tsanga / orbt

📺 Share a browser with your friends.
MIT License
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graphql react webrtc

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> ⚠️ **orbt** is still being built and is in very early stages -- **nothing really works yet**. **orbt** is a collection of programs that work together to allow you to control a _virtual machine_1 through your browser, enabling you to browse the internet and consume media with friends. It's kind of like Prime Video's Watch Party or DisneyPlus' GroupWatch, but you can visit **any** website. **orbt** is composed of four programs/services: - [orbt/api](../api): - graphql api written in rust - handles user data2, sessions, etc - handles server->client state updates via ws (gql subscriptions), i.e: chat, etc - [orbt/web](../web): - web frontend, typescript, built in next.js 13 (appDir beta3, React 18 ✅) - [Check out the Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/nUauBElRMVAg2BTo88rS3v/orbt.tv-design?node-id=183%3A1387&t=TAx1P52458OxiLqN-1) - [orbt/cli](../cli): - "gateway" to running api, web and vm together - interactive instance creation process, setting room name, password, etc - packages web and api into a single executable - ~~[orbt/vm](../vm)~~: - boots up virtual display, browser, audio supporting software - captures virtual display via ffmpeg to relay over WebRTC - process kbm actions over WS connection from remote user in control 1 _it's not actually a virtual machine, but a light-weight container running xvfb, chromium, ffmpeg, [orbt/vm](../vm) and some other utils_ 2 _user data is short lived, tied to a single temporary orbt instance, nothing persists. this may change in the future, but the goal of the project right now is for it to be something that is self-hosted, spun up on demand, not requiring users to register or login, etc_ 3 we're testing out next.js' [appDir beta](https://beta.nextjs.org/docs/getting-started), so a lot of the std FE ecosystem tools aren't compatible yet or require patching, we may find ourselves blocked by something upstream.