trudi-group / ipfs-tools

A collection of tools and schemas in Rust to analyze data on IPFS and BitSwap traces.
MIT License
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Umbrella project for all things related to monitoring and analyzing IPFS stuff with Rust.

Most of the subprojects have their own README to explain some things in more detail.



A binary that reads many CIDs and prints various counts about them.


This library package holds basic building blocks used in all other packages, most of all logging and very basic types. This also contains the code for simulating the BitSwap engine.


This is a binary that identifies public gateways on the overlay network. It downloads the list of public gateways off GitHub, crafts CIDs, queries them, and listens for BitSwap messages for these CIDs.


This is a binary tool to convert logged BitSwap messages and connection events to CSV data to be analyzed in R. It tracks connection durations and simulates the BitSwap engine.


A library package implementing a client to our monitoring plugin. This provides TCP as well as HTTP functionality.


This binary package implements a real-time analysis client for Bitswap messages. Additionally, the binary runs a prometheus server to publish metrics about the message stream analysed.


This binary is used to unify traces from multiple monitors into CSV files for processing in R. This is the tool used for this paper.


A binary that connects to multiple monitors via our monitoring plugin to estimate the size of the network.



We currently build with rustls, so no dependencies are required.


There is a multi-stage build setup implemented with Docker. The builder stage compiles the binaries and caches dependencies, for faster incremental builds. This should produce an image named ipfs-tools-builder, which is then used in the runner stages. The runner stage(s) copy out compiled artifacts from ipfs-tools-builder and set up a minimal runtime environment. There is a script that builds all these images. There is also a script that builds the builder and copies out the artifacts to the out/ directory of the project.

Docker builds against the current stable Rust on Debian Bullseye. This gives us an older-ish libc, which improves compatibility with older-ish systems (Ubuntu LTS, for example) at no loss of functionality.


You'll need the latest stable Rust. Then execute, in the topmost directory:

cargo build --release --locked

This will take a while for the first build. Also, this will build all subprojects, which then end up in the target/ directory of the root project.


Most of the packages are configured via environment variables/.env files or CLI parameters. The packages sometimes contain README files that detail their configuration, and an example, mostly complete .env file is given in .env.


You can control the level of logging using the RUST_LOG environment variable. Running with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 is also a good idea, makes it easier for me to debug :)