earliest" or a specified block number as the beginning of the queried range toblock = "" // the value could be "", "latest" or a specified block number as end of the queried range contractAddress = [ "" // contract address you want to subscribe, if it's set to "", you will receive contract logs/events with any contract address. ]
} }```
6.Error log