trusktr / element-modules

Proof of concept of declarative custom elements that are importable from `.html` files, no build step or tooling needed. Goal: to ideate and discuss how this might look as a native feature in browsers.
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Alternatives #1

Open dy opened 5 months ago

dy commented 5 months ago

Hi! Just want to share existing attempts in this area, maybe you can find interesting for analysis:

trusktr commented 5 months ago

Nice, thanks for making this list.

trusktr commented 5 months ago
dy commented 5 months ago

I also had one with the following syntax:

  <x-timer start:number="0">
      <time part="timer">{{ count }}</time>
    <script scoped>
      this.params.count = this.props.start
      let id
      this.onconnected = () => id = setInterval(() => this.params.count++, 1000)
      this.ondisconnected = () => clearInterval(id)

  <x-counter count:number="0">
      <output>{{ count }}</output>
      <button part="inc">+</button>
      <button part="dec">‐</button>
    <script scoped> = e => this.props.count++ = e => this.props.count--

<x-timer start="0"/>
<x-counter count="0"/>

But it raises few main r&d questions:

I kind-of explored options, but still quite risky to implement, since there was w3c standard research

trusktr commented 4 months ago

Hey @dy, do you want to present your PoC at the upcoming "demo day" where we'll present various PoCs? If so, leave a comment here with your PoC: