trusktr / element-modules

Proof of concept of declarative custom elements that are importable from `.html` files, no build step or tooling needed. Goal: to ideate and discuss how this might look as a native feature in browsers.
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Element Modules

A concept that illustrates the ability to write custom elements delaratively in separate HTML files that can be imported as "element modules".

This demo shows the rough behavior as expected by an end developer, and the implementation is not realistic and has quirks and edge cases that a native implementation will not have (see comments). It is only a concept to show the rough idea.

To run, just clone, and statically serve the files (f.e. npx five-server . with Node.js installed).

Live Example

Demo on CodePen

Basic Usage

An element module file (.html) defines and exports an element:

<element name="cool-el" export>

  <span>Value from module scope: ${foo}</span>
  <span>Value from global scope: ${document.body.tagName}</span>
  <span>Value from class field: ${this.publicValue}</span>
  <span>Value from class private field: ${this.#privateValue}</span>
  <span>Value from attribute: ${this.attributes['some-attribute'].value}</span>


    div {
      border: 5px solid pink;

  <!-- Script tag is totally optional, only if you need logic. -->
    import {foo} from 'somewhere'

    export default class extends HTMLElement {
      publicValue = 123
      #privateValue = 456

      connectedCallback() {
        console.log('cool-el connected')

Consumer in another element module file (or top level document HTML) imports the element and uses it:


<script type="module">
  import './cool-el.html' with { type: 'elements', define: true } // not sure if import attributes for auto defining is a good idea or not. What happens if multiple import statements to the same file auto define and don't auto define?
<!-- or -->
<script type="elements" src="" define></script>
<!-- or something -->