please note: this roadmap is primarily focused on version ALPHA (minimum viable product) and isn't necessarily representational of the end goals for the orbt project and architecture.
version ALPHA
[x] graphql server implementation
[x] room model
[x] user model
[x] basic room queries and mutations
[x] basic user queries and mutations
[x] authentication and authorization
[x] room auth
[x] user auth
[x] user store for in-memory storage
[x] room store for in-memory storage
[x] in-memory broker-based gql subscriptions for rooms
[x] subscriptions for room chat, room remote, room members
[x] mutations and queries for user colors in rooms
[x] improved validation for room queries and mutations
[x] correlate subscriptions to a room+user
[x] handle connection dropping/closing in gql subscription(s) to handle when a user leaves/disconnects (fn drop())
[ ] connect vm to room model
[ ] provide interface for vm to interact with api
[ ] provide interface to connect remote holder w/ direct vm ws connection
[ ] room user cursor subscription and/or websocket/mutation for real-time user cursors (non-remote)
[ ] resolve #10
[ ] room page
[ ] room chat box
[ ] join room page
[ ] graphql client
[ ] user authentication
[ ] user queries and mutations
[ ] room queries and mutations
[ ] room chat subscription
[ ] room send chat mutation
[ ] user set name
[ ] user set color
[x] wizard setup for orbt application
[x] start web app
[x] start api app
[ ] initialize room via api
[ ] provide url w/ token for the owner of the room to join
ROADMAP for orbt
please note: this roadmap is primarily focused on version ALPHA (minimum viable product) and isn't necessarily representational of the end goals for the orbt project and architecture.
version ALPHA
fn drop()