trustedlogin / trustedlogin-vendor

Plugin to interact with TrustedLogin's encrypted storage infrastructure to redirect support staff into an authenticated session on client installations.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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TrustedLogin Vendor Plugin

Plugin to interact with TrustedLogin's encrypted storage infrastructure to redirect support staff into an authenticated session on client installations.

To compile

The repo lacks the /vendor/ directory; you'll need to build first. Here's how:

  1. Change directories to the plugin directory (cd /path/to/directory)
  2. Run composer install --no-dev

Code Standards Installation

  1. Change directories to the plugin directory (cd /path/to/directory)
  2. Run composer install - this will also install the code standards directory
  3. Run ./vendor/bin/phpcs

Local Development Environment

A docker-compose-based local development environment is provided.

In the local development container, the constant DOING_TL_VENDOR_TESTS is set to true, as is WP_DEBUG.

Running PHPUnit In Docker

There is a special phpunit container for running WordPress tests, with WordPress and MySQL configured.

Server To Server HTTP Requests

If the ecommerce app is also running in docker-compose, this WordPress and the "web" service of app should be in "tl-dev" network. This allows you to make an HTTP request to the eCommerce app like this:

$r = wp_remote_get('http://web:80',['sslverify' => false]);

If this doesn't work, make sure a "tl-dev" network exists:

docker network ls

If it does not, create one:

docker network create tl-dev