tsailabSJ / changeseq

CHANGE-seq analysis pipeline
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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CHANGE-seq: Circularization for High-throughput Analysis Nuclease Genome-wide Effects by Sequencing

This is a repository for CHANGE-seq analytical software, which takes sample-specific paired-end FASTQ files as input and produces a list of CHANGE-seq detected off-target cleavage sites as output.


This package implements a pipeline that takes in reads from the CHANGE-seq assay and returns detected cleavage sites as output. The individual pipeline steps are:

  1. Merge: Merge read1 an read2 for easier mapping to genome.
  2. Read Alignment: Merged paired end reads from the assay are aligned to the reference genome using the BWA-MEM algorithm with default parameters (Li. H, 2009).
  3. Cleavage Site Identification: Mapped sites are analyzed to determine which represent high-quality cleavage sites.
  4. Visualization of Results: Identified on-target and off-target cleavage sites are rendered as a color-coded alignment map for easy analysis of results.


The most easiest way to install change-seq pipeline is via conda.

conda create -n changeseq -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c anaconda -c omnia -c tsailabSJ changeseq

source activate changeseq

changeseq.py -h

## BWA 0.7.17 and samtools 1.9 are automatically installed

## If Homer is available, the identified off-targets will be annotated using "annotatePeaks.pl", specify the genome version in the YAML file.

Alternatively, you can git clone this repository and install

git clone https://github.com/tsailabSJ/changeseq

cd changeseq

pip install -r requirements.txt

python setup.py install

changeseq.py -h

## Please install BWA and samtools if you choose this option

Download Reference Genome

The CHANGEseq package requires a reference genome for read mapping. You can use any genome of your choosing, but for all of our testing and original CHANGE-seq analyses we use hg19 (download). Be sure to (g)unzip the FASTA file before use if it is compressed.


The change-seq pipeline requires a manifest yaml file specifying input files, output directory, and pipeline parameters. Once the yaml file is created, users can simply run change_seq.py all --manifest /path/to/manifest.yaml

Below is an example manifest.yaml file::

reference_genome: /data/joung/genomes/Homo_sapiens_assembly19.fasta
analysis_folder: /data/joung/CHANGE-Seq/test2

bwa: bwa
samtools: samtools

read_threshold: 4
window_size: 3
mapq_threshold: 50
start_threshold: 1
gap_threshold: 3
mismatch_threshold: 6
search_radius: 30
merged_analysis: True

        read1: /data/joung/sequencing_fastq/150902_M01326_0235_000000000-AHLT8/fastq/1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        read2: /data/joung/sequencing_fastq/150902_M01326_0235_000000000-AHLT8/fastq/1_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
        controlread1: /data/joung/sequencing_fastq/150902_M01326_0235_000000000-AHLT8/fastq/4_S4_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        controlread2: /data/joung/sequencing_fastq/150902_M01326_0235_000000000-AHLT8/fastq/4_S4_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
        description: U2OS_exp1
        read1: /data/joung/sequencing_fastq/150902_M01326_0235_000000000-AHLT8/fastq/2_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        read2: /data/joung/sequencing_fastq/150902_M01326_0235_000000000-AHLT8/fastq/2_S2_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
        controlread1: /data/joung/sequencing_fastq/150902_M01326_0235_000000000-AHLT8/fastq/4_S4_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
        controlread2: /data/joung/sequencing_fastq/150902_M01326_0235_000000000-AHLT8/fastq/4_S4_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
        description: U2OS_exp1


git clone https://github.com/tsailabSJ/changeseq

cd changeseq/test

changeseq.py all --manifest CIRCLEseq_MergedTest.yaml

Example Output


Writing A Manifest File

When running the end-to-end analysis functionality of the CHANGEseq package a number of inputs are required. To simplify the formatting of these inputs and to encourage reproducibility, these parameters are inputted into the pipeline via a manifest formatted as a YAML file. YAML files allow easy-to-read specification of key-value pairs. This allows us to easily specify our parameters. The following fields are required in the manifest:

Pipeline Output

When running the full pipeline, the results of each step are outputted to the output_folder in a separate folder for each step. The output folders and their respective contents are as follows:


Homer installation

conda install -c bioconda homer

# To install genome annotation
# Ref: http://homer.ucsd.edu/homer/introduction/configure.html

## Suppose you want to install hg19, follow the command here:

annotatePeaks.pl xxx hg19

## You should be able to see:

!!!!Genome hg19 not found in /rgs01/project_space/tsaigrp/Genomics/common/anaconda3/envs/changeseq/share/homer-4.11-2/.//config.txt

    To check if is available, run "perl /rgs01/project_space/tsaigrp/Genomics/common/anaconda3/envs/changeseq/share/homer-4.11-2/.//configureHomer.pl -list"
    If so, add it by typing "perl /rgs01/project_space/tsaigrp/Genomics/common/anaconda3/envs/changeseq/share/homer-4.11-2/.//configureHomer.pl -install hg19"

## Copy and paste the perl command to install genome annotation