trydis / FIFA-Ultimate-Team-Toolkit

FIFA Ultimate Team Toolkit
MIT License
233 stars 110 forks source link

What's not working? #1

Closed trydis closed 9 years ago

trydis commented 10 years ago

Please report it here, only made the changes needed to make the login work + the URL's.

myCollections commented 10 years ago

Hello trydis,

In PlayerSearchParameters on buildUristring i comment this :

        //if (ResourceId > 0)
        //    uriString += "&maskedDefId=" + ResourceId.CalculateBaseId(); // previously was "&definitionId="
myCollections commented 10 years ago


Could you please add : TeamOfTheSeason = 11 in RareType please ?


mister-mister commented 10 years ago

hello trydis,

i got this error:

An unhandled exception of type 'Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

Additional information: Could not find member 'pile' on object of type 'ItemData'. Path 'auctionInfo[0].itemData.pile', line 1, position 297.

I used this code:

        var client = new FutClient();
        var loginDetails = new LoginDetails("myemail", "mypass", "mysecurity", Platform.Ps3);
        var loginResponse = await client.LoginAsync(loginDetails);

            var searchParameters = new DevelopmentSearchParameters
                Page = 1,
                Level = Level.Gold,
                DevelopmentType = DevelopmentType.Contract,

            var searchResponse = await client.SearchAsync(searchParameters);
            foreach (var auctionInfo in searchResponse.AuctionInfo)
                // Handle auction data
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}-{2}", auctionInfo.SellerName, auctionInfo.CurrentBid, auctionInfo.BuyNowPrice);

Also happens with PlayerSearchParameters and TrainingSearchParameters

I think it's a int property missing on the ItemData model: image

artielange commented 10 years ago

Hi trydis,

Everything seems to be working well (issues mentioned above)

Getting trade status does not, returns Bad Request. Will check later to see what I can gather

artielange commented 10 years ago

Thank you for updating toolkit btw

artielange commented 10 years ago

Aight, looks like: public const string TradeStatus = "trade?tradeIds={0}";

Should now be: public const string TradeStatus = "trade/status?tradeIds={0}";

trydis commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, will update it tonight. Pull requests are most welcome!

trydis commented 10 years ago

Fixed most of them, will look at the others tomorrow:

artielange commented 10 years ago

Thank you

mister-mister commented 10 years ago

getting credit balance works just fine here

artielange commented 10 years ago


artielange commented 10 years ago

Interesting, the trade status request returned by EA has an empty itemData... Defeats the purpose of having a trade status

trydis commented 10 years ago

@myCollections why do you comment out:

 //if (ResourceId > 0)
 //    uriString += "&maskedDefId=" + ResourceId.CalculateBaseId(); // previously was "&definitionId="

Just checked an actual request in the web app and it seems to be correct?

trydis commented 10 years ago

@envy789 I'll add an method overload, so people can choose between passing AuctionInfo and ResourceId.

pradella commented 10 years ago

In AuctionResponse, the properties "Code" and "String" are missing.

trydis commented 10 years ago

@pradella Those properties aren't there in a regular response, only when the server returns an error. It should then map it to a FutErrorException subclass which will be thrown. If it can't map it to a known exception type it will throw a FutException and pass along info about the unknown error, which you can post here in the issues section.

pradella commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the explanation, @trydis. Actually, I was using the property "Code = 461" to find out if PlaceBidAsync failed (when someone else was faster than me placing a bid). I'll try to use the exceptions.

myCollections commented 10 years ago

@trydis sorry, my mistake :)

trydis commented 10 years ago

@pradella Here are the exceptions that are mapped.

@myCollections No problem :smile:

stefanoIT commented 10 years ago

@trydis I've done a quite deep testing on PC server using the current checkout. I haven't found issues so far and everything seems working as intended. cheers for the great job

trydis commented 10 years ago

Great, thanks for the feedback @stefanoIT.

artielange commented 10 years ago

I wonder if there is anything we can do to fix accounts that are "banned" because of going over RPS limits... seems as though the WebApp works fine with these flagged accounts. I'm going to try to compare the WebApp traffic to the Toolkit traffic this afternoon.

markgoe commented 10 years ago

I don't now whats the problem. I've used the fifa14 toolkit on my VS2012 config and now I can't rebuild the 2015 toolkit. I get many reference issues. Newtonsoft.json is not available, System.Net can't find. What I need to update?

PS: Thx for your 2015 toolkit :)

trydis commented 10 years ago

@markgoe Make sure NuGet is updated to 2.7 or later, link for the VS 2012 version here.

Since 2.7 automatic package restore is enabled by default, so it should restore missing packages when building the solution.

I'm using VS 2013, but i opened it with VS 2012 and it worked fine.


artielange commented 10 years ago

Or take your functioning solution, replace all the class files with the new class files from the 2015 kit, click rebuild and start requesting

stefanoIT commented 10 years ago

@markgoe check your references on your main project. There might be a conflict between two different versions of Newtonsoft.json

if it's referenced from both a main winform project and the toolkit, the two project might link to different versions of Json. Hence the possible conflict.

Can you paste your VS compiler errors maybe?

markgoe commented 10 years ago

Thx for your help, but it doesn't work. The following error message is displayed when I try to build the toolkit: Warnung 175 Der primäre Verweis "Newtonsoft.Json" konnte nicht aufgelöst werden, da er anhand des ".NETPortable,Version=v4.5,Profile=Profile259"-Frameworks erstellt wurde. Dabei handelt es sich um eine höhere Version als das aktuelle Zielframework ".NETPortable,Version=v4.0,Profile=Profile154". UltimateTeam.Toolkit

NuGet Version is 2.8 and .Net Version is 4.5.2

trydis commented 10 years ago

From the package manager console, try the following command:

Update-Package –reinstall Newtonsoft.Json

It should then pick the version matching your profile.

markgoe commented 10 years ago

Ok, I've tryed it but apparently there is a problem with the portable package config:

PM> Update-Package –reinstall Newtonsoft.Json "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wird aus UltimateTeam.Toolkit entfernt. "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wurde erfolgreich aus "UltimateTeam.Toolkit" entfernt. "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wird deinstalliert. "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wurde erfolgreich deinstalliert. "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wird installiert. "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wurde erfolgreich installiert. "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wird "UltimateTeam.Toolkit" hinzugefügt. "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wird deinstalliert. "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wurde erfolgreich deinstalliert. Installationsfehler. Rollback wird ausgeführt... Update-Package : Das Paket "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" konnte nicht installiert werden. Sie versuchen, dieses Paket in ein Projekt zu installieren, das sich auf "portable-win+net45+sl40+wp80" bezieht, das Paket enthält jedoch keine Assemblyverweise oder Inhaltsdateien, die mit diesem Framework kompatibel sind. Wenden Sie sich an den Paketersteller, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1

trydis commented 10 years ago

Have you changed the target frameworks in the project or something? I see Portable class library Profile259 and Profile154 in the error messages but the project is Profile111.

markgoe commented 10 years ago

No, I didn't change anything. Extract the toolkit, open the project at VS2012 try to build it. It doesn't work. Then i try to install nuget "Install-Package UltimateTeam.2015.Toolkit " at the package manager console -> it doesn't work:

Install-Package UltimateTeam.2015.Toolkit Versuch, die Abhängigkeit "Newtonsoft.Json (≥ 6.0.5)" aufzulösen. "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wird installiert. "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wurde erfolgreich installiert. "UltimateTeam.2015.Toolkit" wird installiert. "UltimateTeam.2015.Toolkit" wurde erfolgreich installiert. "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wird "UltimateTeam.Toolkit" hinzugefügt. "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wird deinstalliert. "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" wurde erfolgreich deinstalliert. Installationsfehler. Rollback wird ausgeführt... Install-Package : Das Paket "Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.5" konnte nicht installiert werden. Sie versuchen, dieses Paket in ein Projekt zu installieren, das sich auf "portable-Profile111" bezieht, das Paket enthält jedoch keine Assemblyverweise oder Inhaltsdateien, die mit diesem Framework kompatibel sind. Wenden Sie sich an den Paketersteller, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1 - Install-Package UltimateTeam.2015.Toolkit - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException - FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand PM> > I try to update json -> it doesn't work: Update-Package –reinstall Newtonsoft.Json Update-Package : Das Paket "Newtonsoft.Json" kann nicht gefunden werden. In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1 - Update-Package –reinstall Newtonsoft.Json - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Update-Package], InvalidOperationException - FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.UpdatePackageCommand >
markgoe commented 10 years ago

Additional Info, when I open the project an message occurs which says: This project is build with .Net framework 4.5.1, on my machine is 4.5.2 installed but I can only select run with 4.5 or download 4.5.1. Perhaps this is the problem!?

trydis commented 10 years ago

Hmm, in C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETPortable\v4.5\Profile, do you have a folder named Profile111? Maybe there are some issues I'm not experiencing, since i've got VS 2013 installed...

markgoe commented 10 years ago

No there is no Profile111, Profile7, Profile49 and Profile78 are available.

v4ssilij commented 10 years ago

I'm using vs2012 and i hace the same error that markgoe... I'm not solved it yet...

trydis commented 10 years ago

Does it help if you install Microsoft .NET Portable Library Reference Assemblies 4.6? That should include the same stuff that's used in VS 2013.

markgoe commented 10 years ago

I will try this and will give feedback

markgoe commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately it is still not working.

caosdp commented 10 years ago

Same problem, don't work after install .Net Portable.... Don't exists folder profile11

trydis commented 10 years ago

Looking at this it looks like you're out of luck unless you have Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 or later?

But you should be able to retarget the project so you'll be able to build it on VS 2012:

Or as @artielange mentioned, you can grab the classes manually and put them in your project.

v4ssilij commented 10 years ago

I solved this problem adding references to UltimateTeam.Toolkit manually from UltimateTeam.Toolkit.Test

trydis commented 10 years ago

Great :+1:

markgoe commented 10 years ago

@v4ssilij can you explain this please?

markgoe commented 10 years ago

Yes, now it's working. Adding the references manually!

markgoe commented 10 years ago

if (ResourceId > 0) uriString += "&maskedDefId=" + ResourceId.CalculateBaseId(); // previously was "&definitionId="

Can it be that that no longer works?

trydis commented 10 years ago

@markgoe like i mentioned here i checked an actual request in the web app and the query string parameter name was still the same. For the player i used when testing, the base id was correct as well.

BenAUK commented 10 years ago

Is anybody else getting the occasional '500 internal server error' when logging in. sometimes i do, sometimes i dont.

v4ssilij commented 10 years ago

From today, i always receive an exception "Code: PermissionDenied, String: Permission Denied" in this code:

var auctionResponse = await client.PlaceBidAsync(auctionInfo);


agevak commented 10 years ago

Not sure if that's the case or not, but may be the cause is that you don't get info of the auction which you bid. I had such issue in FUT 14. I.e., you must either search for this auction or get it's status (in the same session, like usual person, not a bot), before bidding it.

v4ssilij commented 10 years ago

I think this happend when somebody bid for one player some seconds before me... but i'm not sure.