truedex-labs / truedex.tokenlist

Token Listing on TrueDEX
MIT License
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TrueDEX Token Listing

Token Listing on TrueDEX


Mandatory Requirements to List Your Token

  1. must get minimum 20 DID users from TrueDEX DAO community to vote for listing your token
  2. must send 1000 TYCHE to amgenesisdao account


  1. 必须获得至少20个TrueDEX DAO社区的DID用户投票通过上币
  2. 必须向amgenesisdao这个账户打入1000个天赐币

How to Get listed

  1. Fork this project into your own GitHub repo and clone it locally;
  2. Add your token project folder under "listed", E.g. xyzt;
  3. Add copy files from ./listed/hstz into ./listed/xyzt;
  4. Update file content accordingly inside your project folder;
  5. Commit changes and push them to your GitHub remote repo;
  6. Make a Pull Request (PR) to this project repo;
  7. Wait for this project admin to review and approve your PR. If need be, make the necessary changes requested by TrueDEX project admin.
  8. After your PR has been approved and merged into this project repo, your token will be listed on
  9. Additionally, the token project owner may be required to send 10K tokens to tyche.admin for airdrops in TycheFi Earn Pools


  1. 分叉本项目到您自己的GitHub仓库里面,然后再从您的仓库克隆到本地;
  2. 添加您自己的项目代币目录到"listed"目录下面,例: xyzt (必须用小写);
  3. ./listed/hstz下面拷贝所有文件进入上面创建的项目代币目录(例: ./listed/xyzt);
  4. 相应更新所有拷贝过来的文件内容;
  5. 提交修改,并且推送到您自己的GitHub远端仓库;
  6. 创建一个合并请求(PR) 将您的修改可以合并进入到本项目仓库;
  7. 等待本项目仓库的管理员评审和批准您的合并请求 PR. 如果有必要,根据管理员的反馈做相应内容修改.
  8. 在您的合并请求PR被批准之后并成功合并进入本项目仓库,您的代币 上面完成上币。

Example of Listed Tokens