trueroad / extractpdfmark

Extract PDFmark can extract page mode and named destinations as PDFmark from PDF.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Extract PDFmark

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Extract page mode and named destinations as PDFmark from PDF

When you create a PDF document using something like a TeX system you may include many small PDF files in the main PDF file. It is common for each of the small PDF files to use the same fonts.

If the small PDF files contain embedded font subsets, the TeX system includes them as-is in the main PDF. As a result, several subsets of the same font are embedded in the main PDF. It is not possible to remove the duplicates since they are different subsets. This vastly increases the size of the main PDF file.

On the other hand, if the small PDF files contain embedded full font sets, the TeX system also includes all of them in the main PDF. This time, the main PDF contains duplicates of the same full sets of fonts. Therefore, Ghostscript can remove the duplicates. This may considerably reduce the main PDF-file's size. (Note: Ghostscript 9.17 - 9.21 needs -dPDFDontUseFontObjectNum commandline option for removing duplicate fonts. If you use Ghostscript 9.22+, you cannot use this "full set embedding" method since it cannot remove duplicate fonts. See and . In this case, you can use "not embedding" method as following.)

Finally, if the small PDF files contain some fonts that are not embedded, the TeX system outputs the main PDF file with some fonts missing. In this case, Ghostscript can embed the necessary fonts. It can significantly reduce the required disk size. (Note: If you use Ghostscript 9.26+ and want to embed CID fonts, see and .)

Either way, when Ghostscript reads the main PDF produced by the TeX system and outputs the final PDF it does not preserve PDF page-mode and named-destinations etc. As a result, when you open the final PDF, it is not displayed correctly. Also, remote PDF links will not work correctly.

This program is able to extract page mode and named destinations as PDFmark from PDF. By using this you can get the small PDF files that have preserved them.


$ extractpdfmark TeX-System-Outputted.pdf >
$ gs -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
     -dPDFDontUseFontObjectNum -dPrinted=false \
     -sOutputFile=Final.pdf TeX-System-Outputted.pdf

(Note: Ghostscript 9.26+ needs -dPrinted=false commandline option. See .)

Install from binary package

Some distributions have extractpdfmark package.

Install from source tarball


Extract PDFmark requires one of the three interfaces of poppler. Please choose which to use when building Extrcat PDFmark.

poppler-cpp I/F (recommended)

poppler 0.74.0+ is required. Extract PDFmark's configure script selects poppler-cpp I/F if pkg-config finds poppler-cpp >= 0.74.0.

The configure script's option --with-poppler=cpp specifies explicitly using this interface.

When you would like to use packages for preparing the required library, the following might be convenient.

poppler-glib I/F

poppler 0.78.0+ is required. Extract PDFmark's configure script selects poppler-glib I/F if pkg-config does not find poppler-cpp >= 0.74.0, and finds poppler-glib 0.78.0+.

The configure script's option --with-poppler=glib specifies explicitly using this interface.

poppler-core I/F (deprecated)

poppler 0.13.3 - 0.75.0 built with the following option is required (recommended poppler 0.48.0 - 0.73.0).

If you have poppler 0.74.0+, poppler-cpp I/F instead of this I/F is recommended. Extract PDFmark build with this I/F on poppler-0.76.0+ fails since poppler-0.76.0 has a disruptive change to the I/F.

Extract PDFmark's configure script selects poppler-core I/F if pkg-config does not find poppler-cpp >= 0.74.0, does not find poppler-glib >= 0.78.0, and finds poppler 0.24.4 - 0.75.0. There are two versions of this interface, private and normal. For popler 0.24.4 - 0.47.0, private version is selected. For popler 0.48.0 - 0.75.0, normal version is selected.

The configure script's option --with-poppler=core-private specifies explicitly using private version (for poppler 0.13.3 - 0.75.0). The configure script's option --with-poppler=core specifies explicitly using normal version (for poppler 0.48.0 - 0.75.0). If you would like to use poppler 0.13.3 - 0.24.3, it is necessary to specify explicitly configure script's option --with-poppler=core-private. However, Extract PDFmark with these versions of popler fails some tests in make check.

When you would like to use packages for preparing the required library, the following might be convenient.

Build & install

$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

If you have Ghostscript 9.14+ and diff etc., you can run tests before installation as follows.

$ ./configure
$ make
$ make check
$ make install

Install from Git repository

Source tarball build requirements and additional requirements are necessary.

Additional required

Autoconf 2.69+
autopoint 0.19.6+ (gettext 0.19.6+)

Additional recommended

pdfTeX (for generating test PDFs)
Ghostscript 9.14+ (for make check)

Build & install

$ git clone
$ cd extractpdfmark
$ ./
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure
$ make
$ make check
$ make install




Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Masamichi Hosoda

Extract PDFmark is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Extract PDFmark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Extract PDFmark. If not, see