troven / certific8
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Certific8 recognises that users need to tailor their resumes (profiles) to market themselves to employers.

A profile is similar to a resume/CV.

A Profile is an attractively branded record of their career. Each profile is displayed using a specific template.

The Profile Editor allows a user Member to publish a branded resume for their career achievements.

The user has a WYSIWYG view as they change their template and update their profile details, and assign the related records.

The initial concept is that the profile details were entered into a (floating) editor, initially docked to the left of the screen.

The WYSIWYG view uses the rest of the screen, even though most templates are quite small.

A Member is simply a user who has an "active public profile".

Other types of users exist, but only those with active public profiles are consider Members, in this text.

New profiles are initially duplicates of the default profile.

Any profile may be "public", meaning that is can be directly accessed by a short URL.

A profile may be "is_active" or draft.

An active profile may be searched/found by recruiters / employers.

A profile can be "contactable". Each profile may have different contact details.

A "managed" profile has been assigned to an "HR" - recruiter/employer - who negotiates fees/rates on their behalf.

Contact requests for a "managed profile" are sent to the HR representative AND the member.

A Profile contains a list of Skills (Certificates/Diplomas/Degrees), a list of Social Profiles and a list of Jobs/Projects.

All lists are related many-many to a profiles - constrained by user, of course.

A user may received Vouches from colleagues (FB likes, LI endorsements) - they may be optionally shown on a profile.

Skills, Socials and Jobs are selected from an auto-complete drop down.

They each (Skills, Socials and Jobs) has a logo that is used to visualise them in the profile.

Both Skill and Job must be approved to be listed correctly.

Un-approved entries will be hidden to other users and greyed out to the member.