trustedlogin / trustedlogin-connector

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TrustedLogin Vendor

WordPress Tests Backwards Compatiblity JavaScript Tests

Installation And Dev (new)


JS and CSS:


(old) Installation

This local dev with Docker was built to work with ngrok, which is not what we're doing now.

Do not install in a directory that includes a space in the path, for example, one under "Local Sites". That will cause issues with wp.js.

IMPORTANT: You must use PHP 7.4 and composer 2.2+ when running composer. The wp.js script runs composer in Docker with the right versions.


It is important that you use the wp.js script to setup the local dev site, which is served via ngork. The e2e tests assume that site is running and was setup using this script. This script should work with Node 14 or later. Josh developed it using Node 16.

Note: if that doesn't work, make sure Docker is running and then run the following instead:

yarn build && npx --yes plugin-machine plugin build --token=notempty && npx --yes plugin-machine plugin zip --token=notempty

The wp.js script uses docker compose.

Working With JavaScript

There is a React app, for the admin page. It is located in /src. We create two different builds from this app:

  1. WordPress-safe JavaScript
    1. Built with `@wordpress/scripts.
    2. We use this for the admin page.
  2. "App Build"
    1. Built with react-scripts.
    2. We use this for the access key login link in webhooks/helpdesks.
    3. This build includes React and ReactDom and is not safe for use in normal WordPress screens.




Tailwind CSS

The file admin/tailwind.css is used, with Tailwind CSS to write CSS for the admin screens. We are using Tailwind 3, with just in time compliation.

When Tailwind does its purge, it is configured to look for classes in PHP or JavaScript files in the admin directory only.

Working With PHP


PHP classes should be located in the "php" directory and follow the PSR-4 standard.

The root namespace is TrustedLoginVendor.


$container = trustedlogin_connector();


Interactions with TrustedLogin are in the TrustedLoginService. You can get this service, using the container, which it needs, like this:

$service = new TrustedLoginService(


Before doing this, you must create a ".env" file in the root of this plugin. You need to set the correct value for TL_VENDOR_ENCRYTPTION_KEY. Its value is saved in Zack and Josh's password managers. It is set as a Github actions environment variable. This is not needed in production.

The integration tests mock the SASS API. The mock data was generated using encryption keys for Zack's "Test" team. This is different from the "ngrok" team used for e2e tests.

The integration tests rely on the environment variable TL_VENDOR_ENCRYTPTION_KEY:

     *        private_key: (string) The private key used for encrypt/decrypt.
     *        public_key: (string) The public key used for encrypt/decrypt.
     *        sign_public_key: (string) The public key used for signing/verifying.
     *        sign_private_key: (string) The private key used for signing/verifying.


PHPCS is installed for linting and automatic code fixing. You can also run these commands in Docker, using wp.js.

Local Development Environment

A docker-compose-based local development environment is provided.

Starting & WPCLI


There is a special phpunit container for running WordPress tests, with WordPress and MySQL configured.

If you see prompt Do you trust "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer" to execute code and wish to enable it now? (writes "allow-plugins" to composer.json) [y,n,d,?] y you should answer "y". This is fine.


The WordPress site will also be on the internets at This requires setting the variable NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN in the .env file.

Find the auth token in the ngrok dashboard, while logged in to the TrustedLogin account. Ask Zack for access if needed.

The ngrok container has a UI for inspecting ngrok requests. It can be accessed at http://localhost:4551/.

End-To-End Testing

We use cypress for end to end testing (e2e) the vendor plugin, and the e2e client. These tests use the production eCommerce app and Vault. These tests use an "ngrok" team. Zack can add and remove people from that team.

The e2e client plugin is installed at The e2e tests in that plugin will use that site to grant access to the "ngrok" team. We can get the accessKey from that HTTP request's response. The ngrok endpoint will be serving a WordPress site using whatever version of this plugin is being tested, served at the ngrok endpoint.

Then the tests will log into the vendor site and attempt to use the plugin's setting screen to login to the client site, using the access key.

e2e Test Environment Variables

Updating and Troubleshooting Tests

When working on this project, you may occasionally encounter failing tests or need to add new tests for new features. Here are some steps to guide you through this process.

When a Test Fails

  1. Run the test: The easiest way to work on test and ensuring you code is building is to run yarn test --watch.
  2. Understand the test: Look at the test that is failing and understand what it is testing and what the expected behavior is.

    1. You are going to see an error like this:

      ["Warning: You provided a `value` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultValue`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.%s", "
      1 | import React from "react";
      2 |
      > 3 | export const SelectFieldArea = ({ id, label, children, htmlFor }) => (
      |                                   ^
      4 |   <div className="">
      5 |     <label
      6 |       htmlFor={htmlFor ? htmlFor : id}
      at SelectFieldArea (src/components/teams/fields.js:3:35)
      at SelectField (src/components/teams/fields.js:39:31)
      at HelpDeskSelect (src/components/teams/EditTeam.js:14:34)
      at ViewProvider (src/hooks/useView.js:12:3)
      at SettingsProvider (src/hooks/useSettings.js:267:3)
      at TestProvider (src/components/TestProvider.js:33:3)
        at Provider"]
    2. This tells you whats wrong and includes the stack trace where it is happening.
  3. Investigate the failure: Look at the error message and any stack traces that are provided. This information is usually quite helpful in pinpointing the issue.
  4. Fix the code: Update the code to fix the test. This could mean fixing a bug in the implementation or updating the implementation to match a new feature requirement.
  5. Run the test again: If running in watch mode the test will run automatically, otherwise after fixing the code, run the test again to verify that it now passes.

Adding New Tests

  1. Understand the requirement: Before writing the test, you should fully understand the feature you are testing and what the expected behavior is. The previous example is a test for handling the default value.
  2. Write the test: Using the Jest framework, write a test that checks whether the feature behaves as expected.

    1. The following example is a new test to verify how the application would work when the value has changed.

      import { render, fireEvent } from "@testing-library/react";
      it("Updates on change", () => {
      const handleChange = jest.fn();
      const { getByLabelText } = render(
        <HelpDeskSelect value={"helpscout"} options={options} onChange={handleChange} />,
          wrapper: Provider,
      const select = getByLabelText(teamFields.helpdesk.label);
      fireEvent.change(select, { target: { value: 'new value' } });
      expect(handleChange).toBeCalledWith('new value');
    2. This test renders the component with a default value and then simulates a change event. It then verifies that the onChange handler was called with the new value.
  3. Run the test: Run the test to ensure it passes and the feature is working as expected.

Updating Snapshot Tests

Sometimes, a test might fail because of changes in the component structure or design, even though the component's functionality hasn't changed. If you verify that the changes are expected and not the result of a bug, you'll need to update the snapshot that Jest uses to compare in future test runs.

Here's how you update Jest snapshots:

  1. Run the following command in your terminal: yarn test -- -u.
  2. Jest will automatically update the snapshots and re-run the tests.
  3. Check the snapshot changes in your Git diff to ensure that all changes are as expected and intentional.
  4. If everything looks good, commit the updated snapshot files.

Remember, updating snapshots should be done cautiously. Ensure that you've fully reviewed and understand any snapshot changes before committing them.

Never update a snapshot if you see an unexpected change, as this might be an indication of a regression or bug in your code.